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1、人教英语年级下册Unit10教案 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 新目标英语八年级下册Unit10 Its a nice day ,isnt it ?教学设计 一、教学内容及分析 本单元教学内容为人教版八年级下Unit10 Its a nice day ,isnt it ?本单元围绕“与陌生人闲聊”这个话题,设计了相关的语言情境展开教学,学习闲聊在英语表达中的意义,重点学习英语的“反意问句”。通过本单元的看图说话,句型操练语境描述,对话表演等专项训练,培养学生的英语实际应用能力。Section A描述与陌生人闲聊时的注意事项,学习应该聊些什么,如何展开话题。Section B主要谈论用闲聊来

2、加强人际关系,通过学习与陌生人闲聊天以达到了解,关心别人,增进友谊。语言学习目标是:能够在不同的场合进行闲聊。知识难点为:附加疑问句的用法。附加疑问句往往是闲聊的开场白,同时,对于闲聊中的问题,有的是较适宜的,称为成功的话题。有的则涉及他人隐私,被视为不适宜问的问题,称为不成功的话题,不成功的话题指的是谈话的内容往往会使人感到尴尬或不愉快,我们在开始与人的闲聊中,应该考虑到听者的文化背景,生活习惯,也应该考虑到对方的喜,怒,哀,乐。因此,我们应尽量避免说让对方感到不愉快或不知所措的事情。常用到的话题是,Weather,Traffic,Music和The activity they are ha

3、ving 等等。根据课标要求、教材内容和初中学生的学习特征,在考虑教学设计过程中,我把本单元的教学难点进行了适当的分解,尽量采用由浅入深的教学呈现方式以降低学生的学习难度,同时运用多媒体教学为学生营造良好的语言学习氛围,其基本教学流程如下:第一课时主要引导学生能够听懂陌生人之间的闲聊信息并且能够用附加疑问句作为开场白与陌生人交流,以此提高学生的听说能力。第二课时(SectionA3a-4)主要提高学生的阅读能力,同时锻炼学生的小组合作能力和写作能力。在教学设计中,我把SectionB的内容和Selfcheck 的内容做了重新整合。把第三课时定为(SectionB1a2c and Selfche

4、ck)主要是提高学生的听力和综合应用能力,使学生对形式多样的活动感兴趣。.第四课时主要是提高学生的读写能力,合作学习能力,教会学生学写感谢信,学会感恩。如果时间有余我还安排学生能够根据所给的各种不同场合写出闲聊会话,并且能面向全班同学和老师把自己准备的对话表演出来,每一组表演时间为2-4分钟。以此来提高学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使英语切实成为一种交际工具从而让学生在不断的交际活动中习得语言,学以致用。 二、学习者特征分析 知识能力特征: 1. 八年级学生已经学完了前十一单元,本单元是最后一个单元的学习,学生通过将近两年的英语学习,已初步具备了一定的英语听说读写能力,也积累了一定的英语语言知

5、识和应用语言的能力。本单元词汇不多,学生已经对生词进行了集中识词,基本掌握了单词的发音和基本意思,然而,尤其是我们农村中学的学生对英语学习普遍缺乏信心与方法,致使于在英语学习中不敢大胆表现,因此,教师要不断的给与鼓励和赏识,帮助学生克服困难,树立自信心。 2. 课堂上,学生在老师帮助下具备了基本的自主学习英语的能力,作为教师,要在课堂活动中,不断地给与示范,鼓励,引导,帮助,监控,客观评价等作用。因为八年级学生还处在好动时期,也善于动脑筋,有自己的独特见解,但在很大程度上却受到词汇量和语法知识的制约,对西方的的一些文化背景生活习俗不甚了解。因此,了解一些相关的西方地域文化知识和中西文化的差别很

6、有必要。 三、单元整体目标分析 1、知识与能力: (1).Knowledge objects:Key vocabulary words and expressions :noon , by noon ,look through, bookstore, umbrella ,goodbye ,elevator, baby ,traffic ,note ,traffic, at least , sandy , fan (2).Target language: Its really windy today,isnt it ? Yes ,it is. You are Bens sister ,arent

7、 you ? The No.15 bus stops here ,doesnt it ? (3)Ability objects: 1).Learn to make small talk and be able to listen for specific information talks between strangers. 2).Train Ss listening,speaking abilities by using the target language. 2、过程与方法:采用“呈现展示情景式”教学模式,首先在第一课时把本单元的学习句式和任务make some small talk

8、布置给学生,同时提供学生完成任务所需要的语言素材,以此帮助学生在学习过程中形成主动的学习状态,然后通过操练,听力,培养学生的实际能力。本单元的第二课时从听力的角度,继续展开目标语言的输入,在此基础上提高学生的阅读能力,同时锻炼学生的小组合作能力和写作能力。第三课时主要是提高学生的听力和综合应用能力使学生对形式多样的1 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 活动感兴趣. 第四课时主要是提高学生的读写能力,合作学习能力,教会学生学写感谢信,学会感恩。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过学习与陌生人礼貌的闲聊,达到了解别人,关心别人,增进友谊。同时通过学习知道如何与陌生人闲聊,比较中西文化

9、差异。 四 、重点难点 1.Key points: Key vocabulary words and expressions :noon , by noon ,look through, bookstore, umbrella ,goodbye ,elevator, baby ,traffic ,note ,traffic, at least , sandy , fan 2.Difficult points: 1).The usage of tag question 2).Master the target language : Its really windy today,isnt it ?

10、 Yes ,it is.You are Bens sister ,arent you ?The No.15 bus stops here ,doesnt it ? 五、教法选择、学法指导 教法选择:任务型教学法、视听法、听说法、交际法、认知法等。 学法指导:自主学习与小组合作相结合,听说与读写相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。 资源准备:1. A Computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder. 六、课时及教学内容安排 教学内容 SectionA1a.1b.1c2a Foucs 3a .3b. and 4 Period2 45分钟 从阅读的角度继

11、续开展目标语言的输入,在此基础上,为落实目标语言做好准备。学习阅读和写作。练习写作和交际。 SectionB1a.1b.2a 2b2c.and Selfcheck Period3 45分钟 在完成任务的过程中,大量使用目标语言,并最终落学习体会适意的或不适宜的闲聊实。 SectionB3a,3b and4 教学内容 课时 一、教材内容分析 本节教材选自人教版新目标八年级下册Unit 10Its a nice day, isnt it? 的SectionA1a.1b.1c2a 2b 2c and Grammar Foucs作为第一课时。依据英语新课程标准、教学内容和教学对象,我对相关部分进行了适

12、当整合,确定本节课的主要教学目标为:学会人们是如何开始闲聊的,学生能用反意疑问句作为开场白且能够有礼貌地与陌生人展开闲聊,初步掌握反意疑问句的使用。 二、教学目标 1、Knowledge Object Vocabulary: small talk; rain; umbrella;Franklin;noon Target language :Its really windy today,isnt it ? Yes ,it is. You are Bens sister , arent you ? The No.15 bus stops here ,doesnt it. 2、Ability Obj

13、ect Enable students to make small talk using tag questions . To train students communicative competence . 3、情感态度与价值观To enable to communicate with others politely. 2 新课标第一网系列资料 Unit10 Its a nice day ,isnt it ? Period 1 教学对象 八年级学生 提供者 ,3c Period4 45分钟 运用所学的知识学写感谢信,学会编写对话进行表演。 示例法,认知法,表演法 多媒体,卡纸教室场景 听说

14、法,交际法,任务型教学法。 多媒体,音响 听说法,交际法,认知法,任务型教学法 多媒体,音响 课时 安排 Period1 任务设计 能听懂陌生人的聊天对话并学会同陌生人闲聊。学会使用反意疑问句 教法选择 视听法,交际法,认教学环境 多媒体,相关视2b 2c and Grammar 45分钟 知法,任务型教学法 图及音响 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 三、重点难点 重点:1.Vocabulary: small talk; rain; umbrella;Franklin;noon2.Target language:Its really windy today,isnt it ? Yes ,it

15、 is. You are Bens sister ,arent you ?The No.15 bus stops here ,doesnt it. 难点:反意疑问句用法。反意疑问句是提出情况和看法,问对方同不同意,这种问句由两部分组成,前一部分是陈述句的形式,后一部分是简短的发问,前一部分用肯定形式,后一部分则用否定形式,前一部分用否定形式,后一部分用肯定形式,两部分在时态人称和数要保持一致。如:Its really windy today?isnt it ? Yes ,it is.You are Bens sister ,arent you ?The No.15 bus stops here

16、 ,doesnt it? 四、教法选择、学法指导 本节课,我运用了远教育资源和网络资源中的图片、动画、声音媒体等手段向学生呈现反意疑问句的基本句型结构并展开练习,从谈论天气入手,结合学生生活实际,营造良好的语言学习情景,使学生愿意说。在输入新语言的同时采用情景再现法,任务型教学法,为学生设置较为真实的情景、语境,使学生在学中用在用中感受,帮助养成良好语言学习习惯。 五 资源准备 多媒体课件、图片等相关教学资源。 六、教学过程 教学任务 Task1 Organization Lead-in 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备 通过谈论天气和对学生的提问,引出反意疑问句的基本结构和本单元的课题

17、,通过让学生通过理解,感知反意疑问1.Talk about the weather today. 1.Listen and answer. Whats the weather like today? 2.Its a nice day, isnt it? 2.Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.(学生3.Next, I want to talk with 根据事实答) my partner? Ask: Do you like sports? Can you swim? He can swim, cant he? answer the teacher. someone of you

18、 . Who can be 3.One of the students listen and 句的基本框架,从而完成本单元的导入。 In order to achieve your dream, will you study harder 4.Ss answer together. than before? he? Thats all. Thank you very much. Go back to your seat, please. 5.He acted very well, didnt he? Task2 Presentation (5) 1.In our daily life, eve

19、ryone will 1.Different students say what is 通过对这些场景和自己meet some people they dont happening in each picture,with 添加的一些场所的描述know. If you want to talk to the teachers help,students 学生基本上知道了要them, this kind of conversation undersdand that in all the “聊”的内容,教师进一will be called small talk. how to picturest

20、wo people who dont 步提供材料,进行鼓励,start your conversation? know each other(strangers) are 启发,引导,帮助,监控和评价从而为整节课任务的完成奠定语言基Whenever, you could talk about starting a conversation. the weather first. Besides this, 3 新课标第一网系列资料 Yes,he will. 5.Ss answer together. 4.He will study harder, wont Im sure you will s

21、ucceed. Yes,he did. 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! you could start your 础。 conversation according to the current situation. T:showing 2.Callon a student to say his/her the four scenes on the screen and list of places. Then ask other ask different students to say students to add places to this what is happening in

22、 each list. picture. 2.Ask students to think of places where they would talk with people they dont know,then have the students write their own lists. Task3.Practice the language goal(10) 1.Show the pictures of people 1.Lookcarefully understand and 在这一部分,我把教材are at the bus stop waiting for a practice

23、 bus. If you are one of them, how to start your conversation? Can you make small talk? 2.Work in pairs to make your own small talk. You can use the expression below.(ppt) their conversations. 做了调整,就是把1c和2C进行了融合,集中练习形成操练的整体性,学生在经过了自己观察,教师引导,结对讨论的基础上,基本上形2.Call several pairs topresent 成了对语言的练习。那么,要在听力

24、的练习中得到相关的信息,也就是水到渠成。这一部分的设计,主要为下面的1b,2a,2b听力练习做好准备) Task4SectionA1b (5) 1.small talk may be various in 1.students listen and write 训练学生模仿语音语调different situations. Now listen the number of each conversation 培养语感,获取和处理to three conversions and decide in the box next to the correct 信息 where they are mak

25、ing small picture in 1a talk. Number the pictures in 1a in the order you hear them. for first how they start in their Ask students to repeat the first each 2.Listen again. This time listen 2.check the answers. conversations. Try to catch the sentence in each conversation. sentence conversation. 4 新课

26、标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! (5) 1.When we talk to people we 1.Listen to the teacher to explain 在听力中练习目标语言western 同时培养学习西方文化,要注意到中外交际习俗的差异,在交际中即不能“闭口不言”也不能“言多必失”,我们尽量做到“恰到好处”的交流 sentences we can use, but some cultureandunderstandthe sentences we cant use. For meaning. example: How old are you?(Especial

27、ly for women.) dont you think so? isnt it? How much is your skirt? Task5 Prensentation for 2a meet for the first time, some the Your dress doesnt look nice, Your cell phone is too cheap, If you do, youll have an unsuccessful small talk. We need to have a successful small talk. To have successful sma

28、ll talks, both people need to ask questions to let the conversation go on. three conversations. Listen 2.Ss Understand the meaning of 2. Now look at 2a, we will hear carefully and tell if they are “s” (for successful) or “u” (for successful small talk or not. unsuccessful) in the blanks. Write “S”(f

29、or successful) or 3. Check the answers. “U”(for unsuccessful) in the blanks. Task6 2b (5) 1.Listen to conversation Three 1.Students read and make a 在学生听懂的基础上进again. Here are some sentences conversation using the 一步提高熟练使用目标writing 语言的能力。 in the successful conversation. sentences”ag”by the sentences o

30、f the right. Ill ask different students to read letters in the column on the conversation. Put the sentences and questions in the right order. The sample answer “f” is given. Its 2.Play the recording. the opening of the 2.Check the answers. Ask Answers: 2. b 3. e 4. a conversation students to check

31、the letter of 5. d 6.c 7. g each line of conversation in the correct place. Task7 Grammar Foucs(2) Summarize and show the new Students read and recite it. words and sentence to students on the screen. 5 新课标第一网系列资料 帮助学生回忆本节课所学,通过大屏幕展示主要内容,简洁直观,便 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! Its really windy today,isnt it ? Yes ,

32、it is. You are Bens sister , arent you ? The No.15 bus stops here ,doesnt it. Task 9 Summary Homework: (2) 1.This class weve learned what usually use the tag questions to language points. start a small talk.I hope you can start a small talk with strangers. In this way you can practice your spoken En

33、glish and make a lot of friends. 2.GroupA:.Complete the tag questions on the screen in class. 2.Choose their own homework Group B:Make a small talk at a and finish it. bus stop. 七、板书设计 Unit10 Its a nice day ,isnt it ? (Period One) I. New words & phrases: mall talk; rain; umbrella;Franklin;noon II. S

34、entence patterns:Its really windy today,isnt it ? Yes ,it is. You are Bens sister ,arent you ? The No.15 bus stops here ,doesnt it. 教学内容 课时 一、教材内容分析 本课是本单元的第二课时,在继续巩固学习上节课所学闲聊词汇和目标语言的基础上,主要学习Section A、3a、3b 、and 4.本课依据英语新课程标准要求、教学内容及教学对象,对部分内容进行了适当的整合,确定本节课的主要教学目标为:从阅读的角度继续开展目标语言的输入,在完成学习阅读任务的基础上,通过

35、练习写作和交际为落实目标语言做准备。在学会正确使用Tag question 的基础上,扩展到能够根据实际情况作出判断并做出回答,比一比赛一赛看看你能聊多久。重点为:能自由运用目标语言来编写对话,并能完成任务型写作任务。难点是:能够与陌生人自如礼貌的会话,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开。本节课是第一课时的有效延伸和拓展。 二、教学目标 1.Knowledge goals: Words: Have a good day; look through; bookstore; elevator; cross; low; slow; sandy , rain ,umbrella, noon,goodbye

36、, beach , alone Target languages: This is great weather, isnt it? It sure is. But its a little hot for me. I love hot weather . 2. Ability goals: To train students writing ability and communicative competence. 3.Moral goals: To enable to understand the feelings of others in communication. 三、重点、难点 6

37、新课标第一网系列资料 Unit 10 Its a nice day ,isnt it ? Period Two 教学对象 八年级学生 设计者 . 不同层次的学生。 于学生记忆 one says to start a small talk. We 1.Make a list of the important 作业分层要求,以适应 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 重点:1.Teaching key points 2.Master the target language in this period.: Have a good day!. Look through; (3). Nice day,

38、isnt it? 2. 难点:Make conversations with strangers freely. 四、教法选择与学法指导 从学生的学习兴趣,生活实际和认知水平,采用,直观演示法,口语交际法,视听法,听说法,任务型教学法,运用多媒体让学生积极参与,大胆实践,共同交流与合作。学法上采取自主学习与合作学习相结合,听说读写相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。 五、资源准备 多媒体课件、图片及相关教学资源。新课标第一网 六、教学过程 教学任务 Task 1 Warming up. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备 1.Ask students to place the tapes 1

39、.Work in pairs to do oral 通过对上节课翻反意问句and the tape recorder where practice. students in the class can listen to each others conversations during free time. 内容的简单复习过渡,引入本节课的目标语言,以此提高学生的兴趣 2.Revise the use of tag questions 2.Ss look at the screen and do (PPT),Talk about NaBi it. Xiaoxins journey to Eng

40、land. Task2.presentation for 3a 1.This activity provides reading 1.look and answer: and writing practice using the target language.(Show a picture on the screen.) they? 2.They are at the bus stop. 2.Look at the picture. Where are 3.Yes. They are having a small talk while they are waiting for 3.S1: I

41、m going to the beach. conversation. In it there are four on hot days. blanks. You need to fill in them. First please think of answers that 4.invite some students to read would be correct in blank 1. their completed conversations 4.Correct. Very good. Then to the class. finish writing sentences in th

42、e blanks on your own.Ask some 5.Work in pairs to practice the students to say their sentences to conversations. the class. 5.Write some of the new sentences students use on the board and discuss the sentences with the class. Task3.3b Pairwork (10) 1. Activity 3b provides writing 1.Ss Read the conver

43、sation 让学生反复操练再表演这and speaking practice using the in 3a to the class. 部分的对话,旨在熟悉话呈现“任务”时通过“问答”的方式谈论图片,在完成“任务”之前一则练习学生口语,二则降低写作难度,在这一环节,教师主要是引导帮助,示范,并帮助学生树立写作自信,因为3a的熟练掌握直接影响着举足轻重的作用。 buses. Now lets look at their S2: I always go to the beach 3b和4部分的练习,起着7 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! target language.

44、First show the conversation in 3a on the screen and ask students to read it. 2.Ask another student to conversationalsituations. Read the list of possible 题和语境,循序渐进的加强目标语言的熟练运用,激发兴趣,做好写作前的语言储备。 Read the list of possible 2. another student Ask student to explain what conversational situations. each on

45、e means,using their own words. practice their 3.Ask pairs to practice the 3.students students to practice a new ideas. conversation using one of the ideas in the list. 4.Ask some to say their conversation . Task 4 Writing(10) Now please write a new ask pairs of students to read 通过奖励“水果糖”机制,提conversation together using your their conversations for the 高学生兴趣,主要是提高own ideas. You can choose one class. of the situations on the screen. 新课标第一网 And the


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