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1、年级下册期中英语复习八年级下册期中英语复习 Unit1 Whats the matter? 一、重点短语 drink enough water 喝足够的水 have a cold 受凉;感冒 have a sore back 背疼 go to a doctor 看医生 see a dentist 看牙医 take one s temperature 量体温 sound like 听起来像 in the same way 以同样的方式 go along 沿着走 without thinking twice 没有多想 get off 下车 to one s surprise 使. 惊讶的 than

2、ks to 多亏了 ;由于 in time 及时 get into trouble (with sb.) 造成麻烦 二、重点句型 1. What s the matter with you? 你怎么了? = Whats the trouble with you? = What s wrong with you? 2. Should I take my temperature? 我应该量一下体温吗? 主语+ should/shouldnt + 动词原形. . 3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? 你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢? 三

3、、书面表达 根据表格内容,写一篇英语短文,80词左右. Name Problems Should go to bed early put a bandage on it put her head back get an Xray brush her teeth every day Shouldnt go to the party tonight play soccer jump up and down walk to the hospital eat candy before sleep Alice tired Alan c ut his knee Gina Tony Julie have a

4、 nosebleed hurt his leg playing basketball have a toothache because of 由于 hurt oneself 受伤 fall down 摔倒 have a nosebleed 流鼻血 put her head back 把她的头向后仰 have problems breathing 呼吸困难 be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 run out (of) 用完;用尽 so that 以便 be in control of 掌管;管理 keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事 make a decis

5、ion 做出决定 take risks 冒险 give up 放弃 right away 立刻;马上 Alice and Alan, Gina, Tony, and Julie are friends. But they have different problems. Alice is tired. She should go to bed early, and she shouldnt go to the party tonight. And Alan may cut his knee, so he should put a bandage on it, and he shouldnt p

6、lay soccer. Gina has a nosebleed, she should put her head back, and she shouldnt jump up and down. Tony hurt his leg playing basketball so he should go to the hospital and get an X-ray, but he shouldnt walk to the hospital. Julie has a toothache so that she should brush her teeth every day ,and she

7、shouldnt eat candy before sleep. Unit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks. 一、重点短语 Clean-Up Day 清洁日 help out with sth. 帮助解决困难 care for 关心;照顾 at the age of 在.岁时 clean up 打扫(或清除)干净 cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振雀 give out 分发;散发 come up with 想出;提出 make a plan 制订计划 put up 建造;举起;张贴 hand out 分发;散发;发给 二、重点句型 1. The

8、 boy could give out food at the food bank. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。 2. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. 每周六上午,他都在一家动物医院当志愿者。 3. I want to put off my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。 4. Most people today are only worried about getting go

9、od jobs to make lots of money. 现在的大部分人只是为找一份能挣许多钱的好工作而着急。 5. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. 在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。 三、书面表达 你们学校将要与一所贫困地区的学校开展手拉手活动,学校团委提出了以下几种活动方案:1捐款学习用品2假期去做志愿者3邀请他们来学校参观并到家里做客4通过书信的方式交朋友 请从中选择你最喜欢的一种活动方式,并说明你将怎么去做? Helping others is great put off 推迟;延迟 for examp

10、le 比如;例如 raise money 筹钱;募捐 take after 与.相像;像 give away 赠送;捐赠 fix up 修理;修补;解决 be similar to 与相似 set up 建立;设立 make a difference 影响;有作用 be able to 能够 call up 打电话;召集 Recently, (最近)our school has carried out(提出)activities hand in hand with a school in the poor area. Our headmaster called on (呼吁)each of u

11、s to give the poor a hand,(助穷人一臂之力) all the teachers and students took part in the big activity, they did their best to offer their help to the poor. Different people used different ways. Some of them gave away their school things, and most of them joined in the school volunteer project to help the

12、students in the poor school. Whats more, some students even invited the poor students to their homes and showed them around their school, the rest students made friends with the poor by writing letters. Generally speaking,(总得来说) each of us has given help in our own way. We all hope that we can make

13、the poors lives(生活) better, we are happy because we helped them, And at the same time we also got great happiness.(幸福) Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 一、重点短语 go out for dinner 出去吃饭 go to the movies 去看电影 get a ride 搭车 work on 从事 finish doing sth. 完成做某事 do the dishes 洗餐具 take out the rubbish

14、倒垃圾 fold your/the clothes 叠衣服 sweep the floor 扫地 make your/the bed 整理床铺 take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步 all the time 一直;总是 do housework 做家务 walk away 走开 do one s part in (doing ) sth. 做某人分内的事 二、重点句型 1. Could you please clean your room? 你能整理一下你的房间吗? 2. I have to do some work. 我必须干些活。 3. Could I use your c

15、omputer? 我可以用一下你的电脑吗? 4. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 整整一周,她什么家务活都不干了,我也一样。 5. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the T V . 我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。 三、书面表达 get something to drink 拿点喝的东西 hang out 闲逛 pass sb. sth. 把某物传给某人 lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 do chores 做杂务 h

16、elp sb. (to ) do /with sth帮助某人干某事 invite sb. to a party邀请某人参加聚会 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 enough stress足够的压力 a waste of time浪费时间 in order to为了 mind doing sth. 介意做某事 depend on依赖;依靠 look after/take care of 照顾;照看 根据表格内容写一篇英语短文介绍你和你的朋友关于家务活的观点,80词左右。 Who Frank Luck Bob You We did a survey about doing chor

17、es in our class. Here are the results. Frank and Lucy like doing chores. Frank often sweeps the floor and takes the dog for a walk at home. And he thinks doing chores can develop childrens independence. It can also help us to understand the idea of fairness. Lucy usually folds the clothes for hersel

18、f and makes the bed. She thinks we can learn to look after ourselves by doing chores. But Bob doesnt like doing chores. Sometimes he helps her mother take out rubbish. So he thinks there is no need for us to do chores and we should spend time on our study. I agree with Frank and Lucy. And at home I

19、often do the dishes after meals and clean the living room. I think we should do more chores in our spare time. It can help us to understand our parents and it also gives us a good chance for proper communication with our parents. What for a walk fold the clothes, make the bed take out rubbish . Opin

20、ions about doing chores understand the idea of fairness learn to look after ourselves. there is no need to do chores spend time on schoolwork . sweep the floor, take the dog develop childrens independence Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 一、重点短语 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 get into a fight

21、with sb. 与某人吵架/打架 write sb. a letter给某人写信 call sb. up打电话给某人 look through翻看,浏览 be angry with sb. 生某人的气 a big deal重要的事 work out成功地发展;解决 hang over笼罩 二、重点句型 1. I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep. 我昨晚学习到半夜所以睡眠不足。 2. Why don t you forget about it? 你为什么不忘掉它呢? 3. Although she s

22、wrong, its not a big deal. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 so that以便 in future今后 worry about sth. 担心某事 copy one s homework抄袭某人的作业 compete with sb. 与某人竞争 cut out删除 get on with和睦相处;关系良好 虽然她错了,但这并不是什么大事儿。 4. He should talk to his friend so that he can say he is sorry. 他应该跟朋友谈谈以便他能说声对不起。 5. Maybe you could go t

23、o his house. 也许你可以去他家。 三、书面表达 目前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。写作要求: 包含提示所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,不必逐字逐句翻译,可以适当发挥拓展; 词数 80 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 I am a middle school student. Though Im busy with my lessons, my spare time is still colorful. After

24、school I usually play sports . Doing sports helps me to keep healthy and study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books give us much knowledge. So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. Sometimes I watch TV or surf the internet. On weekends, I often help my par

25、ents with the housework. I sweep the floor,wash the clothes and learn to cook. I enjoy myself in my spare time. Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 一、重点短语 make sure 确信;确认 beat against. 拍打 fall asleep 进人梦乡;睡着 die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 wake up 醒来 at the time of 当.时候 go off (闹钟)发出响声 pick up 接电

26、话 二、重点句型 1. What were you doing at eight last night? 昨晚8 点你在干什么? I was taking a shower. 我在洗淋浴。 2. When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 当开始下雨的时候,本正在帮他妈妈做晚饭。 3. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? 琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在干什么? While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with

27、 her homework. 琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在帮玛丽做作业。 for example 例如 over 50 5 0多(岁) in silence 沉默;无声 take down 拆除;摧毁 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 at first 首先;最初 walk by 走路经过 三、书面表达 昨晚八点钟突然停电了,先完成表格内容,然后根据表格内容描述你和你的家人在停电时的活动情况,可适当发挥,短文开头已给出,80词左右。 Father Mother Sister I watch a basketball game watch the news on his mob

28、ile phone later read a book about animals, call her good friends play the piano; stop to play with her pet dog When the light went out at eight oclock yesterday evening, my family were doing different things. My father was watching a basketball game on TV. And he was going to watch the news on his m

29、obile phone later. My mother was reading a book about animals on the sofa. And she was going to call her good friends. My sister was playing the piano in her room. But then she had to stop to play with her pet dog. What about me? Oh, at that time I was playing computer games. But I had to stop. What

30、 a pity! 押宝作文 书面表达 G20峰会将在XX年9月份在杭州举行,作为杭州的小主人们也应该用最饱满的精神面貌去迎接。请以“How to Behave(表现) Well”为题英语写一篇文章,说一说你能为这城市做什么。 提示: 1. 衣着整洁; 2. 保持环境卫生; 3. 待人有礼,乐于助人; 4. 遵守交通规则; 5. 要求:1. 文章必须包括所给提示中1-4 项内容,可展开思路,适当发挥; 2. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名和其他真实信息; 3. 词数:60词左右,并注意分段。 How to Behave Well 参考范文: In order to celebrate(庆祝)

31、G20, we students should try our best to behave well in the activities. Its a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy. Our city should be kept clean every day. Dont throw litter (乱扔垃圾)or spit about. Its good manners to say Thank you and Please and so on. We should never say dirty words. Be frie

32、ndly to others and always ready to help the people in need. For example, when we are on a bus, we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies. We should also obey traffic rules. When the traffic lights are red, we should stop. And wed better not talk or laugh loudly in public. If everyone behaves well, our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.


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