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1、四年级英语练习题笔试部分 一选择填空: ( ) 1.Where does she live? She _ in Anshan. A.lives B.living C.live ( ) 2.The boys to skate last week. A.learnt B.learn C.learning ( ) 3.Shes _ black hair. A. get B. getting C.got ( ) 4.We _ at Buckingham Palace last Saturday. A.is B.are C.were ( ) 5.I will _ eight in April. A.st

2、ill B.being C.be ( ) 6.Yesterday I _ to the top. A.cleaned B.climbed C. cooked ( ) 7.She usually_to school. A.walk B.walks C.walking ( ) 8.He didnt _ English. A.learn B.learns C.learning ( ) 9.Lingling watched TV and _ _ her toys. A. played for B. played about C.played with ( ) 10.I _ ride my bike y

3、esterday. A.doesnt B.didnt C.dont ( ) 11.Look at the man _ the bicycle. A.on B.in C.over ( ) 12.Lucy went a school trip . A.in B.on C.to ( ) 13.We went the Great Wall. A.on B.in C.to ( ) 14.He invented this bicycle _1839 . A.in B.on C.at ( ) 15.This is a picture _ Buckingham Palace. A.of B.on C.to 二

4、选词填空: finished washed cleaned helped painted cooked saw bought went ate 1.I _ my room. 2. I _ my homework. 3. She _ her trousers. 4. We _you a present. 5. I _ my father. 6.Amy _ noodles. 7.Sam _ a picture. 8. We _lots of mountains. 9 We _ to the Great Wall. 10. We _apples. 三写出下列单词的对应形式 1.do(过去式) 2.g

5、et (第三人称单数) 3.学习 4.has,have 5.did(否定形式) 6.thing(复数形式) 7.is (过去式) 8.toy(复数形式) 四 给你的朋友写一封信,在30个词左右,注意书信格式。 _ 四年级英语第一单元试卷 一、将左边的英语与右边的汉语连接起来。 blackboard 铅笔 he 我的 chalk 纸 she 她的 eraser 黑板 her 他的 paper 粉笔 his 他 pencil 橡皮擦 my 她 二、根据情景选择句子,将标号写在括号中。 1、当你询问对方的名字时,应说: A. Whats this? B.Whats your name ? C.Wha

6、ts this? D.Where is it? ( ) 2.当你向同学或朋友问好时,应说: A .How are you? B. Whats this? C. Whats this? D. Where is it? ( ).3. 当你用英语问某东西是什么时,应说: A.Whats this in English ? B. Where is it? C.Who is it ? D. Whats your name ? ( )4.当你想向别人介绍你的朋友李雷时,应说: A. He is li lei. B.His name is LiLei. C.LiLei is a boy. D.This is

7、 my friend, LiLei. ( )5.当你想别人表示感谢时,应说: A.Fine . B.Fine,thanks . C.Thank you. 三、写数字(12) 1、twelve 2、twenty-three 3、 8 4、5 5、fifteen 6、 71 四、选择题 ( ) 1. Thats my brother. _ is a teacher. _ name is Su Yu. A. He His B. She His C. She Her ( ) 2. What are _ ? They are markers. A. this B. these C. that ( ) 3

8、. _ is her name ? A. What B. Who C. which ( ) 4. How many books are there? A. thirty book B. thirteen books C. thirty pens ( ) 5. Jenny is her pencils in her pencil case now. A. put B. putting C. puts ( ) 6. I can see five birds _ the tree. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 7. What is it ? Its _ orange . A. an

9、B. a C. / ( ) 8. This is . A.a chalk B. chalk C. chalks ( ) 9. How many books are there on my desk? . A. There is twenty-one books. B. There are twenty-one books C. These are books. ( ) 10. How many apples ? I have three apples. A. do I have B. do you have C. am I have 11. This is _pencil. A.Jim B.

10、Jims C.Jims 12_? Its above the desk. A.Whats this? B.Where is it? C.Is it your desk? 13._ books do you have? I have eighty books. A.What B. How much C.How many 六、左右配对 ( ) 1. How are you ? A. Hes twelve years old. ( ) 2. Is that boy your student ? B. Fine, thanks. ( ) 3. Whats his name ? C. His name

11、is LiLei. ( ) 4. Whats this? D. Yes, he is. ( ) 5. Where is Jenny? E. Its an apple . ( ) 6. How old is he ? F. Shes behind LiMing. 七将下列句子译成中文: 1.Are you ready for school? 2.Nice to meet you. 3.These are markers. 4.Danny is in front of Kate. 5.He is my good friend. 八补全对话: 1.Nice to meet you. _ 2._? M

12、y name is Kim. 3._? Danny is under the desk . 小学四年级英语试题- 一、填空 ( )1.Excuse_,are you a nurse? A)I B)me C)my ( )2.A:_is that woman? B:She is my mother. A)what B)who C)why ( )3.Dont_the window. A)open B)look C)go ( )4.Whats the_with you? A)matter B)wrong C)that ( )5.This is my daughter._is a student. A)

13、He B)Her C)She ( )6.A:Are you a nurse? B:_ A)Yes,I am. B)Yes,it is. C)No,it is not. ( )7.I am_student. A)the B)a C)an ( )8.I go to_school from Monday to Friday. A)the B)a C) / ( )9.The bus is_the park. A)to B)for C)go to ( )10.I go to school_foot. A)by B)on c)use ( )11.A:Where is my pencil-box? B:_.

14、 A)Its over there. B)This is your pencil-box. C)Yes,it is. ( )12.This is _mother. A)his B)he C)me ( )13.I like to play _football. A)a B)the C) / ( )14.We often play together_school. A)in B)at C)on ( )15._do you go to school,by bike or by bus? A)What B)Why C)How ( )16.Is that your_? A)pencil B)rubber

15、s C)books ( )17.What are_? A)it B)this C)those ( )18.I go to school by_every day. A)a bike B)bus C)foot ( )19._some juice please. A)Have B)Has C)Eat ( )20._you free now? A)Are B)Do C)Is 三.把下列单词或词组译成英语。 1.八 2.七 3.三 4.为,给 5.什么 _ _ _ _ _ 6.点钟 7.时间 8.课程 9.语文 10.数学 _ _ _ _ _ 11.五本英语书 12.上床睡觉 13.起床 _ _ _

16、14.等多一会 15.去操场 16.去上学 _ _ _ 四.根据所给情景写句子。 1.到时间上英语课了,小明还在玩,你对他说: Its _ _ _ _,Xiao Ming. 2.你的朋友问你现在的时间,你一看手表是9:00,你说: _ nine _. 3.你想知道远处的建筑物是不是Mike的学校,你问他: _ _ _ _? 4.放学了,你想叫你的同学Jone一起回家,你对他说: _ _ _ , Jone. 五.翻译下列句子。 1.几点了?八点了。 2.十二点了。该吃午饭了。_ 3.七点十五分了。该上学了。_ 4.十点三十五分了。该上音乐课了。_ 5.这是卫生间吗?不,它不是。_ 填入单词所缺的

17、字母。(10 分 ) 1. l_mb 2. w_ _ther 3. gr_ _n 4. br_ _kfast 5. w_ll 6. b_g 7. r_ _ny 8. g_ _den 9. g_m 10. th_ _teen B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把它的字母编号写在对应的问句前的括号里。( 10 分 ) A B ( )1. Are they your parents? A. Thirty yuan . ( )2. What is the weather like today ? H. I am eleven . ( )3. How much is the nice shirt ? C. No

18、 . It s time for math . ( )4. Is it time for English ? D. No , they aren t . ( )5. Whose dresses are those ? J. I d like some chicken ( )6. What are these ? F. They are my mother s . ( )7. How old are you ? G. She s a nurse . ( )8. How many erasers do you have ? B. They are hens . ( )9. What would y

19、ou like for dinner ? I. I have nine . ( )10. What s your mother ? E. It s cloudy and cool . 五、根据单词首写字母以及中文提示填上正确的单词。( 10 分 ) Welcome to my bedroom .In my b_you can see a chair , a d_and a b_. Look , there is a pencilcase ,a c_. 一、按字母表顺序补全26个字母的大写或小写. a b C c E e f g h I j K l M O o P Q r S s T u v W

20、 w X y Z z 二、请选出各组中划线字母读音与其它两个不同的单词. ( ) 1、 A. cake B. name C .apple ( ) 2、 A. man B. hand C. tape ( ) 3、 A. she B. egg C. we ( ) 4、 A. me B. pen C. desk ( ) 5、 A. bed B. red C. eve ( ) 6、 A. we B. beg C. bed 三、将下列单词按项归类. case English family fine fish go guess happy jeep look morning new peach pleas

21、e student see wonderful year 动词:_ _ _ _ _ 形容词:_ _ _ _ 名词:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 四、选择填空. 1.用 am are is my your his her填空 (1)My grandma_eighty; My father is_son; _name is Peter. (2)Thats Mary; I _ _brother; _name is Bob. ( ) 2.A:_is that over there? B:Its a dog. A. What B. Who C. Where ( ) 3.A:Whos that bo

22、y? B:Hes my _. A. father B. uncle C. brother ( ) 4. A:Here is a gift for you. B:Thank _ . A. you B. a lot C. very much ( ) 5. A:Where is your cat? B:My cat is in the _ A. classroom B. box C. office ( ) 6. A:Happy New Year! B:Thanks. You _ . A. do B.to C. too 五、将第栏中与第栏问句相对应的答句序号填入括号中. ( ) 1. Merry Ch

23、ristmas! A. Shes over there. ( ) 2. How are you? B. Thanks. You too. ( ) 3. Where is Alice? C. Hes Jack. ( ) 4. Whats that under the bike? D. Im fine, thank you. ( ) 5. Whos he? E. Its a bird. 小学四年级英语试题 ( )1.Excuse_,are you a nurse? A)I B)me C)my ( )2.A:_is that woman? B:She is my mother. A)what B)w

24、ho C)why ( )3.Dont_the window. A)open B)look C)go ( )4.Whats the_with you? A)matter B)wrong C)that ( )5.This is my daughter._is a student. A)He B)Her C)She ( )6.A:Are you a nurse? B:_ A)Yes,I am. B)Yes,it is. C)No,it is not. ( )7.I am_student. A)the B)a C)an ( )8.I go to_school from Monday to Friday

25、. A)the B)a C)/ ( )9.The bus is_the park. A)to B)for C)go to ( )10.I go to school_foot. A)by B)on c)use ( )11.A:Where is my pencil-box? B:_. A)Its over there. B)This is your pencil-box. C)Yes,it is. ( )12.This is _mother. A)his B)he C)me ( )13.I like to play _football. A)a B)the C)/ ( )14.We often p

26、lay together_school. A)in B)at C)on ( )15._do you go to school,by bike or by bus? A)What B)Why C)How ( )16.Is that your_? A)pencil B)rubbers C)books ( )17.What are_? A)it B)this C)those ( )18.I go to school by_every day. A)a bike B)bus C)foot ( )19._some juice please. A)Have B)Has C)Eat ( )20._you f

27、ree now? A)Are B)Do C)Is 1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A 三.把下列单词或词组译成英语。 1.八 2.七 3.三 4.为,给 5.什么 _ _ _ _ _ 6.点钟 7.时间 8.课程 9.语文 10.数学BR _ _ _ _ _ 11.五本英语书 12.上床睡觉 13.起床 _ _ _ 14.等多一会 15.去操场 16.去上学 _ _ _ 四.根据所给情景写句子。 1.到时间上英语课了,小明还在玩,你对他说: Its

28、_ _ _ _,Xiao Ming. 2.你的朋友问你现在的时间,你一看手表是9:00,你说: _ nine _. 3.你想知道远处的建筑物是不是Mike的学校,你问他: _ _ _ _? 4.放学了,你想叫你的同学Jone一起回家,你对他说: _ _ _ , Jone. 五.翻译下列句子。 1.几点了?八点了。 _ 2.十二点了。该吃午饭了。 _ 3.七点十五分了。该上学了。 _ 4.十点三十五分了。该上音乐课了。 _ 5.这是卫生间吗?不,它不是。 _ 1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.

29、A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A 三 1.eight 2.seven 3.three 4.for 5.what 6.oclock 7.time 8.lesson 9.Chinese 10.Maths 11.five English books 12.go to bed 13.get up 四 1.time for English lesson 2.Its oclock 3.Is that your school 4.Lets go home 五. 1.Whats the time? Its eight oclock. 2.Its twelve oclock.Its time for

30、lunch. 3.Its seven fifteen.Its time to go to school. 4.Its ten thirty-five.Its time for Music lesson. 5.Is this a bathroom?No,it isnt. 单选 1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A pep四年级英语下册综合练习题 姓名- 班级- 一、判断下列每组单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,否则打“”。 ( ) 1. red

31、desk ( ) 2. snake bag ( ) 3. cold rose ( ) 4. cute toothbrush ( ) 5. kite window 二、选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在括号里。 ( ) 1. How _ sheep are there? Thirteen. A. much B. many C. many ( ) 2. The pants _ very expensive. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 3. Its 7:10. Its time _ go to school. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 4. _ is this sweater? Its Sarahs. A. Where B. Whose C. What ( ) 5. Can I help you? Yes. I _ a pair of sneakers. A. see B. wear C. want 三、连词成句。 1. shoes your are baby those ( . ) 2. much that pretty how is dress ( ? ) 3.


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