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1、写给亲爱的你写给亲爱的你 窗外莫名地想起鞭炮的声音,心便乱了。想起近日的事,便莫名的心疼,为亲爱的你。本以为麻木之极的我,难以有何触动,但清醒的时候总是不能忘记。墙角的花儿已然凋零,我内心的那朵喜悦之花却没有绽放。亲爱的你,你是培育花儿的园丁,你可以让它绽放的。假使它的芬芳弥漫心田,那我定会如得之宝,因为那证明亲爱的你,一切都好。但,亲爱的你,和我一般明白,这一切不过是浮云般的假设。所以,在这样凌乱的青春,我借由天际的云朵,向亲爱的你说,记得要幸福。 忘记多久没有说过如此矫情的话语,甚至在心灵深处厌倦了情感的泛滥。我是追求淡的,一切淡如水便是最好的状态。只是,或许亲爱的你触及了柔软的角落,让一

2、些难以言及的情绪涌现,悲喜交加,非喜非悲,是那样的复杂,又清晰可见。你的不开心或隐或现地展露,但心里深处对于飘渺未来的恐惧却一直存在。对于未知,人类会本能地恐惧,而亲爱的你,犹甚之。目睹你的境况后,我尝试着去开导,去给予我以为的温暖,但失败了,不是?我无奈着,压下涌上心头的不安,去欺骗自己其实你一直很快乐,所有的悲伤不过是青春的敏感所致。但,事实总是在拼命扇着我都耳光。脸火辣辣的,而你依旧在人生路上挣扎。 我的无能,即如外面阴沉的天空,是无法更改的事实。纵然我可以添加衣服,抵御变冷的天气,但我无法为你,添加心灵的衣服。冬日就要到了,寒冷即将肆虐华夏,亲爱的你,怎么办?生命在冬日是如此的脆弱,一

3、场大雪,一场零星小雨,甚至一阵风都可以催毁之。我渴望冬日的暖阳会一直随你左右,或者我可以成为那无所不能的太阳。只是渴望的往往是不现实的,不现实的太阳不能给予你,度过冬日所需的温暖。 亲爱的,对不起,我似乎只能如此说了。但,不要放弃,莫要消沉,别人或许不是你的太阳,而我又如此无能,但你还有你自己。你应该让自己悬于心灵天空而不是隐藏在角落,散发温柔的光芒,温暖偏冷的心房。亲爱的,你知道吗,其实你很聪明,很强大,只是之于人生有过度的悲观。未雨绸缪固然可取,但过之,则有杞人忧天之嫌。所以,亲爱的,答应我好好的,因为你能让自己好好的,对吗? 亲爱的,写到这里,鼻尖莫名地酸了。有时便不喜欢自己的性格,过于

4、感性,全无男儿模样,但现在却又庆幸了。假使我只是一个粗犷的人,心思毫不细致,那我是无法体会到你内心深处的种种的;而无法体会到,或许会快乐许多,但却又会让心无法平息,渴望去理解,获悉。人,总是有残缺的,这或许,便是其中之一。 生命的残缺,众生皆有之,所以,亲爱的,不要把自己置于人群之外好吗。你并非与人不同你有同样的肌肤,同样的发质,还有比之一般人更善良的心,只是人生缺憾更大了。但,亲爱的,你残缺又何尝不是一种美丽呢?断臂的维纳斯是何等的美丽!所以,你的人生不应由此而蒙上灰色,也只有让生活的颜色更鲜艳,你才能无愧于周遭之人,无愧于自己。 亲爱的,真的要好好的,因为这样,有一天我才可以带你 去我心灵

5、的世界。心灵世界植根于现实,却又与现实有异。你会喜欢那里的。鸟语花香会与皑皑白雪共存,海上日出与巍峨山峰映寸。我会带你驰骋无垠草原,追逐我梦里的羽毛;与你闲逛古镇巷陌,倾听历史的声音。那历代繁华梦的哀伤,会在你我心底催生今日平静的花朵;历史的更迭,沉积了彼此的浮躁。我多想,牵着一个小女孩,与你,一起玩儿时的游戏。让纯真无暇的笑容、银玲般的笑声涤荡你心灵里凡世的尘埃。你会平静地从这个世界走出,然后微笑面对红尘。生无所奢望,死无多恐惧,人生,便是自然流水,清澈透明。 说了这许多,我别无他意,只是希望亲爱的你,能够快乐,少些悲伤、恐惧。身边之人或许无法走进你的心灵深处,无法给予你太阳般的温暖,驱逐冬

6、日的寒冷;而我,略微知晓的人,却无法给予过多。你曾经说,线上线下的我会一般好吗?其实,没有答案,或许是,或许不是。但亲爱的,这不重要,不是吗?你还有自己,而自己应该是自己生命里的太阳。我其实很喜欢你害羞的模样,喜欢你甜美的声音,还有那优美的词句这一切无关于爱情,只是心灵的一种自由的靠拢。相信我,你可以让自己在人生路开心地走着。 亲爱的,我没有地址,只有你的姓名,所以无法寄给你,但你能看到的,是吗?看完后,记得流一行泪,然后托朵白云告诉我,你会好好的,直到生命逝去的那一刻。 The inexplicable to think of the sound of the firecracker, th

7、e heart is messy. Think of the things that I recently, love, for you. The thought of numbness extremely I, difficult to have any touches, but sober always can not forget. A flower has withered, I heart that one flower does not bloom of joy. Dear you, you is to cultivate the flower gardener, you can

8、let it shine. If its fragrance filled the heart, then I will like the treasure, because it proves you, everything is fine. But, dear to you, and I know, this is all just a fleeting hypothesis. Therefore, in such a youth, I borrow from the sky clouds, to my dear you, remember to be happy. Forget how

9、did not say so hypocritical words, even in the depths of the soul was tired of emotional abuse. I is the pursuit of light, all light as water is best. But, maybe you hit a soft corner, make some hard having emotions emerge, bittersweet, not like a sad, is so complicated, and visible. You are not hap

10、py or hidden or location that deep in my heart, but for a future fears always exist. For unknown, the human instinct of fear, and you, and even. See you after the circumstance, I try to teach, to give my warm, but failed, not? I am helpless, pressure surge of uneasiness, cheat yourself that you are

11、happy all the time, all the sadness but is the youth sensitization induced by. But, the fact is always desperately fan I slap in the face. My face burning, and you are on the way of life struggle. My inability, as outside the gloomy sky, was unable to change the facts. Even if I could add clothes, t

12、o resist the cold weather, but I can not for you, add the heart suit. The winter is coming, the cold is raging in China, my dear you, how to do? In the winter of life is so fragile, a heavy snowfall, a scattered light rain, and even a gust of wind can be destroyed. I want a winter warm sun will alwa

13、ys follow you, or I could be that be equal to anything of the sun. Just want is not realistic, not actual sun can not give you, spend the winter need warm. Dear, sorry, I seemed to be so say. But, dont give up, keep down, others may not be your sun, and I was so incompetent, but you have your own. Y

14、ou should make yourself hanging in the sky - and not hide in the corner, with gentle light, warm the cold heart. Dear, you know, you are very clever, very powerful, but in life there is excessive pessimism. Save is desirable, but it is suspected, to entertain imaginary or groundless fears. So, dear,

15、 promise me good, because you can make yourself, right? Dear, here, the tip of the http:/www.xiabai.org nose inexplicably acid. Sometimes we dont like his character, too emotional, no man look like, but now he rejoiced. If I just a straightforward person, without careful thinking, I can not feel you

16、 deep inside of all; and to understand, perhaps will be so much happier, but also makes the heart can not calm, desire to understand, learn. People, there is always incomplete, it may be, is one of them. Life is incomplete, all are there, so, my dear, dont put yourself in the crowd away please. You

17、are not different with others - you have the same skin, the same hair, there is more than the average person more good heart, but regrets in life more. But, my dear, your broken is it not a kind of beauty? The arms of Venus, is so beautiful! So, your life should not be so covered with gray, and only

18、 let the living color, you can live up to the people around us, worthy of its own. Dear, really want, because of that, one day I can be with you To my mind the world. Spiritual world is rooted in reality, but reality is different. Would you like there. An idyllic scene with snow coexistence, sea sun

19、rise and towering peaks. . I will carry you away the vast grassland, chasing my dream plumage; and you wander around town Lane Street, listening to the voice of history. That the prosperous dream in your sorrow, my heart is ecbolic uneventful flowers; historical change, deposition of each others imp

20、etuous. I think, take a little girl, and you together, playing games. Let the innocent smile, silver Ling laughter heals your mind earthly dust. You can calmly in this world, then smile to face. Life without hope, without much fear of death, life, is the natural water, clear and transparent. Said th

21、at many, I had no idea, just hope you can be happy, sad, fear, less. Side one may not be able to walk into your soul, can not give you the warm sun, banishing the winter cold; and I know people, slightly, but can not give too much. You once said, the line I will generally good? In fact, no answer, m

22、aybe, maybe not. But dear, this is not important, isnt it? You and myself, and I should be your life in the sun. I really like your shyness. Love, your sweet voice, and the beautiful words - it all about love, just only a free move closer. Believe me, you can make your life happy to walk in. Dear, I did not address, only your name, so I can not send to you, but you can see, is? After reading, I remember a tear line, and then Tuoduo Baiyun told me, you will be good, till that moment.


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