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1、冀教九年级英语上册lesson18教案科目 English 课题 审核人 Lesson 18: Never Catch a Dinosaur 授课人 党学芳 课型 New lesson 主备人 党学芳 教 学 目 标 授课时间 第 周 编号 1. 掌握本课重点单词:rule,branch,training 2.掌握短语: try to do sth, sbs warning ,learn a lesson from,write to, advise sb to do sth,watch sb to do sth, higher and higher, 3.理解重难点句子:She watched

2、 me climb higher and higher It took me three months to recover. 重点:掌握本课重点单词和短语的用法 难点:如何遵守学校规则。 一 课前预习 1) 单词:_ 2) 短语: 2. 小组讨论:如何遵守学校规则。 3预习自测。 1).Li Ming isBrian.(给写信) 2).My mother always _ _ _ (阻止我出去) at night. 3). (他的手表出了问题),it doesnt work 4).You should (听老师的劝告)。 5).中国越来越强大了。China is becoming _. 6)

3、.我已经警告过你不要迟到。I have warned _ 。 7).每天做作业我要用两个小时的时间。 _ _ _ two hours _ _ my homework every day. 8)The headmaster warns us . 二“I”的疑惑 教学流程 Step1 Class opening情景导课 1. 问候。 2. 简单对话,导入新课. Step 2 Self-learning 自主学习 Read the lesson , Do Q1 Step3 Co-operative studying合作学习 Do Q1 Step4 Exhibition and exchange展示交

4、流 每个组同学到台前展示各组学习任务,并由中心发言人在前黑板展演探究结果。(其他小组补充,并点评,老师点拨。) 备 注 探究一“Dont climb too high”,she warned。 warn sb to do sth“提醒或警告某人做某事,= warn sb of sth eg.He has been warned of the danger of driving after drinking wine. warn sb. not to do sth. / warn sb. against doing sth. 提醒/某人不要做某事 warn sb about /against s

5、b Eg. They warned him against swimming in that part of the river. 1.My boss warned me. 我的老板警告我要努力工作。 2. Mother warned me there again. 母亲警告我不要再去那里。 .探究She watched me climb higher and higher. higher and higher 越来越高; “比较级+and+比较级(或more and more+多音节的形/副比较级”,译为:”越来越” “the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越;越” 1.When sprin

6、g comes, the day gets. 2.Chinese is becoming (越来越重要)。 3.越多越好_ 探究三:It took me three months to recover. 有关花费(cost, spend, pay, take)的用法: cost 的主语是物或形式主语it,宾语是金钱或时间等,不能用于被动语态; Sth costs (sb.) some moeny spend 的主语是,宾语可以是金钱,时间,精力等,常用短语: , pay主语是,宾语是金钱,人,常与for 连用;sb pay some money for sth. take的主语是, 常指花时间

7、。句型: Eg.用上面所给的四个词填空。 This watch me one hundred dollars. She three days (in) doing the work. My father twenty yuan for that book. It half an hour t do his homework It them nine months building the road. 修完这条路将花费他们九个月的时间。 探究四:You advised him to use a ladder, but he didnt listen.你建议他用梯子,但是他没有听你的 advise

8、 sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 advise sb. not to do sth.= advise sb. against sth. /doing sth.劝告某人不要做某事 Police are peopleat home.警方告诫民众要留在家里。 Id you tell him.我劝你别告诉他。 Step5 Guiding and promoting(能力提升) 在学校应该遵循的规则有哪些? Step6课堂检测。选择。 ( )The old man has warned me _ under the tree when it is raining heavily. A. t

9、o stand B.not to stand C.standing D.not standing ( )-Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.-_ A.I dont B.I wont C.Never mind D.Thats right ( ).A talk on Chinese history_ in the school next week. A. Be given B.has been given C.will be given D.will give ( )-When can you finish your homework?- It will _ me about half an hour. A. spend B.take C.pay D.bring= Step7 小结 课后作业 课堂 设计 教学 反思


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