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1、冀教六年级上册英语第一单元复习资料冀教版六年级上册英语第一单元复习资料 一、 单词: bathroom洗澡间浴室 bathtub浴缸 kitchen厨房 livingroom起居室客厅fridge冰箱dish碟子 room房间shower沐浴沐浴器sink洗涤槽stove炉灶toilet抽水马桶厕所 clean干净的 dirty脏的 cook做饭 dry擦干make做wash洗mine我的yours你的trip旅行tired累的airport飞机场suitcase旅行箱house房屋show给.看展示bedroom卧室point指closet衣橱dresser梳妆台lamp台灯cereal麦片

2、粥toast烤面包jam果酱vegetable蔬菜cabbage卷心菜pea豌豆onion洋葱carrot胡萝卜ready准备好的delicious美味的pass递towel毛巾couch长沙发beside在.旁边find找到everyone每人corner角落again再一次talk交谈 二、 短语: come in 进来live in居住what time几点at the airport在飞机场 learn English学英语go to school去上学go home回家 September first九月一日 ten months十个月 Li Mings plane李明的飞机arri

3、ve at到达have a good trip祝你旅途愉快in the bedroom在卧室in the kitchen在厨房point at指向in the refrigerator在冰箱里in the sink在洗涤槽cook eggs煎鸡蛋on the stove在炉灶上take a shower沐浴take a bath洗个澡wash hands洗手wash face洗脸comb hair梳头brush teeth刷牙make supper做晚饭dry the dishes擦干碟子Good work干得好on the couch在长沙发write a letter写信in the co

4、rner在角落read the newspaper读报纸watch TV看电视sit in a chair坐在椅子上in the living room在起居室play cards玩牌wash the dishes洗碟子dry the dishes擦干碟子sing a song唱歌 what else别的什么 三、 词汇: come单三comes现在分词coming过式came 来 letletslettinglet让 brushbrushesbrushingbrushed刷 arrivearrivesarrivingarrived达 findfindsfindingfound找到 makem

5、akesmakingmade做 dirty反义词clean quiet反义词loud loud副词loudly quiet副词quietly know同音词no this复数these let us缩写lets Ill完全式I will I would缩写Id meet同音词meat dish复数dishes sit现在分词sitting write现在分词writing do过去式did heres完全式here is tooth复数teeth loudly反义词quietly write反义词wrong 1 数 单数 人 种 称 类 形容词性副主代词 名词性物主代词 复数 第一人第二人第三

6、人称 第一人第二人第三人称 称 称 称 称 my mine your yours his,her, our its his,hers ours its your yours their theirs 四、 句型: 1. 英语介绍他人:This is 2. 想要做某事:want to do sth.例子:I want to fly kites. 3. 需要做某事:need to do sth.例子:I need to eat noodles. 4. 现在几点?What time is it? Its +具体时间 5. 你想吃什么?What would you like for.? 我想吃.I w

7、ould like .for 6.该干某事了:(Its)Time for sth= (Its)Time to do sth 例子:(Its) time for the school=(Its) time to go to the school. 7.Lets后跟动词原形。 例子: Lets go home 8.选择疑问句,两种情况中间用or来连接。 例子:1.Is this a refrigerator or a stove? 2. Are these dishes clean or dirty? 9.Did you have a good trip? 你旅途愉快吗? 10.Nice to s

8、ee you!= Nice to meeet you!见到你很高兴! 11.Whats in the bedroom? 卧室里面有什么? 12.This is myyour toothbrush.= This toothbrush is mineyours 13.三餐前用介词for.例子: Whats for supperbreakfastlunch? 14.everyone做主语时要当做单数第三人称。 例子:Everyone wants to go on a trip.每个人都想去旅行。 15.May I help you?我可以帮你吗?Let me help you.让我帮你吧。 16.语法:祈使句:表示命令、请求、建议。可以再句首、句末+please. 肯定句:1.v-原形 例子: Get out 出去 2.Be +形容词 例子: Be quiet 否定句: dont +v原形 Dont get out. Dont +be +形容词 Dont be quiet. 2


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