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1、商务英语常用术语商务英语常用术语 airway bill/(A/B) 空运提单 abstract of title 产权说明书, 产权证据摘要 acceptance bank 承兑银行 acceptance credit 承兑信贷 accident insurance 意外险, 事故保险 account paid 已付款, 帐款已付 account payable 应付帐款 account sales(A/S) account transfer memo accounting firm actual market adaption of budget advance freight advan

2、ce payment affilianted company against all risks (A.A.R) allotment advice arbitrated par arrival notice bank check bank draft bank reference bearer check bearer share (stock) bilateral trade bill broker bill of exchange bill of lading blue chip board of directors board of directors bonded area botto

3、m price business forecasting buying rate capital turnover cargo marking cash against documents cash with order certificate of origin civil debt clean bill 承兑帐, 寄信销售清单 转帐通知单 会计事务所 现货交易 核定预算 预付运费 预付货款 联营公司,附属公司 保一切险 拨款通知 股票交易比例定价,股票票面公断定价 到货通知,抵港通知 银行支票 银行汇票 银行征信,银行资信证明书 无记名支票 无记名股票 双边贸易 票据经纪人,证券经纪人 汇

4、票 提单,提货单 热门股票 董事会, 理事会 保税区 最低价格 商情预测 买入汇率 资本周转 货物标志 凭单付现 定货付现 原产地证书 民事债务 光票 1 clean bill for collection 无跟单托收汇票 clean bill of lading 清洁提单 clean letter of credit 光票信用证 commercial usage 商业惯例 commodity economy 商品经济 commodity transaction 商品交易 compensation trade /transaction 补偿贸易 confirmation of sale 销售确

5、认书 consignment sale 寄售,承销/ consultant paper cost freight price cost, insurance and freight cost of marketing counterfeit article counter offer covering note credit agency credit sale agreement crossed check current rate custom of trade custom dues/duty customs invoice date closing date of delivery d

6、ays of grace dead account defective goods delivery on field delivery on spot delivery on term delivery order delivery period department in charge dip in price direct barter documentary bill for collection documentary credit documentary payment bill Documentary sale Documented bill documents of value

7、 domestic agent domestic arbitral award 咨询文件 交货收款价 成本,保险费加运费 营销成本,销售成本 假冒商品 还价,还盘 承担保险凭单 征信所,商业信用调查机构 赊销合同 划线支票 当日汇率 贸易惯例 关税 海关发票 结算日 交付日期 宽限日期,优惠期 死帐,无法收回的帐目 次品 就地交货 现场交货 定期交货 交货单 交货期 主管部门 跌价 直接易货 跟单托收汇票 跟单信用证 现付押汇票? 跟单销售 跟单汇票 有价证券 国内代理人,国内代理中间商 国内仲裁裁决 2 domestic bi;ll 国内汇票 domestic carriage 国内运输 d

8、omestic credits 国内信贷,国内信用证 domestic draft 国内汇票 domestic letter of credit 国内信用证 domestic money orders cashing 国内汇票兑现 domestic supply price 国内供给价格 domestic trade 国内贸易 donations and contributions 捐助 dormant capital double-check double entry bookkeeping down market down payment draft on demand drains on

9、 cash draw on the future drawing account drawing right drawn at shout sight drop shipment drug in the market dual distribution dual market price dull sale dumping price duration of insurance dutiable price duty free duty on value added dynamic business analysis earmarked loans earning cycle earning

10、surplus economic autonomy of enterprises economic entity economic superiority effective demand effective sale eligible products employee-employer relation employment ad end user endowment insurance 游资, 未利用资本 复核,双重核算 复式记帐,复式簿记 底挡品市场 预付定金,分期付款的首笔付款 即期汇票 现金消耗,现金外流 预支,借债 提寸帐户,提款帐户,透支帐户 提款权,提存权 商业短期押汇票 直

11、接装运,直达货运 滞销商品 双轨销售 双重市场价格 滞销 倾销价格 保险期限,保险期间 完税价 免税 增殖税 业务动态分析,商情分析 专用贷款 经营周期,收益周期,现金循环 营业盈余 企业经济自主,企业经济独立 经济产体,经济单位 经济优势 有效需求,实际需求 实际销售 合格产品 劳资关系 招聘广告 最终用户,直接用户 养老保险 3 enterprise entity 企业实体 entrepot trade 转口贸易,中转贸易 equity joint-venture 股份制合营企业 established international practice 公认的国际惯例 European Com

12、munities 欧洲共同体 evade payment of duty 逃税 exception clause 例外条款,免责条款 exchange arbitrage *套购,套汇 exchange discount 汇兑贴水, *贴水 exchange rate exclusive right expenses balance receipts export sales extra tax on profits increased failed in business fancy paper fictitious bargain/transaction finance capital f

13、inance market financial deficit financial accounting financial analysis financial situation firm bargain firm offer fiscal accounting year fixed bond fixed capital fixed deposit fixed loan float without intervention flow of capital forecast of cost forecasting of profit forward bargain forward marke

14、t franchise clause free alongside ship free goods free in and out free of cost free of duty free on board free on rail 汇率,汇价 专有权,专营权 收支相抵 外销 超额利得税,增加利润附加税 营业蚀本 热门股票 买空卖空 金融资本 金融市场 财政赤字,预算赤字 财务会计 财务分析 财务状况 实盘交易 固定报价,实盘 会计年度 定期债券 固定资本 定期存款 定期贷款 自由浮动 资本流动 成本预测 利润预测 期货交易 期货市场 免赔条款 船边交货价 免税货物 船方不负责装卸费用 免

15、费奉送 免税 离岸价,船上交货价 火车上交货价 4 freight notice 运费通知单 frontier trade 边境贸易 full container ship 集装箱专用船 gain on investments 投资收益 general average 共同海损 general freight container 普通货运集装箱 general line wholesaler 百货批发商 general power of attorney 全权代理委托 general sales tax 一般销售税 generalized audit software go bankrupt

16、going naked goods credit government capital government stocks graduated tax,progressive tax gross earnings gross industrial output value gross interest gross national products gross profit on sales gross tonnage guarantee stock guiding price hand-to-mouth operation handle with care hard spot harsh d

17、uties head office heavy advance hedge purchase hedge sale high quality hiehest quotation holding company illegal profit imitation brand in current price individual ownership inflation of currency inner packing International Chamber of Commerce(ICC) International Chamber of Shipping International com

18、petitive bidding 通用审计软件 破产 无本经营 货物抵押贷款 国有资本 *债券 累进税 总收入 工业总产值 总利息 国民生产总值 销售毛利 总吨位 保息股票 指导价格 小本经营 小心轻放 坚挺的现货 苛捐杂税 总公司 大涨价 套买 套卖 高品质 顶盘,最高行情 控股公司 非法利润 冒牌 按时价计算 独资企业 通货膨胀 内包装 国际商会 国际海运商会 国际公开招标 5 International corporation 跨国公司 Introduction of foreign capital 引进外资 Inventory of merchancise 商品存货 Investmen

19、t decision 投资决策 Investment securities 投资证券 Investment turnover 投资周转 irregular deposit 不定期存款 irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证 issue of government bonds 发行公债 junk price laid-up tonnage less- than carload freight letter of credit letter of guarantee letter of indemnity letter patent life of contrac

20、t like for like replacement line shipping liquid investment listed stock long-form bill of lading long- haul commercial containerization long sale low-cost credit lowest tender lump-sum purchase make account square make an offer make good the deficit marine insurance market channel market research mates receipt middle price mixed container money desk most favoured nation clause most favoured nation treatment mutual fund national tariff


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