Private School.docx

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1、Private SchoolSome people think that students benefit greatly from going to private schools, but others assert that private schools have a negative impact on younger generation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 审题 1 双边 2 观点1:Private schools -greatly benefit students. 观点2:Private schools

2、-have a negative impact on younger generation. 3关键词:private schools students benefit negative 4结构:折中四段式 首段:改写题目论题陈述 主体段1:证明观点1 中心句:私利学校的好处 论据1:学校设施更好,活动更多 论证:因果:资金丰厚设施更好活动更多全面发展 举例:实验室设备先进激发化学物理学习兴趣 化妆舞会培养学生创造力 论据2:选择学校的自由更多 论证:解释:公立学校按户口所在地招生,私立学校只考虑钱和分数 主体段2:私立学校坏处 论据1:收费高昂 论证:因果:先进设施组织活动成本高学费高昂 不

3、够富裕的学生负担沉重 举例:中国大部分城市私立学校收费是公立数倍 论据2:攀比心严重 因果:私立学校学生大部分家境富裕竞相追求高物质生活 心思不在学习上,影响心理健康和正确价值观 举例:奢侈品豪车名牌包 结尾段:既有好处又有坏处 我的观点:权衡利弊,扬长弊端 建议:减少攀比私立学校统一学校服装和食宿 高收费私立学校本质特征,无法解决 Recently, private schools have become more widespread in the modern society. Regarding whether attending private schools is benefici

4、al or harmful, this essay will analyze both views of the debate. Obviously, private schools have many great benefits. Firstly, there are various activities and advanced facilities.The strong economic foundation of independent schools make it possible to afford expensive golf courts, well-furnished l

5、abs,fancy dress balls,etc. Therefore, these contributes to all-round developments, say, stimulating theirinterests and exploring their creativity.Secondly, the selection of public schools is closely connected to the resident certificate in China, which means fewer choices. By contrast, students can

6、enter private schools as long as the money andscores meet the requirements of schools. Undoubtedly, the merits of private schools are remarkable.Nevertheless,some notable drawbacks should not be neglected. Primarily, the tuition fee is highdue to the large cost of facilities and activities. In most

7、Chinese cities, the education expense of a private school is several times as much as in a public school.Therefore, it imposes a heavy burden on impoverished students. Furthermore, the youth tend to pursue the comparison in material life. Those from wealthy families compete to purchase diverse luxur

8、ies, such as luxury cars and designer handbags, which is a big distraction on personal study. Also, it does great damage to their mental health and correct values. Judging from what has been discussed above, private schools have both pros and cons. Personally speaking, the key point is how to develo

9、p its positive aspects and avoid the negative points. Thus, as for comparisons of extravagant life,it is highly suggested that independent schools should unified accommodations and clothes. However, the issue of high tuition could not be solved because it is the essential feature of private schools.


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