Lesson Where do you live 教案.docx

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1、Lesson Where do you live 教案课题: Lesson 4 Where do you live ? 第 一课时 备课时间: 上课时间: 共 11 课时 教 学 过 程 教学目标: 1 复习一般现在时的一般疑问句及肯否回答 2 掌握词汇live ,month , start , USA, 3 了解New York ,Washington等异地风情,扩大视野增长知识,养成对异国文化的正确态度。 4 能听懂、会说并能用以下句子进行会话:Where do you come from ?I come from Where do you live ? I live in 5 能理解一般

2、现在时的特殊疑问句及相关答语Where does Miss Green come from ?She comes from成对话。 第一课时 Lets talk and Lets sing Step 1 : Warm up and Review 1 Greeting :We are the best.(给学生信心,使学生情绪高涨) 2 sing a song :The music room 3 talk : A: I usually have breakfast at 7:00. Do you usually have breakfast at 7:00? Yes ,I do . /No, I

3、 dont . B: Does he usually? Yes ,he does . /No,he doesnt. 复习第一、二课主题句形,巩固旧知 4 复习集中识词时学的本课生词利用单词卡片,以组或个别学生读并说出中文,四会词需拼写 1 show the pictures about the USA ,Washington ,New York , Great Wall of China, the Palace Museum 放映课件或出示图片, 讲清楚 New York 是美国最大的城市 Washington是美国首都。缓解疲劳,扩大视野,激发兴趣,但不可喧宾夺主 2 Introductio

4、n :手指木偶导入法:师配音,让学生初步感知对话内容。 3 听录音,学生进一步熟悉对话。 4 逐句放录音,学生跟说两遍,并译成中文。 注意:备 注 突出重点,She comes from the USA.讲清实义动词第三人称单数的变化,加s或es Step 3: Drill 1Team work, 以行为组操练 2 pair work ,同桌操练 3 read by oneself 4 look at the key words and match pictures , retell the text. Step 4 :Consolidation and creation. 3人一组, 根据实

5、际情况编对话,运用以下模式: A : Excuse me . Where do you come from ? B : I come from _. A : Where do you live ? B :I live in _. 指C,A 问 Where does she/he come from ? B: She /He comes from _. A : Where does she /he live ? B : She /He lives in _. Step 5:Lets sing : Where do you come from ? 此 歌曲紧扣本课主题句,复习句形并可减轻上课以来的

6、疲劳,活跃气氛,将快乐延伸到课外,让学生期待下一节英语课的到来。 Step 6 :Class Closing 布置作业: 1小组课下编对话 2 Do Ex.5and Ex 7 第二课时 Lets learn and Lets practise 教学目标: 1让学生理解并掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句及其答语,特别是第三人称单数实义动词的变化。 2了解世界各国的标志性建筑及其首都,增长知识,扩大视野,激发并保持英语学习的兴趣,学好英语可以去世界各地旅游,留学以及中国的省份,名胜古迹培养对祖国大好河山的热爱,培养对待异国文化的正确态度。 3 能用以下用语自由交际: Where do you come

7、from? I come from Sichuan. Where do you live? I live in Chengdu 用人名操练第三人称单数does的用法 Step 1:Review 1:Sing a song: Where do you come from ?(边唱边回想上节课所学内容,在轻松的语境中做好上课的心理准备) 2:Practise: 小黑板上出示一些题 ,题型有填空,选择填空等 1。Where_ you come from ? A do B are C can 2.I_from _USA. 3.Ilive_ New York 4.She_from the USA 5.S

8、he _in Hebei A live B lives C living 课始的笔头作业,学生可以全体参与,口头和笔头相结合,既复习了知识,以避免了只会说不会写的现象,实用性强。 Step2: Presentation 1.放课件,法国巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔,英国伦敦塔 ,俄罗斯莫斯科,中国香港,北京长城,故宫等。 2 放录音,Paris, France, Moscow,Russia, Hong Kong ,China 3.示例代入主题句型 A:Where do you come from? B:I come from _ A:Where do you live? B:I live in_ A:Wh

9、ere does she come from? B:She come from A:Where does she live? B:She live in 4.小结:特殊疑问词where + do(does)+主语+动词+其他? 列表替换 China The USA England China Hebei Beijing Washington London Shanghai Shijiazhuan Sichuan Shanxi Zhangjiakou Chengdu Taiyuan Zhuolu Step4:Consolidation Make up dialogues 3 people eac

10、h group. 师给学生发一些国家名称,省份,首都或省会名称,自由编对话 1.和两个学生先做示范: Excuse me ,Where do you come from? I come from. Where do you live ? I live in . Where does she come from ? She comes from. 2.小组编对话,师巡行,并随机指导纠正。 Step5:Class Closing :Homework: 1.Do Ex.6.8.9 2.词汇写本课词汇 3预习Read部分 第三课时 Read: Looking for a job. 教学目标: 1、能理

11、解课文大意,能回答与课文有关的问题,理解幽默之处。 2、能听懂、会说,并能用来进行交际下列用语: a、Take a seat, please. b、May I know your name and age? c、Would you please type it? d、By the way, how much can you pay me? Step 1:Review 1、复习主题句型:学生手拿不同国家及首都名称卡片三人一组问答。 2、复习本课单词:重点是Read部分的词汇:typist, age ,type ,dollars , months ,pay ,start Step 2:Presen

12、tation 1、学习词组:look for, take a seat, Apple street, computer school, by the way, in three months, typist wanted. 2、导入新课: 1)教师放录音,学生听两遍,初步感知故事内容。培养认真听的习惯,让学生感受语流语速,体会语言美并训练听力 2)再放录音,学生看书,边听边看书,进一步熟悉对话内容。 3)逐句放录音,学生跟说,并译成汉语。 4)再放录音,分段跟读,学习,操练。 3、Answer the questions. 1、Does the girl want the job? 2、Doe

13、s she want to be a typist? 3、What is the girls name? 4、Where does she live? 5、What school is she from? 6、Can she type a letter? 7、Can she get the job? 8、How much can the man pay her? 9、When will she start the work? 此部分要求所有学生能找到相关的答案回答问题,上中等学生能独立说出或写出答案 4、复述课文。 逐段出示简笔画,并放录音,学生跟说,师写关键词,两人一组进行分段复述,然后整体复述。 Step 3: Class Closing 1、 Summary:词组 by the way, look for等。 2、Homework: Do Ex.10,预习lesson 4. 3、Sing a song: Where do you come from? 以歌曲结束,复习旧知,余趣无穷


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