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1、德餐菜单最终Aus unserer Hausbckerei-From our own Bakery-德式现烤面包 1 Laugenbrezel mit Butter (1 Pcs) RMB 10 1 Bavarian Prezel with butter 巴伐利亚粗盐碱面包配黄油 Brot Korb RMB 29 Mit deutschem Brot und einer Laugenbrezel, dazu drei Sorten Brotaufstrich Mixed German bread, one pretzel and three spreads 德式什锦面包篮配3种酱 Brezel

2、baum (3 Pcs) RMB 29 Brezel mit Butter Prezel with Butter 巴伐利亚粗盐碱面包树配黄油 Vorspeisen Brotzeiten Appetizers light meal -餐前美食屋 Cheese bread with onions and paprika powder RMB 49 甜椒芝士面包配洋葱 Hausgemachte Slze mit Bratkartoffeln RMB 49 Home made jelly Pork meat with roasted potato and green salad 德式自制猪肉冻配炒土豆

3、 1 Bayerische Brotzeitplatte auf dem Holzbrett RMB 69 verschiedene Wurstsorten, gerucherter Schinken, Kse, dazu Essiggurken, Tomaten, Gurkenscheiben und Brotkorb Selection of cold cuts, Salami, cheese, gherkins, tomatoes and rye bread 精选什锦冷肉拼盘配粗粮麦包 Assorted cheese platter, Germany RMB 89 德国奶酪拼盘 Germ

4、an air-dried pork platter RMB 129 Black forest ham and salami, spicy beer sausage, pickles, olives, cocktail onions 德国风干火腿拼盘 Suppen Soups餐汤 Pilze Cremesuppe Cream of assorted mushrooms RMB 39 德式香浓奶油蘑菇汤 Kartoffelcremesuppe RMB 39 Creamy potato soup with sausages 巴伐利亚土豆汤配香肠 2 Hausgemachte Rindsuppe Ho

5、me made beef soup, with stripes of herb pancakes and fresh herbs RMB 49 德式辛辣牛肉汤 Rinderbrhe mit Leberklschen Beef-liver-dumpling soup 巴伐利亚牛肝丸子汤 RMB 49 Salate Salads美味沙拉屋 Gemischter Salat RMB 68 Grner Salat mit Tomaten, Gurken, Paprika, Mais, Kidney Bohnen und Karotten ( zur Wahl mit: Vinaigrette, Sen

6、f-Vinaigrette, oder Thousand Island Dressing) Mixed green Salad Lettuce with fresh avocado tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, corn, kidney beans and carrots,feeder cheese ( at choice with: honey mustard dressing, mustard-vinaigrette, or Thousand Island dressing) 什锦蔬菜沙拉配鲜油梨、番茄、黄瓜 红腰豆、甜椒、飞达奶酪(2人份) 自选酱汁:

7、蜂蜜芥末酱、芥末油醋汁、千岛汁 Bayerischer Kartoffelsalat Bavarian Potato salad RMB 39 巴伐利亚土豆沙拉 3 Caesar Salad with crispy croutons, parmesan cheese and pork sausages RMB 39 德式凯撒沙拉配猪肉肠 Gemischter Salat mit gebratener Hhnchenbrust, dazu Senf-Vinaigrette RMB 59 Mixed salad with roasted chicken breast、fresh avocado s

8、erved mustard-vinaigrette 芥末油醋汁沙拉配香煎鸡胸 German cold meats and cheese salad RMB 59 served with avocado,onions, sweet peppers 德式冷肉和奶酪沙拉 Bavarian specialties House巴伐利亚特色美食屋 Sptzle mit cremiger Pilzrahmsauce RMB 69 Spaetzle with cheese, grilled onion 巴伐利亚炒面疙瘩、奶酪、洋葱 Sptzle mit cremiger Pilzrahmsauce RMB 6

9、9 Spaetzle (Kassler) with Smoked Pork and creamy mushroom sauce 巴伐利亚炒面疙瘩配蘑菇、熏猪里脊 with 4 Bavarian Smoked Pork with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes RMB 89 巴伐利亚熏猪柳配酸菜和土豆泥 Wiener Schnitzel Traditional German fried pork schnitzel with cabbage salad and mushroom sauce RMB 119 传统煎猪排配德式面疙瘩、沙拉、蘑菇汁 Gebratenes

10、Schweinefleisch in Flensburger Dunkel Biersauce RMB 139 Roasted pork swine meat in Flensburger dark beer sauce, served with bread dumpling and cabbage salad 弗伦斯堡黑啤汁烤猪肩肉配卷心菜沙拉 Traditional German pork knuckle hot pot pork knuckle white sausage, sausage, smoked pork, sauerkraut for 2 person RMB 139 德国传

11、统猪肘和香肠火锅、肘子、白肠、香肠、熏猪肉、酸菜、2人份 Zwiebelrostbraten mit Dunkelbier-Sauce, dazu Kartoffelpree und gemischter Salat RMB 169 Roasted beef with dark beer sauce, mashed potato and red cabbage 佛伦斯堡黑啤烤牛肉配土豆泥、红椰菜 5 Groer gemischter Teller aus allen Arten von Wrsten Bavarian Big mixed plate from all kinds of saus

12、ages we have Served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and mustard for 2 person 巴伐利亚什锦烤香肠拼盘配酸椰菜、土豆泥、 12Piece of sausages 179 RMB Piece of sausages 89 RMB Hauptgerichte - Grill House 特色烧烤屋 Knusprige Schweinefleisch in Flensburger Knchel dunkles Bier Crispy pork knucklein dark beer sauce served with mas

13、hed potato and bread dumpling 德国烤脆皮猪肘配弗伦斯堡黑啤汁、土豆泥、面包丸 Whole Piece/全只169 RMB Half Piece /半只 99 RMB Schwabentopf“ 3 Schweinefiletsstcke auf Sptzle mit Champignonsauce RMB 119 Schwabentopf“, 3 pork filets on sptzle with mushroom sauce 烤小猪柳配蘑菇汁、德式面疙瘩 Lammkoteletts vom Grill Grilled Australia lamb chops

14、6 Served with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables、garlic rosemary sauce RMB 159 澳洲羊排配土豆泥及新鲜蔬菜、迷迭香汁 Australian Filet tenderloin RMB 159 with broccoli、carrots、mushrooms roasted potato cake and black pepper sauce 澳洲小牛里脊配煎土豆饼、黑椒汁 Beef Steak Sirlon Australia Sirloin steak with spicy potato wedges, fresh

15、 vegetables and black pepper sauce RMB 229 澳洲西冷牛排配辣味署角、新鲜时蔬及黑胡椒汁 Wurstspezialitten -German sausage 德国特色香肠屋 Thringer (2 Stck.) RMB 59 mit Pommes frites Thuringia sausages with cabbage salad French fries 图灵根烤肠配薯条、椰菜沙拉 Frankfurter (2 Stck.) RMB 59 mit Kartoffelsalat Frankfurt sausages with potato salad

16、 and Mixed lettuce 7 法兰克福肠配土豆沙拉、培根、混合生菜 Schweinsbratwurst (3 Stck.) RMB 59 Pork sausages with sauerkraut and mashed potato 香煎猪肉肠配酸菜、土豆泥 Nrnberger Ksekrainer mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelpree (3 Stck.) RMB 69 Cheese sausage with sauerkraut and mashed potato 香脆芝士香肠配酸菜、土豆泥 Mnchener Weisswrstl (2 Stck) M

17、it Spiegelei, Senf und Laugenbrezel RMB 69 Munich white sausages with sweet mustard and pretzel 慕尼黑白肠配传统甜芥末、粗盐碱面包 Kstlicher Leberkse bayerische Art“ RMB 69 mit Spiegelei, Bratkartoffeln & kleinem Salatstrusschen 8 Roasted meatloaf with roasted potato、and fried eggs 、green salad 香煎方肉肠配传统炒土豆、沙拉 Fisch

18、und Meeresfrchte Fish and Seafood素食和海鲜屋 Sptzle mit cremiger Pilzrahmsauce RMB 69 Spaetzle with creamy champignon sauce 巴伐利亚炒面疙瘩、洋葱、蘑菇 Gemischtes gratiniertes Gemse RMB 69 Gratined cheese assorted vegetables 德式奶酪烤蔬菜 Snapper (schnitzel) with roast potatoes, cabbage salads, Honey mustard sauce RMB 129

19、香煎深海鲷鱼配德式炒土豆、椰菜沙拉、蜂蜜芥末酱 Frittierte Kabeljau Cod Fish with Australian coffee butter sauce, grilled mushrooms and spinach are RMB 189 香煎澳洲银鳕鱼配巴黎咖啡黄油汁、现烤蘑菇及菠菜 9 Sandwich-SANDWICH三明治 Flensburger Sandwich Flensburger sandwich with French fried and green salad RMB 59 chicken , meatloaf, bacon, eggs, tomat

20、o, pickles, lettuce, mayonnaise 弗伦斯堡总汇三明治配薯条、沙拉 (鸡肉、方肉肠、培根、鸡蛋、西红柿、酸黄瓜、生菜、蛋黄酱) Grilled meatloaf cheese sandwich with French fried and green salad RMB 59 meatloaf cheese and whole wheat bread ,honey mustard 煎德式方肉肠热三明治配薯条、沙拉 (德式方肉肠、全麦面包、蜂蜜芥末酱) Grilled beef burger 200g with crispy bacon and RMB 69 (onio

21、ns、tomatoes、pickles、lettuce、cabbage salad) 香煎牛肉汉堡包配培根、芝士、薯条 鲜牛肉、洋葱、西红柿、酸黄瓜、生菜 cheese 10 Desserts-Desserts德式精选甜点屋 Apple roll with homemade vanilla ice cream RMB 59 自制薄皮苹果卷配香草冰激凌 Bayerische Crme Bavarian crme with raspberry sauce and fresh fruits 巴伐利亚奶油配山莓醤和新鲜水果 Munich fragrant cheese roll 慕尼黑香浓芝士卷 Bu

22、nter Obstteller seasonal mixed fruit plate 时令水果拼盘 Beilage-Side Dish附加菜 Pommes frites French fried 炸薯条 spicy potato wedges 炸辣味薯角 RMB 59 RMB 59 RMB 59 RMB 39 RMB 39 11 Krautsalat RMB 39 Red Cabbage 德式红椰菜 German Gherkins RMB 39 德式酸黄瓜 Sauerkraut German sauerkraut 德式酸椰菜 Kartoffelpree German mash potatoes

23、 德式土豆泥 Kindermenu -Kids Menu欢乐儿童餐 Kids pasta Italian with tomato herb sauce 意式U型面配番茄香草汁 Fried pork sausage with French fries 煎猪肉肠配薯条 Spaetzle with onions, mushrooms 巴伐利亚炒面疙瘩、洋葱、蘑菇 Kids chicken wing 蜜汁烤鸡翅配虾片 RMB 39 RMB 39 RMB 39 RMB 39 RMB39 RMB 39 12 Kids wiener schnitzel French fries RMB 39 儿童维也纳肉排

24、配薯条 Snack with wine estates-酌酒小吃屋 Pop corn RMB 29 爆米花 Gherkins RMB 29 德式酸黄瓜 Onion rings with prawn crackers and tartar sauce RMB 39 酥炸洋葱圈 French Fries RMB 39 法式炸薯条 Potatoe Wedges RMB 39 炸辣味薯角 Beer sausages (4 Stck.) RMB 39 德式辣味啤酒肠 Spicy chicken wings RMB 39 炸香辣鸡翅(6 个/微辣) German fried meat ball RMB 39 德式炸肉球 German air-dried pork platter RMB129 Black forest ham and salami, spicy beer sausage, pickles, olives, cocktail onions 13 德国风干火腿拼盘 14


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