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1、体育运动名词football足球rugby橄榄球basketball 篮球volleyball 排球tennis 网球 baseball 垒球 handball手球hockey曲棍球golf高尔夫球cricket板球ice hockey冰球goalkeeper 球门员center kick 中线发球goal kick球门发球throw in, line-out边线发球to score a goal 射门得分 to convert a try对方球门线后触地得分batsman板球运动员batter击球运动员mens singles 单打运动员in the mixed doubles 混合双打 I

2、ndividual Sports 体育项目 gymnastics体操gymnastic apparatus 体操器械horizontal bar单杠parallel bars双杠rings 吊环 trapeze秋千wall bars肋木side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马weight-lifting举重 weights重量级boxing拳击Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤hold lock揪钮judo柔道 fencing击剑winter sports冬季运动skiing滑雪ski滑雪板downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降 slalom障碍滑

3、雪ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛ski jump跳高滑雪ice skating滑冰 figure skating花样滑冰roller skating滑旱冰bobsleigh, bobsled雪橇 Athletics 竞技 race跑middle-distance race 中长跑long-distance runner 长跑运动员sprint短跑 (美作:dash) the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏marathon马拉松decathlon十项cross-country race越野跑 jump跳跃jumping跳跃运动high jump跳高l

4、ong jump跳远 (美作:broad jump) triple jump,hop step and jump 三级跳pole vault撑竿跳throw投掷throwing投掷运动 putting the shot,shot put 推铅球throwing the discus掷铁饼throwing the hammer 掷链锤 throwing the javelin 掷标枪walk竞走Swimming 游泳swimming pool 游泳池 changing room 更衣室shower 淋浴diving platform 跳台ten-meter platform 10米跳台 five

5、-meter platform 5米跳台three-meter springboard 3米跳板one-meter springboard 1米跳板 diving pool 跳水池non-swimmers pool 浅水池swimmers pool 深水池starting block 出发台 starting dive 出发起跳rope with cork floats 水线swimming lane 泳道touching the finishing line 终点触线timekeeper 计时员lifesaver, lifeguard 救生员land drill 陆上练习 breaststr

6、oke 蛙泳crawl stroke 爬泳back stroke 仰泳side stroke 侧泳butterfly stroke 蝶泳 dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳treading water 踩水underwater swimming 潜泳 swimming pool with artificial waves 人工海浪泳池artificial waves 人工海浪 swimming trunks 泳裤swimsuit, swimming suit 泳衣swimming cap 泳帽bikini 比基尼泳衣 bikini top 比基尼乳罩bikini bo

7、ttom 比基尼式泳裤surfing 冲浪surfboard 冲浪板water ski 滑水橇manager经纪人instructor教练,技术指导guide领队trainer助理教练 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判contestant, competitor, player运动员professional 职业运动员amateur业余运动员,爱好者enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)outsider 无取胜希望者championship 冠军赛,锦标赛

8、 champion冠军record 纪录record holder纪录创造者ace网球赛中的一分 Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会 stadium运动场track跑道ring圈ground, field 场地pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地court 网球场team, side 队 分类词汇体育运动竞技 race跑middle-distance race 中长跑long-distance runner长跑运动员sprint短跑 (美作:dash) the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏maratho

9、n马拉松decathlon十项cross-country race越野跑 jump跳跃jumping跳跃运动high jump跳高long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)triple jump, hop step and jump三级跳pole vault撑竿跳throw投掷throwing投掷运动putting the shot, shot put推铅球throwing the discus 掷铁饼throwing the hammer掷链锤throwing the javelin掷标枪 walk竞走back 后卫 badminton 羽毛球blocker拦网队员 boxin

10、g 拳击 center 中锋 championship锦标赛charging 撞cycling自行车diving 潜水fencing击剑field 场地 forward前锋game游戏,运动会grabbing拉人ground场地 guard后卫gym 体育馆 gymnasium体育馆net球网outscore 比分领先parachuting跳伞qigong气功racket 球拍 shooting射击范围stadium竞技场tournament比赛,锦标赛 volleyball 排球wrestling 摔跤 100-metre dash100米跑 400-metre dash 400米跑a go

11、ld (silver, bronze) medallist金牌获得者 a tie/play even 平局a vegetarian diet 素食菜谱an early riser/an early bird起床早back player后排队员backboard/bank篮板balance beam平衡木base ball 棒球basket support 篮架be a vegetarian素食爱好者be in good (poor) health身体好be on a diet 节食board diving 跳水板 center forward 中锋center half back 中卫chal

12、k up new record打破世界纪录change of player 换人change of position换位change of service换发球change the baton 交接力棒corner ball角球discus throwing掷铁饼division line中线do jogging慢步长跑double foul双方犯规 equal a world record平世界纪录fast attack快攻field events田赛first half 上半时 do morning (physical) exercises 做早操drill ground操场free ki

13、ck发任意球half back 前卫 free throw zone/foul lane罚球区;禁区free throw罚球goalkeeper/goalie 守门员 half-way line中线hand ball 手球 high-low bar高低杠 heavy weight重量级拳击 home team主队horizontal bar 单杠 ice hockey 冰球indoor stadium室内运动场inside right/left forward右锋 keep fit 保持身体健康 kick a goal踢进一球 kick-off circle中圈lawn tennis 草地网球

14、light weight 轻量级拳击long shot远射 make a final dash冲刺martial art 武术mat exercise垫上运动 motor cycling摩托车赛national team国家队net player前排队员net post 网栏 one man block 单人封网outside right/left forward右边锋parallel bar双杠 penalty shot发球点platform diving跳台跳水play bridge打桥牌play chess下棋 play Chinese chess下象棋pole jump撑杆跳pomme

15、l horse 鞍马powerful smash 大力扣杀 regular and balances diet 平衡有序的饮食repeated smashes连续扣杀right of service 发球权 right/left back 右后卫right/left forward边锋right/left half back 右前卫 ring/hoop/basket 篮圈roller skating 滑冰rope skipping跳绳 second half下半时 service area 发球区soft ball 垒球sports field运动场sports meet 运动会 state

16、of health身体状况straight ball 直线球stretch. ones arms and legs 伸伸胳膊腿 suffer in health身体不好sweep all the titles on offer 囊括所有冠军table tennis 乒乓球 take a walk/stroll after dinner饭后散步tennis court网球场the Asian games亚运会 the back stroke仰泳the basket court篮球场the breast stroke蛙泳the crawl/free style自由泳 the defence 防卫t

17、he dolphin stroke 海豚式the goal得分the high jump 跳高 the jumping pit沙坑the long distance running/race长跑the long jump跳远 the Olympic Game奥运会the relay race接力跑the score is 2 to 5 2比5 time out暂停 the shuttlecock羽毛球the side stroke侧泳throw the discus掷铁饼to banish/to foul out 罚出场 to pass the ball传球to shoot the ball in/to make a basket投中to shoot射门triple jump三级跳远 to step on the line/to touch the line踩线track events径赛运动tread water踩水tug of war 拔河 two-men block双人封网uneven bar 高低杆vaulting horse跳马visiting team 客队 water polo水球weight lifting举重winners stand领奖台world titles世界冠军


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