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1、英语单项知识的讲解与练习英语单项知识的讲解与练习 356. background的用法 background 背景; 例句: He has a strong political background.他有强大的政治背景。 It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的。 To background themselves, reporters dug through all available files on the case.为掌握有关背景资料,记

2、者们搜集了对此案有关的可获得的所有文件资料。 短语:the background of a scene舞台的后景;the historical background of the event这件事的历史背景;cloth with red spots on a white background白底红点的布;recede into the background失势、不再重要; 用法:background的基本意思是“背景”“底色”,主要指图画或照片中在主要人物或景象之后起衬托作用的部分。引申可表示“人的背景资料”,主要包括家庭、所属社会阶层、经历、学历状况等。还可表示“背景情况”,指事情发生时所处

3、的时间、地点和外部环境等。 background主要用作可数名词。作“后景;背景”“底色”解时常用作单数名词;作“(事态发展等的)背景”解时常用作单数名词,也可用作不可数名词;作“不显眼的位置;幕后 ”解时只用作单数名词。 background后接for,of或 to,表示“某方面的背景或经历”。如: He hasnt the background for the job. 前面加against,表示“映衬在背景上”。如: The red flowers stand out in bold relief against a background of green leaves. 加in,表示“

4、在背景中、在幕后”。如: You ought to keep yourself in the background. 练习: The collaps of the World Trade Centre has put US economy in a difficult _. A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background Please remind me of it again tomorrow in _ I forget. A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background There is no _ t

5、o doubt the truth of the statement. A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background Her educational _ contributed greatly to her promotion. A. situationB. environmentC. backgroundD. surroundings 357. bar的用法 barn.酒吧;条;横木;栅vt.禁止;阻挠;闩上;在 . 设栅栏 例句: There are several bars in the hotel.这家旅馆里有好几个酒吧。 A bar o

6、f chocolate is enough to stop his crying.一条巧克力就可以让他不哭了。 After the bombing, the whole area was barred to the public.轰炸后,整个地区禁止公众通行。 I will bar no honest man to my house.我不会阻止任何诚实的人到我家里来。 短语:bar from 禁止(接近/做);bar in关在里面;bar out 关在外面;bar up 关上,拦住; 用法:bar作动词,其宾语后接from,表示“禁止”。如:Hunters are barred from wi

7、ldlife sanctuaries. 作名词,后接to,表示“谁或什么的障碍物”。如:The law is a bar to crime. bar基本意思是把门闩上,限制某人/物进入或外出,引申可指阻止、禁止、阻挡、封锁等。 bar是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。宾语后可加介词from,表示“禁止(做)”。 They barred his participating.(他们禁止他参加。)句中的his不能换成him。 bar引申可表示“障碍”,其后常接介词to。 练习: He_ all the doors and windows of his house. A. banged B. barre

8、d C. bared D. barbed After work, the young man and his colleagues went to the nearest _and sat down at the table for a grand dinner. A. bar B. cafe C.restaurant D. dining-room Poor health may be a bar _ success in life. A. of B. for C. with D. to The whole class is here bar two _ are ill. A. that B.

9、 which C. whom D. what Jack wants to be _ when he grows up. A.a bar B.a cousin C.an opponent D.an astronaut 358. basis的用法 basis基础、根据; 例句: Toleration was to be the basis on which he was to fight his battles.宽容将是他立足在上面进行战斗的根基。 End the practice of awarding business on the basis of a price tag.终止以价格战挑选供

10、应商的行为。 The accrual basis differs significantly from cash basis of accounting.应计制会计与现金收付实现制会计有着巨大的差别。 短语:on the basis of根据,在.的基础上;without reason;on no basis毫无理由地;a basis for judgment; a standard or criterion.判断的依据;标准或原则;pay on a piecework basis.按件计酬;the basis of an argument论据; 用法:basis bass的复数形式都是 ba

11、ses。后接 for,表示“的根据”。如: What basis do you have for that statement? 练习: Yanan used to be a revolutionary _ for the Red Army. A. base B. basis C. foundation D. ground Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no _to the health care in the west rural area in China. A.aid B.basis C.belief D.

12、access _ the boss is in favor of the scheme, but he thinks improvements need to be made in many aspects. A. On behalf of B. On the basis of C. On the whole D. On a large scale We cannot judge a person simply on the _ of his education. A. condition B. basis C. principle D. base 359. behaviour的用法 beha

13、viour行为;举止;品行 例句: His behavior was, in a word, shocking.总之,他的行为是令人震惊的。 His behavior called forth sharp criticism.他的行为招致尖锐的批评。 His strange behavior made the police suspicious.他不寻常的举止引起了警察的怀疑。 They observed the behavior of their new pet.他们观察他们新宠物的生活习性。 短语:be on ones good/ best behaviour举动规矩;put sb on

14、his best behaviour规劝某人要规规矩矩; 用法:behavior前面加in,表示“在行为方面”。如: He is like a beast in behaviour.; 后接介词 to,表示“对的态度”。如: Im ashamed of his uncouth behavior to the people.; 练习: Usually a childs behaviour is a _ of his family environment. A. recognition B. reflection C. return D. beyond Such behavior is unacc

15、eptable _ a civilized society. A.of B. for C.in D. to The mans unsociable behavior gradually alienated him _ all his friends. A.from B.of C. for D.out of Their behavior _ me shows that they do not like me. A. of B.from C. for D.towards 360. bid的用法 bid (n/ v)出价、投标、命令、吩咐; 例句: She bid 500 for the paint

16、ing.她喊价500买这幅画。 Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall.有几家公司投标,争取建造新音乐厅的合同。 He made a bid of 50 for a painting.他为一幅画出价50英镑。 A bid higher than another bid.过高的出价比其它的价高的出价 短语:bid sb good morning祝某人早安;bid welcome to the visitors向来宾表示欢迎;bid fair to有希望; 用法:bid作动词,其宾语后接for,宾语

17、为金钱,介词宾语为物,表示“出价购买”。如:I bid ten dollars for that picture. 后直接跟for或 on,表示“提出价格以承做某事、投标、喊价”。如:She bid frantically for the old chair. 作名词,后接for或 on,表示“对的出价或喊价”。如:He made the highest bid for 7 dollars on the table. bid作“命令; 吩咐”解时,可接动词不定式作其宾语的补足语,且动词不定式多不带to,如果用于被动结构,则一定要把to加上。 bid表示“向致(问候或告别语)”时,其后可接双宾语

18、,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to(不可为for)的宾语。 bid后偶尔也可接从句,但从句中必须用虚拟语气。 bid后如果搭用的是个被动语态的不定式动词,只能省去to,不能省去be。例如:我叫他们全坐下来。误:I bade all of them seated.正:I bade all of them be seated. 练习: The chairman asked the members to _their votes for or against the proposal. A. bid B. offer C. cast D. throw They put in the highest _

19、for the house. A. currency B. proposalC. bid D. purchase The giant corporation was making a take-over _ for a fertilizer plant. A. control B. bid C. effort D. proposal Several companies are bidding _ the contract to build the bridge. A.for B.in C. of D. to Keys: 356. CBAC 357. BCDAD 358. ADCB 359. BCAD 360. CCBA


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