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1、人教PEP小学五年级英语上册堂堂清课课练习题资料小学英语五年级上册堂堂清训练题 Unit1 My new teachers 第一课时 一、 翻译单词 1. young _ 2. funny _ 3. tall _ 4. strong _ 5. kind _ 6. old _ 7. short _ 8. thin _ 9. Mr _ 10. like _ 二、根据情景用适当的单词补全对话。 A: 1 2 art teacher ? B: Mr Li is our art teacher. A: 3 he 4 ? B: Hes tall and srtong. Hes very kind. 第二课

2、时 一、单项选择 ( ) 1.Who is your _ teacher ? -Lucy.She can draw pictures. A. English B. art C. Chinese ( ) 2.Whats he like ? -Hes _. A. Young and old B. young and thin C. an old ( ) 3.Our math teacher is very _ . We all like _. A. funny;he B.funny; him C.fun;him ( ) 4.The _ man is my grandfather . A. old

3、B. young C. art ( ) 5.My P.E. teacher is not thin. He is _. A. short B. tall C. strong 二、连连看 1. Whats Lucy like ? A. A cat and a dog. 2. What are they ? B. Mrs Wang. 3. Who is your English teacher ? C. Hes from Canada . 4. Where is he from ? D. She is tall . 第三课时 一 、翻译词组 1 three new teachers _ 2 sho

4、rt and thin _ 3 I know _ 二、连词成句 1. who , teacher , your , is , art ( ? ) 2. like , she , whats ( ? ) 三 、找出每组中不同类的单词。 ( ) 1 A young B strong C math ( ) 2 A funny B like C short ( ) 3 A tall B short C who ( ) 4 A kind B know C funny 第四课时 一 、按要求完成下列各题 ( A ) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I have some new _ ( teacher )

5、. 2. Who _ ( is ) they ? 3. Mr. Meng is _ ( a ) old and kind doctor. 4. We have an English teacher. Hes from _ ( canadian ). 5. Whos _ ( you ) science teacher ? ( B ) 根据汉语和相关提示完成句子。 6. That boy looks like a _ ( 滑稽的 ) monkey. 7. My P.E. teacher is _ and _ ( 高而强壮 ). 8. The girl is _ ( n i h t ) and (

6、o r h s t ). 绿色圃中小学教育网httP:/WwW.Lspjy.Com 课件|试卷|无需注册 二、把下面括号里的字母组成一个单词,将句子补充完整。 1. My brother is very _ ( t o r s g n ) . 2. My grandma is _ ( d o l ) . 3. Jack is very _ ( u y n n f ) . 4. She is very _ ( i n k d ) . 5. Our art teacher is _ ( s h t r o ) . 第五课时 一 、翻译单词 1 strict _ 2 smart _ 3 active

7、 _ 4 quiet _ 5 very _ 6 but _ 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Is Miss Li young ? - Yes, _ is. A. he B. she C. She ( ) 2. _ is that old man ? - Hes my grandpa ( 爷爷 ). A. Young and old B. young and thin ( ) 3. 1. Is he very active ? C. an old - No, he _ . A. is B. isnt C. do ( ) 4. The young boy is _ university student

8、 . A. B. an C. a 第六课时 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Is your math teacher quiet ? - No , she isnt . She is _. A. smart B. funny C. active ( ) 2. We all like our English teacher . Her class is so _ fun. A. many B. much C. very ( ) 3. 1. Whats your sister _ ? - She is thin. She _ reading books . A. like ; likes B. lik

9、es ; like C. like ; like ( ) 4. Our Chinese teacher is a kind woman . We all like _ . A. she B. her C. hers ( ) 5. Is your grandpa kind ? - Yes . _ he is smart . A. And B. But C. So 二、把下面括号里的字母组成一个单词,将句子补充完整。 1 My brother is _ ( m s t r a ) . 2 Shes _ ( e r y v ) young . 3 Is your math teacher stric

10、t ? - Yes , _ ( u t b) he is funny . Unit 2 My days of the week 第一课时 一、 翻译 星期一_星期二_Thuesday_语文_ 数学_英语 _ Wednesday_科学_ 二、 根据情景用适当的单词补全对话 A_ art teacher ? B Mr Li is our art teacher. A 3_4_ ? B Hes tall and strong . Hes very kind. 三、 在四线三格里面认真抄写下面的句子。 Whats he like ? Hes short and thin . 第二课时 一、 选择 (

11、)1 -Whos your _teacher ? - Lucy . She can draw pictures. A English B art C Chinese ( )2 -Whats he like ? -Hes _. A young and old B young and thin C an old ( )3 -The_man is my grandfather . A old B tall C strong 二、 连线 1 Whats Lucy like ? 2 What are they ? 3 Who is your English teacher ? 4 Where is he

12、 from ? 第三课时 一、 找出每组中不同类的单词 ( ) 1 A young B strong C ( ) 2 A funny B like C ( ) 3 A tall B short C ( ) 4 A kind B know C 二、 翻译词组 1 three new teacher _ 2 short and thin _ 3 I know _ A A cat and a dog B Mrs wang . C Hes from Canada . D She is tall . math short who funny 第四课时 一、 翻译单词 1 strict _ 2 smart

13、 _ 3 active _ 4 quiet _ 5 very _ 6 but _ 二 根据情景用适当的单词补全对话 A: 1_ that young lady ? B: She is our principal. A: Is she strict ? B: Yes she 2_ . A: Is she active ? B: 3_ , she . 4 _ . Shes quiet . 第五课时 一、 找出每组不同类的单词 ( ) 1 A smart B but C funny ( ) 2 A active B student C kind ( ) 3 A whats B whos C very

14、 ( ) 4 A strict B strong C lady 二、选择填空 ( )1-Is Miss Li young ? -Yes, _ is . A he B she C shes ( )2-_ is that old man ? -He is my grandpa . A What B Who C Whos ( )3 -Is he very active ? -No, he _. A is B isnt Cdo ( )4 The young boy is _ university student . A a B an C / 第六课时 一、 翻译词组 1a university stu

15、dent _ 2so much fun _ 3be strict in/with _ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1 My class is so much _.(funny) 2 -Whats he _? (like) -Hes tall . 3 She is _(we)new classmate , Lucy . 4 -Is your math teacher strict ? -Yes , he is , _(and) he is very nice . Unit3 Whats your favourite food? 第一课时 一、根据情景用适当的单词补全对话。 A:1_ do you

16、 have for lunch on 2_ ? B:I have bread,fish and tofu 3_ lunch on Mondays. A:What 4_ 5_ 6_ for dinner? B:I like tomatoes and potatoes for dinner. 二、英汉互译。 西红柿_ 鱼_ 土豆_ tofu_ mutton_ eggplant_ 第二课时 一、单项选择 ( ) 1.What would you like _ dinner? -Id like some tofu. B. for B. at C.in. ( ) 2.What do you have _

17、 lunch? A. for B. in C. at ( ) 3.We would like some _ and _. A.tofus; fish. B.tofu; fish. C.tofu;fish. ( ) 4.We _ eggplant and tomatoes. A. has B. have 第三课时 一、选出每个句子的应答语。 ( ) 1.What would you like for dinner? ( ) 2.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? ( ) 3. Would you like some bananas? ( ) 4. Are

18、 you hungry? A. Thanks. Id like tofu. B. No, Id like some apples. C. Yes, I am. D. We have tomatoes and fish. 二、连词成句。 1. have I tofu Tuesdays on . _ 2. do have you what lunch for ? _ 第四课时 一、 英汉互译。 咸的_ 甜的_ 最喜爱的_ 酸的_ healthy_ tasty_ fresh_ 二、填写适当的单词,补全句子。 1. The apples are _. 2. The potatoes are _. 3.

19、 The grapes are _. 4. The fish is _. 第五课时 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1.- I like pork, potatoes, tomatoes and fish. - Me, too. They are _. A. salty B. tasty C. healthy ( ) 2. He doesnt like _ grapes. Theyre _. A. sour B. salty C. fresh. ( ) 3. We all like tofu, too. Its _. A. healthy B unhealthy. C health. 二、根据情景填写

20、句子补全对话。 Chen : _? Sarah: Fish. Chen : Me too. _. Sarah: I like grapes. Chen : _. Theyre sour. 第六课时 读对话,判断正误 Beibei: Whats your favourite food? Jiajia: I like cucumbers. Theyre fresh. What about you? Beibei: I like pork. Its healthy. You have to eat some pork. Youre thin and short. Jiajia: But I dont

21、 like pork. ( ) 1. Cucumbers are Beibeis favourite food. ( ) 2. Beibei likes pork. ( ) 3. Beibei is thin and short. ( ) 4. Jiajia doesnt like pork. ( ) 5. Jiajia is short and thin. Unit4 What can you do? 第一课时 一、 翻译词组 1 cook the meals _ 2 clean the bedroom _ 3 sweep the floor _ 4 water the flowers _

22、5 empty the trash _ 二、找出每组中不同类的单词 ( ) 1 A do B to C can ( ) 2 A look B water C the ( ) 3 A meals B windows C empty ( ) 4 A wash B clean C helpful 第二课时 一、根据情景用适当的单词补全对话 A: Are you 1 at home ? B: Sure. A: What 2 you 3 ? B: I can 4 the floor. I 5 look the meals. A: Great! You are helpful. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填

23、空。 1 I can _ (clean) the classroom. 2 Look! My sister can look the _ (meal). 3 I can do many things at home, so Im very _ (help). 第三课时 一、 翻译词组或句子。 1 at home _ 2 I am helpful _ 3 Just do it _ 4 What can you do ? _ 5 We can look the meals. _ 二、给句子找到适当的答语。 ( )1 What can you do ? ( )2 Are you helpful ?

24、( )3 I can sweep the floor. ( )4 What can Zip do ? A Ok, just do it . B I can water the flowers. C He can water the flowers. D Sure. 第四课时 一、 找出每组中不同类的单词 ( ) 1 A set B dishes C wash ( ) 2 A sweep B set C clothes ( ) 3 A play B use C chess ( ) 4 A homework B clothes C dishes 二、翻译词组 1 make the bed _ 2

25、set the table _ 3 wash the clothes _ 4 do the dishes _ 5 use a computer _ 第五课时 一、 给句子找到适当的答案 1 Can you wash the clothes ? 2 Can you sing an English song ? 3 I can look the meals. 4 What can you do , Mary ? 5 Can you help me ? A: Ok, what ? B: I can do the dishes. C: You are helpful. D: Yes, I can .

26、I can do the housework. E: No, I cant. 二、根据首字母提示完成句子 1 A: Are you h_ at home ,Tom ? B: Sure. 2 A: What can you do ? B: I c_ sweep the floor. 3 Please e_ the trash, Lucy. 第六课时 一、连词成句 1 you , the , can , make , bed (?) 2 I , use , computer , a , can (.) 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Tom, who can play _ ( chess ) ?

27、2 I cant _ ( cook ) the meals. 3 A: Who can set the table ? B: Amy can _ ( do ) . 4 A: Can you use a computer ? B: No, I _ ( can ) . Unit 5 My new room 第一课时 一、 找出每组中不同类的单词 ( ) 1 A closet B curtain ( ) 2 A bedroom B end table ( ) 3 A air-conditioner B airplane ( ) 4 A curtain B closet C clothes C tra

28、sh bin C mirror C room 二单项选择 ( )1.In my room, I_ a TV . A is B am C are ( )2.My father_ an conditioner. A have B has C is 第二课时 一、 翻译词组或句子 1. look at _ 2. a trash bin _ 3.There is a big bed._ 4.There are two blue curtains._ 二、根据情景用适当的单词补全对话 A: I _my own new room now . B: Really?_ it like ? A:There _a

29、 big closet , a bed, a desk_ an air-conditioner. 第三课时 一、 用is , am 或are填空 ( )1.There _ two beds in my room . A am B is C are ( )2.There_a TV and a in my room. A is B am C are 二、根据提示完成句子 1 Two _(壁橱,衣橱)are near the bed. 2 The _(asbtrihn)looks like an animal , Panda. 3 Look at my new _(窗帘). 第四课时 一、 找出每组

30、中不同类的单词或词组 ( )1 A kitchen B near C in front of ( )2 A on B over C clothes ( )3 A behind B closet C desk 二、单项选择 ( )1There is a trash bin_ the door. A near B in C under ( )2There are some pictures_the wall. A in B under C on ( )3Tom is _Jim .Jim is in front of Tom. A front B behind C over 第五课时 一、 将下列单

31、词排序,组成正确的句子 1 is the table closet near the ( .) _ 2 clothes many closet the in are ( .) _ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1 The trash bin_(am) behind the door. 2 This is a picture of _( I ) room. 3 There _ is some pictures on the wall. 第六课时 一、翻译词组或句子 1 in front of _ 2the twins bedroom_ 3 Their schoolbags are behind t

32、he chairs._ 二、将下面的字母重新组合成一个新单词 1 v r o e _ 2 n u e r d _ 3 t i n u r c a _ 4 h d e n b i _ 5 r r r i o m _ 6 e r n a _ Unit 6 In a nature park 第一课时 一、找出每组中不同类的单词。 1.A path B grass C tree ( ) 2.A lake B forest C grass ( ) 3.A river B park C picture 二、单项选择. ( )1._a nature park in the city? A Is there

33、B There is C Are there ( )2.There _a pen on the book. A isnt B arent C am not 第二课时 一、 翻译 1、 Yes, there is ._ 2、 Is there a farm? _ 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、 Theres a mountain and many _(path)in the park. 2、 There _(be)two boys and a girl in the picture. 3、 There are many _flowernear the river. 第三课时 一、 用所给单

34、词的适当形式填空。 1、 There are some_ flowerin the mountain. 2、 There are two_pathnear my house. 3、 Is there a forest in the park? No, _. (there not) 二、 根据汉语提示完成句子。 There are many 1_鲜花,2_草,a 3_小路,a 4_森林and a 5_河流in my village. 第四课时 一、 找出每组中不同类的单词。 A house B road C clean A many B any C city A building B bridg

35、e C tree 二、 选择。 1、There_some small houses in my village? A any B is C are 2、_there a river ? A Be B Is C Are 第五课时 一、补全对话。 A: Are there 1_pandas in the mountains? B: No, 2_ arent. 3 _ there any fish in the rivers? A: Yes, there 4 _. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、 How many_lakeare there in the park? 2 、There arent _ someducks in the river. 3 、The sky is blue , no_ cloud. 第六课时 一、补全句子。 Are there any rivers in


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