1、佣金确认书特别告知:1、为保障您的利益-在您向我公司支付任何一笔款项时,务必要求我公司业务人员,提供盖有我公司收款专用章的收据。2、本文书中若出现以“”选择的情形时,务必进行勾选,否则视为以该条款下第一项约定为 准。 佣 金 确 认 书 Letter of Confirmation of Commission 佣金支付人: Commission payer: 佣金收受人:*房地产经纪有限公司 Commission receiver:Shanghai* Realty 成交房地产地址:上海市 区 路 弄 号 室及 号车位 Address of the transacted property: Ro
2、om , No. Building, No. Lane, Road, District, Shanghai city and No. parking space. 交易方式:买卖;成交金额:人民币 元, (大写 万 仟 佰 拾 元整); Business type:sale;transaction amount:RMB yuan, (capital ); 租赁;成交金额: 元/月, (大写 万 仟 佰 拾 元整/月); lease;transaction amount: /month, (capital /month); 甲方在交易中的地位: 出售方 买受方 出租方 承租方; Party As
3、 role in the transaction: seller buyer lessor lessee; 佣金金额: 元。 Commission amount: , (capital ). 是否代他方支付佣金:否; Pay commission for others or not:No; 是 本表中所列佣金金额中,人民币 元整由甲方自愿代支付。 Yes Among the commission listed in this form, RMB yuan is paid by Party A voluntarily for. 支付条件或日期:买卖合同成立当日 ; 租赁合同成立当日 Paymen
4、t condition or date:on the day the sales contract is formed ; on the day the lease contract is formed Special notes:1. To protect your interests, when paying any amount to our company, you should ask our company personnel to provide you with a receipt displaying a valid cash-collection company stamp
5、 (please remit payment to our company bank account or other account as designated by our company should you choose to make payments via bank transfer). 2. Check “” if it applies, otherwise the first item will be regarded as finally agreed by default. 甲方经乙方居间介绍,与交易相对方达成上述房地产的租售交易。现甲方承诺:愿意按照上述表格所列之条件及
6、下述条款的约定向乙方支付佣金。 After Party Bs intermediate introduction, Party A concludes the lease/sales transaction in respect of the above said property with the corresponding party. Now Party A guarantees: Party A is willing to pay commission to Party B in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the abov
7、e form and as agreed in the below terms. 1、 甲方应当按照约定的支付条件或日期及时付款,未经乙方同意而迟延支付,乙方有权追索逾期违约金。 Party A shall pay the commission in time according to the agreed conditions and date, and Party B is entitled to pursue default penalty (at the rate of 0.1% of overdue commission per day) if Party A delays the
8、payment without Party Bs consent. 2、 若甲、乙双方在支付佣金过程中发生争议,应当协商解决,若通过协商未能解决,应向上述房地产所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 Any dispute arising from payment of commission should be settled through negotiation by both parties, and it can be submitted to Peoples Court where this property is if can not be settled through negotiation. 甲方: 乙方:*房地产经纪有限公司 Party A: Party B:Shanghai * Realty 身份证件号码: 经纪人证件号: ID No.: Broker ID No.: 联络地址 : 联络地址: Contact address : Contact address: 代理人: 电话/传真: Agent(representative): Tel/Fax: 电话/传真: 日 期: Tel/Fax: Date: 日 期: Date: