六年级上册Unit Ways to go to school.docx

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1、六年级上册Unit Ways to go to schoolUnit 2 Ways to go to school . 单元检测题 一、 根据句意和首字母写出单词。 1. I go to the USA by p_ . 2. I go to school on f_. 3. I go to Brijing by t_ . 4. I go to the park by b_ . 二、 选出每组中不同类的一项。 1. A. the USA B. plane C. subway 2. A. yellow B. green C. light 3. A. sometimes B. usually C.

2、go 4. A. traffic light B. post office C. nature park 5. A. bike B. right C. left 6. A. bus B. train C. foot 7. A. Canada B. English C. China 8. A. how B. there C. where 9. A. eight B. US C. China 10. A. usually B. often C. early 三、 选择填空。 1. Look , its a red light . Please _ . A. go B. stop C. wait 2

3、. -_ do you go home ? -I go by bike . A. How B. What C. Where 3. -How do you do ? -_ A. Im fine . B. I often do my home work . C. How do you do ? ( ) 4. If you want go by car or on foot , you must know the _ . A. lights B. traffic C. traffic rules ( ) 5. I go to school _ foot , because my home is _

4、. A. by ; fast B. on ; near C. on ; far ( )6. How can I _ the park ? A. go B. get C. get to ( )7. You can go there _ . Its far from here . A. on foot B. walk C. by bus ( )8.-_ do you go to Shanghai ? -I go by plane . A. What B. How C. When ( )9. When you see a red light , you must _ . A. go B. look

5、C. stop ( )10. When you see a green light , you can _. A. go B. look C. stop ( )11. Look _ the traffic lights . A. in B. at C. over ( )12. Dont _ at the red light ! A. go B. goes C. going ( )13. -_ is the bookstore ?-Its next to the pet shop . A. When B. Where C. How ( )14. -Can I go by taxi ?-_ A.

6、No, you arent . B. Yes , you can . C. Yes , you do . ( )15. Usually I go to school on _ . A. bike B. foot C. plane ( )16. _ do you go to school ? A. How B. Who C. Where ( )17. In England and Australia , drivers drive on the _ side of the road . A. left B. right C. both ( )18. _ at a yellow light . A

7、. Stop B. Go C. Wait ( )19. You can see this _ the road _ Hong Kong . A. on ; in B. at ; in C. in ; in ( )20. -_are you going to the zoo ? -This afternoon . A. When B. Where C. How ( )21. 想询问对方怎样去学校的,可以这样问: A. How do you come to school ? B. How can I come to school ? ( )22. 想询问对方可以怎样去公园,可以这样问: A. Ho

8、w do you go to the zoo ? B. How can I go to the park ? ( )23. 别人跟你说“Thank you !”,你应该这样回答:A. Youre welcome . B. OK ( )24. “我可以走路去吗?”应该这样问:A. Can I go on foot ? B. Can I go by bike ? ( )25. 想知道别人的名字,可以这样问: A. How are you ? B. Whats your name ? ( )26.How are you ? A. Fine , thank you . B. Im fourteen .

9、 ( )27. See you later ! A. Thank you ! B. See you ! ( )28. 当询问对方上学乘坐什么交通工具时,你应该问: A. How old are you ? B. How do you go to school ? ( )29.“我有事乘坐火车”用英语表述为: A. Sometimes I go by train . B. I always go by train . ( )30. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? A.You can go by bus . B. I can go by bus . 四、选词填空

10、 How How old Where What How much 1.-_are these apples ? -Ten yuan . 2. -_is she ? -Ten . 3. -_are you ? -Im in the bedroom . 4. -_do you go to school ? -By bike . 5. -_is your mother ? -Shes a teacher . come to school usually sometimes on foot How by bus Mike: Hello , Mrs Smith . Mrs Smith: Good mor

11、ning , Mike . 1._do you 2._.? Mike: My home is near the school . I 3._come _. But 5._ I come 6._.How about you , Mrs Smith ? Mrs Smith: I often go by car . Mike: Thats nice . John: Excuse me , Sir ? How can I 1._(go/get to) the bookstore ? Policeman: You can 2._(take/by) the No. 10 bus . John: Can I

12、 go by bike ? Policeman: Sure . Its not far from here . First , you can go straight . Then turn left and you will fine it on your right . John: Thank you , Sir . Policeman: Youre welcome ! You 3._(can/must) pay attention 4._(at/to) the traffic lights ! 5._(Do/Dont) go at a red light . And wear your

13、helmet . John: Yes , Sir ! Thank you ! where on foot How from bus go to A: Lets 1._the zoo this afternoon . B: Cool ! 2._ can we get to the zoo ? A: We can get there by 3._. B: OK. But 4._ is the bus stop(公交车站) ? A: Its not far 5._ my home . We can go 6._. 五、读一读,填一填 1.-_ do you go to school ? -I go

14、to school _ foot . 2.-_ _ I get to the hospital ? -You can get there _ bus . 3._ _ and _at a yellow light . 4. Dont go there _ _ . Because its too far from here . 5. Pay attention to the traffic lights . Dont _ at a red light . 6. -_ -The cinema is in front of the bookstore . 7. -_-Usually , I come

15、to school on foot . 8. -_-You can take the No. 10 bus to the zoo . 9. -_-No , its not far . Do you know the traffic rules ? 10. Its the red light . We should _. 11. Its the yellow light . We should _. 12. Its the green light . We should _. 六、读一读,找出合适的答语 ( )1. Where is the cinema ? A. By bus . ( )2.

16、How do you come to school ? B. Usually , I come on foot . ( )3.Excuse me , can you help me ? C. Sure . ( )4. How do you go home ? D. Its next to the park . ( )5. How do we get there ? E. I often come to school by bike . ( )1. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? A. Sure . ( )2. Can I go there on foot ?

17、 B. Take the No. 15 bus ( )3.How many traffic lights are there ? C. Three . ( )4. How do you come to school ? D. Its near my home . ( )5. Where is your school ? E. I usually walk . 七、按要求完成句子 1.(使A、B两句意思相同或相近) A: I often fly to America . B: I often go to America by_. 2. Can they go to the library by

18、bus ? (做肯定回答)_ 3. How do you go to Beijing ?(根据实际情况回答) _ 4. How does you go to school ? (改错) _ 5.pay , the , must , attention , You , to , traffic , lights . (连词成句)_ 6. can , to , Fuxing Hospital , I , How , get , there (连词成句)_ 7. I , to , go ,usually , on , school ,foot (连词成句)_ 8. How , school , yo

19、u , to , go ,do (连词成句)_ 9.light , Wait , yellow , at ,a (连词成句)_ 10. is , The , bus , coming (连词成句)_ 八、读一读,判断正T误F 1. We can go at a yellow light . 2. The light is green now , we can go at a green light . 3. Stop and wait at a red light . 4. We shouldnt pay attention to the traffic lights . 5. Slow down and stop at a yellow light .


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