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1、搞定托福阅读长难句从状语入手 搞定托福阅读长难句从状语入手 托福阅读中有不少长难句困扰着大家理解托福阅读文章,这些问题也是难度所在,其实这些句子也并非想象中那样难理解,下面就从状语从句方面来介绍一下如何分析托福阅读长难句。 例1: Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. 托福阅读文章句子成分分析:Ordinary meteoric water是句

2、子的主语,is是系动词,that引导的的定语从句修饰water,并在定语从句中做主语,has soaked谓语。 翻译:普通的气象水是由来自地表,雨雪降水以及湖泊溪流渗透到地下形成的。 例2: For example, as the great ice sheets that covered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, huge volumes of water flowed from them. As引导时间状语从句,the great ice sheets 是从句的主语,that引导定语从句并作从句

3、的主语修饰the great ice sheets,melted away从句的谓语。Huge volumes of water是主句的主语,flowed是主句的谓语。 翻译:例如,当最后一个冰河时代时期覆盖北美的大量冰原渐渐融化的时候,大量的水从中流出。 例3: In that case, climax communities would be the most fragile and the least stable, since they can require hundreds of years to return to the climax state. 托福阅读高分策略句子成分分析

4、:In that case介词短语作状语,climax communities句子的主语,would be谓语动词,since表原因。 翻译:那样的话,顶级群落将是最脆落的也是最不稳定的,因为它们需要几百年才能恢复到顶级群落的状态。 例4: It has long been accepted that the Americas were colonized by a migration of peoples from Asia, slowly traveling across a land bridge called Beringia (now the Bering Strait betwee

5、n northeastern Asia and Alaska) during the last Ice Age. 句子成分分析:it做形式主语,that从句做真正的主语 翻译:在最后一个冰川时期,亚洲移民慢慢穿越白令陆桥殖民美洲,这是长期以来被人们接受的。白令陆桥就是现在位于亚洲东北部和阿拉斯加洲之间的白令海峡。 例5: Only the last of these was suited at all to the continuous operating of machines, and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotl

6、and and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, it had one great disadvantage:streams flowed where nature intended them to and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons. 句子成分解析:这是一个由and连接的并列句。And之后的句子,是一个复合句,although引导让步状语从句

7、。 翻译:这些力的来源中只有最后一种完全适合机器的持续运转;并且,尽管水力在L和S这两个地方很丰富,它还使谷物磨坊和纺织厂运作,但水力有个很大的劣势:溪水流向自然要让它们去的地方并且靠水驱动的工厂必须坐落在河边,不管这个位置对于其他因素是不是合理。 例6: Early in the century, a pump had come into use in which expanding steam raised a piston in a cylinder, and atmospheric pressure brought it down again when the steam condensed inside the cylinder to form a vacuum. 句子成分分析:early in the century是时间状语,and连接两个并列句 翻译:在本世纪早期,在泵的使用过程中,扩张的蒸汽推动气缸中活塞向上升,然后当气缸中的蒸汽冷凝后,形成真空状态,大气压力使活塞又降下来。 通过以上的介绍可以发现,理解状语从句对于大家解决长难句来说是很有帮助的,希望这些知识能够帮助大家在托福备考时有所突破。若您想了解托福考试更多相关信息请关注前程百利。


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