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1、老托福听力PartC原文精选 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理老托福听力PartC原文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。老托福听力PartC原文Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, Id like to welcome you to tonights program.晚上好,我的名字叫Pam Jones,代表现代舞俱乐部,我想欢迎大家来到今晚的节目。The club is pleased to present the TV version of The Catherine

2、Wheel, Twyla Tharps rock ballet.本俱乐部很荣幸地介绍Catherine Wheel(凯萨琳车轮)的电视版,Twyla Tharp的摇滚芭蕾舞。This video version of the ballet has been even more successful with audiences than the original theater production.这个芭蕾舞的视频版在观众中甚至已获得比原始的剧场作品更大的成功。It includes some animation, slow motion, and stop-action freezes t

3、hat really help the audience understand the dance.它包括了一些动画,慢动作,和静止动作等能真正帮助观众理解舞蹈。The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine, who died on a wheel in 307 A.D.这个作品的名字指的是Saint Catherine(圣凯瑟琳),她于公元307年死于一个轮子上Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework.现如今,Catherine Wheel也是一种烟火(转轮烟火)It lo

4、oks something like a pinwheel.它看起来像某种转轮焰火。Anyway, the dance is certainly full of fireworks!不管怎样,该舞蹈确实充满了焰火!Youll see how Twyla Tharp explores one familys attempt to confront the violence in modern life.你将会看到Twyla Tharp是如何探究一个家庭在现代生活中面对暴力的尝试The central symbol of the work is a pineapple, but exactly w

5、hat it represents has always created a lot of controversy.作品的核心象征是一个菠萝,但是究竟它代表了什么一直引起诸多争议As you watch, see if you can figure it out.当你们观看的时候,看看你们能否弄明白The music for this piece is full of the rhythmic energy of rock music.这篇作品的配乐充满了摇滚乐的节奏能量It was composed by David Byrne.由David Byrne作曲,Of the rock band

6、 Talking Heads?(David Byrne)貌似是来自摇滚乐队Talking Heads?And the lead dancer in this version was Sara Rudner, who is perfectly suited to Tharps adventurous choreography.这个版本的领舞是Sara Rudner,她完全适合Tharp的大胆的编舞Following the video, dance teacher Mary Parker will lead a discussion about the symbolism Ms. Tharp u

7、sed.伴随着视频,舞蹈老师Mary Parker将会引导一个关于Ms. Tharp所用的象征主义的讨论。We hope you can stay for that.我们希望你们能够为此而留下So, enjoy tonights video and thank you for your support.那么,享受今晚的视频,并且感谢大家的支持老托福听力PartC原文In our lab today, well be testing the hypothesis that babies can count as early as five months of age.今天在我们的实验室,我们将会

8、测试这个假设,就是婴儿早在五个月大时就能计数了。The six babies here are all less than six months old.这里的六个婴儿全部小于六个月大。Youll be watching them on closed-circuit TV and measuring their responses.你们将在闭路电视上观看他们,然后衡量他们的反应The experiment is based on the well-established observation that babies stare longer if they dont see what the

9、y expect to see.实验是基于已经得到确认的观察报告,就是婴儿们会凝视久一些,如果他们没看到他们期待看到的东西的话First, were going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babies.首先,我们将会让两个玩偶在婴儿们的前面缓缓移动。The babies will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen.婴儿们将会看到两个玩偶消失在一个屏风的后面。Your job is to record, in seconds, how long the babies stare

10、at the dolls when the screen is removed.你们的工作是记录,以秒为单位,婴儿们会盯着玩偶看多久,当屏风被移开时。In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babies and disappear.在下一阶段(接下来),两个玩偶将依然在婴儿们面前移动并且消失。But then a third doll will follow.不过第三个玩偶将会跟随着。When the screen is removed, the babies will only see two dolls.当屏

11、风被移走时,婴儿们将只会看到两个玩偶。If were right, the babies will now stare longer because they expect three dolls but only see two.如果我们是正确的,婴儿们现在将会凝视的更久些,因为他们期待三个玩偶但是只看见两个It seems remarkable to think that such young children can count.想想这么小的孩子能计数似乎非同寻常。My own research has convinced me that they have this ability f

12、rom birth.我自己的研究说服了我,他们从出生就有这种能力。But whether they do or not, perhaps we should raise another question.但不论他们是真有还是没有,也许我们都应该提出另一个问题。Should we take advantage of this ability by teaching children mathematics at such a young age?我们应该利用这个能力在如此小的年龄来教孩子们数学吗?They have great untapped potential, but is it good

13、 for parents to pressure young children?他们拥有巨大的尚未开发的潜能,但是对家长来说去压迫小孩子这样好吗?老托福听力PartC原文Before starting our tour of Monticello, Id like to give you some historical facts that might help you appreciate what you see today even more.在开始我们的Monticello之旅前,我想给你们一些史实,这会帮助你们更多的欣赏你们今天看到的。Monticello was the very

14、much loved home of Thomas Jefferson for over fifty years.Monticello是Thomas Jefferson(托马斯杰斐逊)深沉挚爱了五十多年的家。Jefferson, who was, of course, President, was also a great reader and language enthusiast.Jefferson,曾经是,当然了,总统,也是一个很热爱读书的人和语言爱好者。He read widely on different subjects, including architecture.他在不同的科

15、目上阅读广博,包括了建筑学。He wasnt formally trained in architecture, but as a result of his study and observation of other buildings, he was able to help design and build the house.他在建筑学上没有经过正规培训,但是作为他研究和观察其他建筑的结果,他能够帮助设计和建造房屋。He chose the site himself, naming the estate Monticello, which means little mountain

16、in Italian.他自己选择了地点,命名这个地产Monticello,这在意大利语中的意思是“小山”。In fact, many of the ideas behind the design also came from the Italian architect Andrea Palladio, who lived in the sixteenth century and who had a great influence on the architecture of England.事实上,许多设计背后的理念也是来自于意大利建筑师Andrea Palladio,他生活在16世纪并且他在

17、英国的建筑上有着巨大的影响。Jefferson, however, ignored one of Palladios principles, that is, not to build in a high place.然而,Jefferson,忽略了Palladio的一个原则,既,不在高处建房。Monticellos elevation made the transportation of what was needed at the housefor example, foodespecially difficult.Monticello的海拔使得房屋中的必需品的运输,比如,食物极其困难。B

18、ut the view from the estate would not be as spectacular if Jefferson had followed Palladios advice;但是来自这个地产的景观也就不会如此壮观,如果Jefferson 听从了Palladio的建议。there really is no boundary between the house and the nature around it, and so Jefferson was able to look out on his beloved state of Virginia from his wo

19、nderful vantage point.在房子和环绕它的大自然之间真的没有界限,所以Jefferson才能够从他绝妙的优势地点面对他所挚爱的佛吉尼亚州。Now well go on to Jeffersons library.现在,我们将接着去Jefferson的图书馆。老托福听力PartC原文Now that weve all introduced ourselves to the new members, lets get down to work.现在我们都已经向新的会员介绍了我们自己,让我们开始工作吧。As the committee in charge of this years

20、 tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda.因为委员会负责今年的植树计划,我们有几个项目在我们的议程上。First, we have to review the budget.首先,我们不得不回顾一下预算。The president has informed me that the trustees have set aside $3,000 for the purchase of trees and our environmental T-shirt sale netted a profit of $1,500.主席

21、已经通知了我,受托人已经拨出3000美元来买树,而且我们的环保T恤销售赚到利润1500美元。Second, we have to finalize the choice of trees.第二,我们必须最后定下来所选择的树As you know, were working with Richardsons Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year.正如你们所知道的,我们今年再次与Richardson的苗圃共事,因为每个人似乎都对去年他为我们所做的工作感到

22、满意。Mr. Richardson has presented us with several choices within our price range that he thinks would meet our needs.Richardson先生已经向我们提供了几种在我们价格范围内的选择,并且他认为会满足我们的需求。Hes sent us pictures of the trees for us to look at, but he wanted me to tell you that were welcome to visit the nursery if we want to se

23、e the trees themselves.他送了我们树的照片为了给我们看看,但是想让我告诉你们,欢迎大家去参观苗圃,如果我们想亲自去看看树的话。Lastly, we need to plan some kind of ceremony to commemorate the planting.最后,我们需要去策划某种仪式来纪念这次植树。Several ideas, including a garden party of some sort, have been suggested.几个想法,包括了一个某种形式的花园派对,已经被提出了。So lets get on with it and tu

24、rn to the first order of business.那么让我们继续,并且致力于(开始)第一个议程。老托福听力PartC原文Welcome to the Four Winds Historical Farm, where traditions of the past are preserved for visitors like you.欢迎来到Four Winds历史农场,在这里过去的传统为你们这样的游客保留了下来。Today, our master thatchers will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatche

25、d roof, able to withstand heavy winds and last up to a hundred years.今天,我们的茅屋匠大师将开始给予我身后的谷仓一个结实的茅草屋顶,能够抵挡大风并且维持上百年。How do they do it? Well, in a nutshell, thatching involves covering the beams or rafters, the wooden skeleton of a roof with reeds or straw.他们是怎么做到的呢?好,简而言之,用茅草覆盖屋顶包括用芦苇和稻草覆盖大梁和椽木,屋顶的木制

26、骨架。Our thatchers here have harvested their own natural materials for the job, the bundles of water reeds you see lying over there beside the barn.我们这儿的茅屋匠们已经为这项工作收割了他们自己的天然材料,你们看见横放在那边谷仓旁的一束束的水芦了吧Thatching is certainly uncommon in the Untied States today.用茅草盖屋顶在今天的美国确实不太常见了I guess thats why so many

27、of you have come to see this demonstration.我猜这也是为什么你们那么多人过来看这个演示。But it wasnt always that way.当并不总是这样。In the seventeenth century, the colonists here thatched their roofs with reeds and straw, just as they had done in England.在十七世纪,殖民者用芦苇和稻草覆盖他们的屋顶,就像他们在英国做的那样。After a while, though, they began to rep

28、lace the thatch with wooden shingles because wood was so plentiful.然而,过了一阵子,他们开始使用木板瓦来代替茅草屋顶因为木材是如此充足。And eventually, other roofing materials like stone, slate, and clay tiles came into use.并且最终,其他屋顶材料如石头,石板,还有陶土瓦开始被使用了。Its a real shame that most people today dont realize how strong and long lasting

29、 a thatched roof is.真是很遗憾,今天大多数的人没有认识到一个茅草屋顶是多么结实和持久耐用。In Ireland, where thatching is still practiced, the roofs can survive winds of up to one hundred ten miles per hour.在爱尔兰,那里茅草屋顶依然被使用着,这种屋顶更够幸存于高达每小时一百一十英里的风速。Thats because straw and reeds are so flexible.那是因为稻草和芦苇是这么的柔韧They bend but dont break i

30、n the wind like other materials can.他们在风中弯曲却不会像其他材料那样能断裂Another advantage is that the roofs keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.另一个优势是这种屋顶保持了房子在夏天凉爽,并且在冬天温暖(冬暖夏凉)And then, of course, theres the roofs longevitythe average is sixty years, but they can last up to a hundred.而且,当然了,还有屋顶的长寿命-平均是六十年,但他们能维持到一百年。With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again, wouldnt it be wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity?带着所有这些理由去重新开始用茅草盖屋顶,难道看见这种正在消失中的工艺回归流行不是很美妙吗?


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