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1、科普五年级下册英语期末测试五年级英语下册期末测试 1 小学资源网 一、把下列单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1 2 3 4 5 1. There is a s_ in the street. 2. How many p_ can you see? - I can see thirty-five. 3. I can see some w_ in this room. 4. Its twelve oclock. Its time for l_. 5. I am a t_. I work in a school. 二、在栏中找出栏的答语。将序号填在括号内。 ( ) A. May I borrow yo

2、ur bike? a. I can see thirty. ( ) B. Is there a cinema near the factory? b. Its a cow. ( ) C. How many pens can you see? c. No, its not mine. ( ) D. Is this watch yours? d. Certainly. ( ) E. Whats under the tree? e. No, there is a hospital. 三、选择合适的单词补充下列句子,把序号填在下面的横线上。 A. useful B. doctor C. homewor

3、k D. stars E. happy 1. There are many _ in the sky. 2. They are collecting _ things. 3. They did a good job today. They are very _. 4. He is a _. He works in a hospital. -1- 5. He wants me to help him do his _. 四、下面各句分别描述哪幅图片?把句子序号填在括号内。 A. Can I help you? - I want a hamburger and some juice. B. The

4、re is a fridge near the TV. C. You must wait when the light is red. ( ) D. Is this coat yours? - No. Its my litter brothers. E. Whats the matter with you? ( ) - Oh, my head hurts. ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、单选。 ( ) 1. He works _ a farm. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 2. - Thank you very much! - _ . A. Thank you! B. Dont

5、say thanks C. Youre welcome. ( ) 3. Go down this street. You can see the school _. A. at the end B. on the end C. at end ( ) 4. - _ bird are these? - They are ours. A. What B. Which C. Whose ( ) 5. Its _. Its time for breakfast. -2- A. three thirty B. seven twenty C. twelve forty 六、读短文,判断对错。对的写“T”,错

6、的写“F”。 Mrs Song wants to open her new shop but the signs are not ready. She asks Bob to help her. Bob goes to the shop at seven oclock. He puts up all the sings. Then he opens the shop. Nobody comes to the shop all day. At six oclock Bob goes into the street. He asks a boy to come in. “Oh, I thought

7、 your shop was closed. Look at this sign. It says “ Closed”.” The boy says. “Now. I know why nobody comes into the shop. The sing is in the wrong place.” Bob says. “Quick! Here comes Mrs Song! I must change the sings.” 1. Mrs Song doesnt open her shop.( ) 2. Bob comes to the shop to help Mrs Song. ( ) 3. Bob puts the sing in the wrong place. ( ) 4. The shop makes no money on the first day. ( ) 5. Mrs Song is silly. ( ) 小学资源网 小学资源网 -3-


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