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1、六年级英语总复习形容词副词专项练习六年级英语总复习-形容词、副词专项练习 一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级、最高级 old_ young_ tall_ long_ short_ strong_ big_ small_ fat_ thin_ heavy_ light_ nice_ good_ beautiful_ _ low_ high_ slow_ fast_ late_ early_ far_ well_ 二、根据句意填入单词的正确形式: 1. My brother is two years _(old)than me. 2. Tom is as _(fat) as Jim. 3. Is y

2、our sister _(young) than you? Yes,she is. 4. Who is _(thin),you or Helen? Helen is. 5. Whose pencil-box is _(big),yours or hers? Hers is. 6. Marys hair is as _(long) as Lucys. 7.Ben _ (jump) _ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 8._ Nancy sing _ (well) than Helen? Yes, she _. 9.Fangfang is no

3、t as _ (tall) as the other girls. 10.My eyes are _(big) than _ (she). 11.Which is _(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 12.Who gets up _(early),Tim or Tom? 13._the girls get up_(early) than the boys?No,they_. 14. Jim runs _(slow). But Ben runs _(slow).15.The child doesnt_(write) as _(fast) as the studen

4、ts. 三、翻译句子: 1、谁比Jim年纪大?是你。 _ is _than Jim? _ are. 2、谁比David更强壮?是Gao Shan. _ _ than David? Gao Shan _. 3、谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。 _ pencil is _,_or_?_is,I think. 4、谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的? 我的弟弟的。 _ apples _ _,your _ or your _? My _ _. 5、你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。 _ _as _as your uncle?Yes,I am. 6、他和他的朋友Jim一样年轻。 He _ as _

5、 as _ _ Jim. 7、她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦。 _ _ as _ as_ twin _? No, _ _ than him. 8.Yang Ling每天睡得比SuYang晚。 Yang Ling _ to _ _ than Su Yang every day. 9.我跳得和Mike一样远。 I _ as _ as Mike. 10.Tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。 _ Tom _ _ than you?No,he _. He_ as_ as_. 11.多做运动,你会更强壮。 _ more exercise,youll _ _ soon. 12.我的科学很

6、好,但是语文不好。 I _ _ at Science.But I dont _ well in Chinese. 13. 你放风筝比王兵放得高吗?不,我比他放得低。 _you_the kite_than Wang bing?No,I_it _than_. 14.我喜欢游泳。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢。 I like_.All my_ _ _than me. 15.我的姐姐起得比我早。 My_ _ up _than me. 16.女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的。 _the girls_ _ _the boys? Yes,they _. 17.她不擅长体育。但我跳得没有她高。 She doesnt _ _

7、 in PE. But I dont _ _than_. 18.你足球踢得比你的同班同学好吗?不,他们踢得和我一样好。 _ you _football _than your classmates?No,they_as_as me. 19我母亲比我父亲年纪小。 My_ _ _than my _. 20.她的毛衣和我的一样重。 _sweater_ as_as_. 21.我的连衣裙太短了。我想买一条大点的。 My dress_ too_. I want to _a_one. 22. Im taller than Mike .(该成用原级的比较) Im _ as _ as Mike . 四、将下列各组

8、单词重新排序.使构成有意义地词组。 1. fat, the, cat, white_ 2. Olympics, green, a, great_ 3. expensive, that, jacket, brown_4.an, book., interesting, thick_ 5. round, three, plates, yellow_ 五、选词填空 1. My sister is getting _. A. fater and fater B. fatter and fatter C. more fatter and fatter D. more and more fatter 2.

9、They are _to us than before. A. friend B. friendly C. more friendly D. friendier 3. Jack is the _ boy _our class. A. tallest. in B. taller. in C. most tall. of D. more tall. of 4. It is not _ warm _ yesterday. Put on more clothes. A. so . on B. so. in C. as .at D. as. as 5. Hamgzhou is one of _citie

10、s I have visited. A. beautiful B. beauitifulier C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful 6. Both Andy and I drive slowly. Tom drives fast. So Tom drives _of all. A. slower B. the slowest C. faster D. the fastest 7My sister is a _ girl. Agood Bwell Cvery 8一 Is it your toy taxi?一 No. _ its his AMay be

11、BMay CMaybe 9_ are you? Im _, thank you AWhat;good BHow;fine CWhat;fine DHow;good 10一Can you help me? _. AYes BExcuse me CCertainly DHow 11The grass around my house is Very_ A. black Bblue Cgreen 12The sky is _. The c1oud is _ Ablue;red Bred;brown Cblue;white 13The child is _ kind Amuch Bvery much C

12、very 14一Could I use your pen,please? _. ANo BCertainly CExcuse me 15I _ go to School at 8:00 am Avery Bmuch Coften 16I have an _ doll. Aold beautiful Bbeautiful o1d Csmall old 17They _ clothes. Ais B. am C. are 18The tall boy _ playing basketball. Aam B. is C. are 19Mr Wang is a _ teacher. A. tall old English B. English old tall C. old tall English 20Oranges are _ Apurple Bblue Corange


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