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1、祈使句的直接引语变间接引语讲解祈使句的直接引语变间接引语是重要语法点, 现作一小结。 当直接引语的句子是祈使句时, 间接引语常用动词不定式表示; 如果祈使句为否定式, 变为间接引语时, 则将原句变为动词不定式的否定式。间接引语的动词应根据句子的意思和说话者的口气作相应的改变, 一般将原句的say酌情改为ask, beg, tell, order, demand等动词, 并在动词的后面加相应的人称作宾语。为使间接引语的语气和意义更贴近原句, 可按下列情况酌情选用不同的谓语动词。 1. 一般情况将原句的动词say改为tell。例如: He said, “Hurry up! He told me t

2、o hurry up. 他告诉我快一点。 She said, “Dont put your bag here, Mary. She told Mary not to put her bag there. 她告诉玛丽不要把袋子放在那里。 He said, “Never eat too much. He told warned us never to eat too much. 他告诉我们永远不要吃得太多。 The teacher said, “Dont be late again, Mary. The teacher told Mary not to be late again. 老师告诉玛丽不

3、要再迟到了。 2. 有的祈使句含有please一词, 以表示婉转的语气, 将这类祈使句变为间接引语, 通常将原句的say改为ask或beg。值得注意的是, please一词在改为间接引语时去掉。例如: Tom said to Alice, “Come here tomorrow, please. Tom asked Alice to go there the next day. 汤姆要求艾丽斯第二天去那里。 He said to her, Please dont tell John the news. He asked her not to tell John the news. 他要求她不要

4、把那个消息告诉约翰。 She said, “Please give me some milk. She begged me to give her some milk. 她请求我给她一点儿牛奶。 3. 如果是上级对下级说的话, 或者原句带有命令式的口气, 一般用动词order或tell, 也可用saythat从句, 从句的谓语用be to不定式或have got to 不定式表示。例如: He said to us, “Get it done at once. He ordered us to get it done at once. He said that we were to get i

5、t done at once. 他命令我们马上把它办好。 The doctor said, “Stay in bed for a week. The doctor ordered told me to stay in bed for a week. The doctor said that I had got to stay in bed for a week. 大夫嘱咐我卧床静养一周。 She said, “Dont close the windows. She told me not to close the windows. She said that I wasnt to close

6、the windows. 她叫我不要关窗户。 4. 由Let开头的祈使句, 大都表示建议, 这类祈使句变为间接引语时, 常用suggestdoing sth. 或suggestthat从句句式, 有时也用urge sb. to do sth. 表示。例如: He said, “Lets go out for a walk. He suggested that they should go out for a walk. He suggested their going out for a walk. 他建议他们到外面去散步。 Mother said, “Let Henry tidy the s

7、itting room. Mother suggested that Henry should tidy the sitting room. Mother suggested Henrys tidying the sitting room. 母亲提议由亨利来整理客厅。 She said, “Lets not tell Tom the bad news. She suggested not telling Tom the bad news. She suggested that they should not tell Tom the bad news. 她建议他们不要告诉汤姆那个不幸的消息。

8、He said, “Lets not tell Tom anything about it. He urged them not to tell Tom anything about it. 他让他们不要告诉汤姆关于那件事的任何情况。 如果说话者提议或自愿为对方做某事, 一般用offer 不定式表示。例如: Tom said, “Let me help you with your work. Tom offered to help me with my work. 汤姆表示愿意帮助我工作。 They said, “Let us pay for your dinner. They have of

9、fered to pay for our dinner. 他们已经表示愿意为我们付饭钱。 5. 提醒对方有某种危险或不利的祈使句变为间接引语时, 常用动词warn。例如: He said, “Be careful with fire. He warned us to be careful with fire. 他提醒我们要注意火灾。 He said, “Keep away from the fire, children. He warned ordered the children to keep away from the fire. 他提醒孩子们不要靠近火。 6. 提醒他人别忘了做某事的祈

10、使句, 变为间接引语时, 一般用remind。例如: He said, “Dont forget to bring your umbrella. He reminded me to bring my umbrella. He told me not to forget to bring my umbrella. 他提醒我告诉我别忘了带雨伞。 如果他人用祈使句劝告自己不要做某事, 自己转述此话时, 可用say that从句, 从句的谓语用shouldnt动词原形表示。例如: He said, “Dont run so fast if the road is so slippery. He said I shouldnt run so fast if the road was so slippery. 他对我说如果道路很滑就不要跑得那么快。


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