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1、口语考试问题答案合集1 What do you think is the most difficult when learning English?Grammatically, English is not too hard to learn, but learning to speak it fluently is a different story! I think vocabulary is probably the most difficult. There are so many words and phrases for us to learn./ I find it takes

2、time and energy to learn it well even thought I know No pains, no gains.“2. Do you think weather and temperature can affect our mental activities? Why or why not?Yes, I do. For example, when summer comes, were less likely to sit still and do some thinking because the heat makes us restless. But in s

3、pring, the weather is quite pleasant and were more likely to think better and more creatively./ I dont think so. You can always keep an active mind if you want to. It doesnt depend on hot or cold weather, warm or cool days.3. What do you think of fast food?Therere many fast food chains in China, lik

4、e McDonalds and KFC. Many people like to get a bite to eat at one of them. This kind of fast food has become a cultural phenomenon. / I like fast food, especially the Chinese instant noodles. Theyre delicious and spicy. Theyre so convenient and inexpensive.4. Do you buy health insurance? Give your r

5、easons.Yes, I do. Because we are living in an unsafe world. Misfortunes such as illness, injury and even death can happen to us any time. I believe that buying insurance is the best way to prepare myself against such misfortunes. / No, I dont. I think buying health insurance is just a waste of money

6、. I enjoy very good health, so insurance is unnecessary for me.5. What do you think about the medical care in your university?I think its pretty good. The school hospital is equipped with modern equipment and staffed with highly qualified doctors and nurses who are always very friendly. The school h

7、as purchased health insurance for us, so we dont have to worry about the medical expenses. / I dont like the medical care in our university. The hospital is so small, and there is often a long line of students waiting for medical treatment. In addition, some doctors and nurses are not so friendly to

8、 us.6. Do you prefer to shop in department stores, supermarkets or in small shops?I often pop into the grocers near my school to get some coffee, sugar, soap, gum, etc. Its only about 5 minutes walk from my dorm and is quite convenient for me. / I seldom go shopping alone. My parents and I often go

9、to a downtown shopping center on Sundays. It is spacious, modern, and comfortable, and I like the atmosphere there. It is about a twenty minutes bus ride from where we live. / As a day student, I often shop at a supermarket on my way home. It has almost everything that I want.7. Do you always look f

10、or the lowest price when you shop? Why?I like bargains very much because I dont have much money. I want to save every penny at college. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know. / I dont like bargains because most bargains are of poor quality. “The cheap are not good”, as the Chinese saying goes. /

11、 I like bargains that can serve my immediate needs; however, I will pick and choose when I shop.8. Do you prefer online shopping or in-store shopping? Why?I like online shopping because it is efficient. It takes me little time, and yet I can buy nearly all the things I like. In-store shopping usuall

12、y costs me more time. / I like in-store shopping because it is personal, and I can have a good talk with the salespeople and make friends with more people. Online shopping is just too mechanical and impersonal. / like online shopping because the online stores often see truly cheap goods and no barga

13、ining is needed. Besides, the delivery is often efficient. Instore shopping usually costs me a lot of time to hunt for bargains, and I have to carry all the purchases home on my own.9. Do you like living in a dorm?Yes. I like living in a dorm. Therere so many people library, labs, sports center and

14、other facilities are all on campus near the dorm building, so its really convenient. / No, I dont like living in a dorm. Its too crowded. You just cant keep any privacy with several other people living in the same room with you!10. If you have problems in your dorm, how do you solve them?I think the

15、res nothing unsolvable among roommates. I will talk it over with my roommates if any problem arises, and I believe we can solve it together. / If the problems are due to my roommates, and I cant solve it after talking it over with them, I will have to bear it.11. Do you think dorm life can benefit y

16、ou?I think it will benefit me a lot. Living in a dorm, I can learn how to deal with people and get along with people. I can also make lots of friends. / It has both advantages and disadvantages. It helps you improve your communicating skills and enlarges your vision; on the other hand, sometimes it

17、causes troubles in your study. You know, living with so many people in a small room makes it hard for you to concentrate on anything.12. How convenient is it for you to use the Internet on campus?Its pretty convenient. We are all supplied with free Internet access in our dorms. We can also use the I

18、nternet at the school computer labs anytime, and it is really cheap and costs very little. / No, its not very convenient. The school computer labs do not seem to be big enough. Computers there are usually tied up. Though we have some computers in our residence hall, there is always a time limit for

19、each person.13. Why are some students addicted to the Internet?Because some people have lots of leisure time, and they use the Internet as a way to kill their time by playing games, chatting, or even gambling, and so on. The Internet is so tempting that the more they are exposed to it, the more they

20、 cant resist it. / Because they are under much pressure and have difficulty adapting to the real life. The Internet creates a virtual world and makes them forget their troubles.14. What are the negative impacts of the Internet on students?I think the main problem is that its easy to get addicted to

21、the Internet so that some students neglect their study and are even academically dismissed. They simply spend far too much time online and cannot control themselves. / I think the main problem is that the Internet exposes us to something really bad. There is a bit too much sex and violence on the Ne

22、t. They are especially harmful to young people.15. How do you usually plan your holidays?Well, I usually spend holidays with my friends. We first discuss where to go. There tend to be quite a few options, but we usually select the places we have not visited before and make full preparations for our

23、trips. / I usually a discussion as to what we should do during the holiday. In many cases, they will satisfy my demands.16. Have you ever got the holiday blues? Why or why not?I often feel worried and even depressed at the end of holidays. Its because during the holidays, I have so many relatives an

24、d friends to visit and so much shopping to do. Therefore, I get more tired during the holidays than at school. / At the end of holidays, I usually feel more energetic than ever because I always try different ways to relax myself fully during the holidays. Sometimes I go to the theater or attend a co

25、ncert. Sometimes I visit my close friends. Sometimes I find quiet hours to do some reading at home.17. What kind of music do most people prefer, slow or fast music? Can you guess why?Its hard to come to a definite conclusion. It depends. I think this has something to do with peoples moods and person

26、alities. A person in high spirits often enjoys quick-tempo music. When one feels blue, the choice is more likely to be slow, sad music to fit that mood. It seems to me that race may also play a role in our choice of music. Asians, like Chinese, Japanese and Koreans often enjoy slow melodies. The fam

27、ous “Liang Zhu”, or “The Romance of the Butterfly”, is a case in point. When we move westward, to India and Europe, for example, we can easily observe the difference, for the musical rhythm there suddenly accelerates, and the music becomes more lively and upbeat.18. Do you think music can affect peo

28、ples lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency?Generally speaking, I think so. At least this is true of most people. Mothers tend to hum a soothing lullaby instead of a military march to their babies. At a sports meeting, the music is often fast and vigorous. Se

29、ldom is a painfully slow serenade played. With respect to the issue of efficiency, Im afraid it is rather controversial. Quite a few students prefer to listen to a Walkman or a Diskman while they are doing their homework. On the other hand, many demand absolute silence before they can concentrate on

30、 their academic work.19. Which do you prefer, contemporary movies or classic movies? Why?Different people have different choices, each with their own reasons. Generally, older people prefer old, classic movies, while young people choose contemporary movies, though we can find many exceptions to that

31、 pattern. It is reasonable for older people to favor the traditional movies of their time. When they see such movies, their memories of the past will be activated. It is not uncommon for us to observe that when elderly people see things in a movie that they personally experienced, they get excited a

32、nd even shed tears. Some doctors say this sort of memory stimulation can have healing effects and slow down memory loss.While I understand that older people have good reasons to choose old movies, I prefer movies on contemporary themes. New movies are superior in many respects. First of all, the tec

33、hnology has improved, and therefore we can enjoy better scenes. Second, the directors, actors and actresses have all improved their skills. When you look at Chinese movies of the 1950s, you may find some actors and actresses talk or act somewhat artificially. Third, contemporary movies are often clo

34、ser to our daily lives, and after seeing them, we can understand our society better. In other words, new movies have better educational value. Of course, the advantages of modern movies are not limited only to those Ive just named. But they are reasons enough for me to make my choice.20. If a book h

35、as been made into a movie, do you prefer to see the movie or to read the book first? Why?Certainly I want to see the movie first. A movie is meant chiefly to entertain, while a book may have a stronger educational function in addition to its entertainment function. If one reads the book first, one w

36、ill know the outcome of the movie in advance. With hardly any suspense, the movie will lose much of its appeal in spite of its colorful scenes. On the other hand, if we see the movie first, we can still appreciate the corresponding book. The book is usually longer than the adapted movie, and therefo

37、re you can still find a lot of new stuff. Whats more, while reading a book, you can stop from time to think about the deeper meaning. So you see, after seeing the movie, you can still enjoy the book.21. Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages?Generally speaki

38、ng, marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages. In its long history, China has witnessed many tragic events arising from arranged marriages.However, we should not go to extremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures. After all, in the past 2000-plus years, most

39、of the arranged marriages did survive, and some of the couples did develop real love after their marriage.As for marriages based on love, they are not without problems. In the contemporary world, arranged marriages have almost disappeared. Boys and girls go out on dates and gradually develop a love

40、between them before they get married. Strangely, the divorce rate has kept rising. And the reasons for divorce can be very simple: “We can no longer communicate with each other very well” or simply “Ive gotten bored with him or her.”In spite of the drawbacks of marriages based on love and the occasi

41、onal successes of arranged marriages, it is obvious to all that the former are more in conformity with human nature. The traditional practice of arranged marriages should not be restored. 22. Do you think a girl should share the expenses or let the boy pay the bill?In the past, the normal pattern wa

42、s that men worked, while women did not. Thus, it was natural for men to pay. Things have changed. After the founding of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, many females, if not all, went out to work. The womens liberation movement in the United States in the 1960s also achieved a certain

43、level of equality between men and women. So, it is natural that some girls no longer want men to pick up the check. Instead, they prefer to share or “go Dutch” to show that they are equal to males.23. What is your opinion of the large amounts of money spent on ads for two competing products?Both sid

44、es spend piles of money to produce cool ads, but in fact they will only cancel out each others effort. Neither side will gain. Eventually, the large sums spent on advertising will be passed on to consumers. Sounds bad, doesnt it? But we have no alternative. If we allow ads for one product but forbid

45、 ads for another, this means unfair competition. As a result, one product will turn out to be successful, while the other is sure to have a poor market.Should we ban ads altogether? This seems fair to all manufacturers. But consumers will not have enough information about products to make a choice.

46、Worse still, they may not even know a new product has been turned out, let alone buy it.Perhaps we had better accept ads, but we can impose restrictions on them to protect consumers interests. For example, an ad should not include an untruthful statement or exaggeration. Also, advertisers should not

47、 claim that their products are superior to others. Restrictions like these may partly compensate for the shortcomings of advertisements.24. What are the negative social effects of advertisements?Advertisements have negative social effects as well as economic effects. First, the posters and billboard

48、s can block scenic views and ruin the environment. Second, people who cannot afford the advertised product may develop a sense of inferiority. Third, as often as not, ads encourage unnecessary buying. Fourth, ads usually portray young and beautiful people. Thus older, plain-looking people may feel a

49、s if they do not belong to the contemporary world. If you think carefully, you may find more disadvantages to advertising.25. Why do people keep pets?People keep pets for a variety of reasons. Some feel lonely and need company. Other people keep pets for security. Still others buy pets just to be in fashion. Finally, some people keep animals at home just out of love or pity. Their hearts are full of love, which pours out naturall


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