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1、冀教七年级英语上册第五单元复习第五单元复习 一单词 1.名词 1)人物类: 成员_ .儿子_. 警察_-_-复数复数对应词 女儿-_;女警察-_ 2)物品类: 卧室_. 收音机_. 字典_. 框子,篮子_ 试卷,纸_. 玫瑰_. 礼物_ 3)其他:周末_.正面_. 野餐_. 诗,诗歌_ 2.动词: 驾驶_. 携带,搬运_. 放置,落下_ 3.形容词副词: 一起_. 努力,艰难_. 安静的,平静的_. 软的,柔软的_ 4.介词: 在 之上_. 在里面_词反义在 外面_. 二短语. 1. 一位公交车司机_. 2.走到某地 _ 3. 在周末_. 4.家谱_. 5. 和讲话_=_. 6. 努力工作_.

2、 7. 玩得高兴. _=_=_ 8. 和亲近_. 9. 在前面_. 10. 从数到_. 11.在门后面_ 12. _=_野餐. 13. 一篮子食物_. 14许多饮料_ 15当心,小心_. 17.安静_ . 18.做三明治_. 19.举行生日派对 _. 20.做一个生日卡片_. 21. 在正前面_. 22. 写一首诗_. 23.画画_. 24.一份生日礼物_. 25.过一个愉快的生日派对_. 26.在爷爷奶奶的家 ; 27.和 玩 . 28.举行一个聚会 . 29.摆放餐具 . 三句型.(详见每一课的sentences) 四 .语法. 现在进行时态 I. 单项选择. ( ) 1. Who are

3、 they? They are _ Brown family. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. Listen! Helen is _ on the phone with her friend. A. dancing B. talking C. ordering D. painting ( ) 3. Mike has five family _his grandfather, his parents, his sister and himself (他本人). A. photos B. trees C. picnics D. members ( ) 4. Heres

4、a present _ you. Its_ your English teacher. A. For;from B. from;from C. on;for D. with;for ( ) 5. Look at the _. It is full of vegetables. A. cup B. glass C. bottle D. basket ( ) 6. Joy has no pens _ pencils. A. for B. of C. or D. so ( ) 7. The bag is full. Whats _ it? There are lots of fruit. A. un

5、der B. beside C. inside D. behind ( ) 8. Look! The sky _ blue and the roses _ red. A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is D. are; are ( ) 9. Is it _ dog? No, it isnt. Maybe it is _. A. your; Kates B. Kates; your C. his; Kate D. Kate; her ( )10. My brother is doing his homework. He is _. A. funny B. quiet C

6、. sick D. mean ( )11. Robin _ at school and he is a good student. A. watches TV B. plays football C. sees red D. works hard ( )12. _ He is tall and strong. A. What does your father look like? B. How is your father? C. How tall is your father? D. Is your father tall or short? ( ) 13.Is your sister ta

7、ll or short? _. A. No, she isnt B. Yes, she is C. Yes, she is short D. She is tall ( ) 14.My mother _ in a shop. She _ now. A. works, working B. work, is working C. works, is working D. work, work ( ) 15. The Zhang family_ all teachers. A. are B. is C. am D. / ( )16. _ the picture. You can _ some bo

8、ys are _TV. A. Look; see; watch B. Look at; see; watching C. See; look; watching D. See; look at; watch II. 词语运用(10分) A. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The tall man is _ (read) a book over there. 2. What is your brother doing? He is _ (set) the table in the living room. 3. My uncle is a _ (drive). He has a nice c

9、ar. 4. There are two _ (dictionary) on the desk. 5. We have _ (lot) of food. We dont need to go to the market. B.根据所给汉语,完成下列句子,每空一词。 6. 当心!小汽车来了。 _ _! The car is coming. 7. 于老师非常和蔼,学生们都与她很亲近。 Miss Yu is very kind. Students are all _ _ her. 8. 在他的房子前面有一棵古老的树。 An old tree stands _ _ _ his house. 9. 孩子

10、们正在操场上踢足球。 The children _ _ _ on the playground. 10. 你准备好和我们一起走着去上学了吗? Are you ready to _ _ _ with us? III. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1.Tom is playing with the dog. (改为否定句) . Tom with the dog. 2.Its time to go to sleep.(同义句) . Its time_ _. 3.My father is a police officer. (对画线部分提问). is father? 4.She does her

11、homework at home. (改为现在进行时). She her homework at home. 5. My shoes are under the bed. (对划线部分提问). _ _ your shoes? 6. Lydia is twelve years old. (对划线部分提问). _ _ is Lydia? 7. Kevin has brothers and sisters. (改为否定句 )Kevin has _ brothers _ sisters. 8. Tony is sitting behind John. (改为同义句). John is sitting _ _ _ Tony. VII. 书面表达 假如你是Linda, 今天是你的13岁生日。请根据下列提示以My Birthday为题写一篇英语短文,介绍一下这次生日聚会。要求:书写工整,语言连贯,适当使用现在进行时。50词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:人物:父母、朋友、我 活动:妈妈在做生日蛋糕,大家又唱又跳 收获:我收到很多礼物,大家都玩得高兴。 My Birthday Hello, my name is Linda. _


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