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1、口语考试二口语考试安排在第15、16周听说听说课上进行,考试分为两部分,第一部分为综合教程连词成句,要求必须使用提供的词组对课文内容进行复述,不使用提供词组的不给分,所论述内容与课文不相关的不给分;第二部分为听说教程内容。 全新版大学英语二级口语考试题库 一、口述题,满分为5分: 以下题目完全选自综合教程,应试者每人抽取一个题目进行准备,分数的高低取决于复述中的语音语调、流畅与逻辑、词汇量。 有所变动,大家注意此部分是复述,就是用自己的话说整理一下,不用非要背哈! 1. be attached to; encourage; fit into 2. accomplish; proceed; in

2、 due course 3. So long as; make up for;figure out 4. a passing whim; wear and tear; minimal 5. creativity; fabricate a joke; sources of enjoyment 6. be confronted with; donation; confusion and curiosity 7. As though; take in; nightmare 8.but then; suck in; keep up with 9. daily routine; rely on; lon

3、g-term unemployment 10. restore balance; arrange; set apart 11. be filled with; combinewith; element of flying 12. numerous; passion for; lift off the ground 13. Eruption;bring back to earth; in ones minds eye. 14. pink; miniature kitchen; tomboys 15. not know the first thing about; distinguish; fix

4、 16. be best at; be good at; grit your teeth 17. massive stealing; estimated 18. fascinating; bother; messiness 19. come up with; assume, move westward 20. deeply rooted ideas of freedom;liberty; strike out 二、讨论题,平均每人约1分钟,满分为5分 1. What do you think time is money? 2. Could you give some tips for time

5、 management? 3. Could you think about some virtues or qualities that may make a person an Olympic hero? 4. How do you see the Olympics? Which do you think is more important: to win or to participate? 5. What do sports mean to you? 6. What do you think is the spirit of sports? 7. Can you describe you

6、r ideal husband / wife? 8. Whats your opinion on mixed marriage? 9. Have you ever thought about marrying a foreigner? Can it be an exciting experience or an awful one? Give your reasons. 10. What are good and bad things about marrying a foreigner? 11. What do you think is the best age for a person t

7、o begin dating? Why? 12. Do you like Valentines Day, why or why not? 13. Do you agree that it is parents natural tendency to be generous to their child? Will parents generosity spoil their child? Give your reasons. 14. How can parents and children improve their mutual understanding? 15. What the par

8、ent-child relationship should be like in your opinion? 16. What do you think is the big problem in parent-child relationship? 17. Do you believe there is something in a persons name? Why or why not? 18. Why did your parents give you your name? 19. What did you do to fight against pressure? 20. What is your pressure in life? How should people deal with pressure?


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