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1、外研社七年级英语上册期末测试七年级英语上册期末测试 一.单项选择: 1_ is your birthday?My birthday is may seand A. when B. what time C. what year D. How old 2. I like pandas,_ I dont like monkeys A. and B. but C. D. because 3. my father is usually _home _ sun days A. in, in B. at, at C. / in D. at, on 4._he paint ?No, he cant A. Do

2、es B. Is C. Do D. can 5. Susan can play the _well A. chess B. violin C. tennis D. basketball 6. people usually eat _at 7:00 pm A. egg B. break fast C. dinner D. lunch 7. _whats _ favorite subject ?_my favorite subject is math A. you B. your C. his D. me 8._ Com you Play cards? A. yes, I do B. yes, I

3、 cant C. No, I can t D. No, I dont 9. There is _ “m”and _“u”in the word “much” A. a an B. an on C. a. a D. an a 10. Helen is leas sister lean is Ka des mother Helen is ka des _. A. daughter B. aunt C. und D. grandma 11. _are my friends A. This B. That C. These D. there 12._ he got any brothers? A. D

4、o B. Does C. Have D. Has 13. _what color are your clothes _my T _shirt _ white and my shorts _blue A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are is 14._are these black pants?They ye the dollars A. what B. How much C. whet color D. when 15. what _fine weather It is ! A. a B. / C. the D. an 二根据句子意思和节字母提手写出单

5、词: 1There are s _ minutes (分钟)in an hour 2. P_ come from china and they eat bamboo. 3. Her mother is a t_ she teaches in a school. 4. On his twelfth birthday, he getsmany P_. 5. A g_ has a long neck. 6. In the fridge, we have got many v_. Such as potatoes and tomatoes. 1 7. Today we can use the I_ t

6、o do my hornework 8. The k_ lives in grassland. It eats grass and leawes 9. Its half p_ six in the evening. Its time to have dinner. 10. people in different countries have different h_. 三、用括号内所给词的适当形式完成句子 1. _(I) English teacher is Mr Black. 2. In _ (China), the family name is first and the giren na

7、me is last. 3. He can _(play) the piano very well. 4. Look! There is a man over thare. He is _(Liming) father. 5. would you like _(eat) some bread? 6. What tome _ Darning _(go) to school? - At 7:30. 7. He _(like) music because he thinks its relaxing. 8. The little boy _(not do) his honceuork every d

8、ay. 9. He reads books every day and he is good at_ (write). 10. The Greens _(like) going to the cinema. They often go to the movies on weekends. 11. he often _(play) basketball after class? Yes. 12. There are many _(fruit) on the table. 13. Mr Wang teaches _(we) math. 四根据要求改写下列句子 1. Li Ming often re

9、ads English in the morning.(改为一般疑问句)-Li Ming often _ English in the morning? 2. They like their presents.(改为否定句) They _ _ their presents. 3. He usually gets up at fire oclock.(划线部分提问)_ _ _ he usually _up ? 4. I like blue very well (改为同义句) Blue is my _ _ 5. There is an apple on the tree (改为复数) There

10、_on the tree 6. com she speak Japanese ?(作否定回答) _,she _ 7. Its nine thirty now (改为同义句) Its _ _ _now 8. I watch TV on Saturday evening (将主语 I换成He) _ _TV on Saturday evening 五、根据汉语提示完成英语句子(14) 1_ _ sixty students in our class 在我们班里有六十个学生。 2The library is _ _the gym 图书室与体育馆紧挨着。 3Can you _ _ _? 你会骑马吗? 4

11、She is sixteen _ _ 她今年十六岁了。 2 5Lions _ _Africa 狮子来自非洲 6Whats your _ _? 你最喜欢的动物是什么? 7Coke isnt_ _ 可口可乐不是健康的食品。 五完型填空:(10) . Choose the words or expressions to complete passage (10) Jim 1 from America. Now he is 2 China. He 3 at about 6:30 And eats his breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. After breakfast

12、,he says “goodbye” 4 his parents and leaves (离开)home at 7:30. He usually walks to school. He gets there at 7:55. He 5 his first class at eight. Morning classes are over at 12:10, and he eats lunch ten minutes later,at about 12:20. After lunch he plays 6 his friends. Afternoon classes begin at 1:30.

13、Usually there are two classes in the 7 . School is over at 3:30. Usually he plays games or other things 8 and gets home at about 5:15. He eats supper at 6:00 and then 9 , and then watches TV. He 10 at around 10:00. ( )1. A. comes B. is C. are D. be ( )2. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( )3. A. plays B. get

14、s up C. goes home D. goes to school ( )4. A. with B. for C. and D. to ( )5. A. have B. has C. start D. begin ( )6. A. with B. and C. to D. or ( )7. A. afternoon B. morning C. evening D. night ( )8. A. in the school B. in school C. school D. in class ( )9. A. swim B. goes to bed C. takes D. does his

15、homework ( )10. A .goes to school B. goes to bed C. goes home D. goes to the room 六、阅读理解(10分): One day,a little boy came to a shop and said to the shop assistant, I want to buy twelve exercise-books of 10 cents and nine pencils of 15 cents, four pieces of rubbers of 20 cents. How much shall I pay? T

16、he shop assistant wrote all numbers down on a piece of paper and calculated(计算). Then she said, You should pay 3.35 dollars altogether. If I give you 5 dollars, how much shall I get back? Youll get back 1.65 dollars. Shall I pack these things for you? No, I dont buy anything the boy looked at the pi

17、ece of paper and said politely. This is my maths homework. Can I take the answer away? ( )1. _ kinds of things are mentioned(提到) by the boy. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ( )2. The boy went to the shop _. A. to buy something for his school B. to buy something for his home 3 C. to see how many thing

18、s the shop has D. to get an answer ( )3. Nine pencils of 15 cents is _. A. $ 1.35 B. $ 1.65 C. $ 0.15 D. 2.15 ( )4. The shop assistant asked the boy to pay _after she answered boy. A. nothing B. $ 3.35 C. $ 1.65 D. $ 5 ( )5. the boy bought _ at last. A. nothing B. nine pencils C. twelve exercise-boo

19、ks D. four pieces of rubbers B A man loses a needle (针) in the room. He Looks for it on the floor, but it is dark in the room and he cant see anything. He comes out and looks For the needle in the street. A friend comes up.“What are you doing here ?”he asks.“I lose a needle, and I am looking for it

20、now, ”says the man.“Where do you lose it?”he asks.“I lose it in my room,”says the man.“You lose your needle in your room, but you are looking for it in the street! Isnt that funny?”“Ah,”says the man,“but it is dark in my room. I cant find it there. But here in the street it is bright and I can see i

21、t.” ( )1. The man loses _in the room. A. a Pen B. a needle C. a watch D. a room ( )2. The man cant find anything in the room because _. A. he is blind B. he is sleeping C. it is dark the room D. he is ill in bed ( )3. His fried thinks_. A. the man is clever B. the man cant find the needle in the roo

22、m C. the man is friendly D. the man cant find the needle in the street ( )4. The man thinks _. A. he cant find the needle in the room B. he cant find the needle in the street C. his friend is right D. his friend agrees with him ( )5. Which sentence is TRUE? A. There is more light in the street than

23、in the room. B. The man finds the needle in the street. C. The man sees his wife in the room. D. The man is very angry with his friend. 七书面表达: 以My favorite 为题,从food ,fruit , subject, color, sport, 等几方面写一篇50词左右的英语短文。 4 期未测试答案 一1A 提问某人的生日时间,只能用when.2. B 本题考查连词的用法,and 表示并列关系.but 表示转折关系,because 表示因果关系而本

24、题正好表示前后转折关系。3D at home 为固定搭配,在星期几用介词 on 另外,表示具体的时间用at 在某年/月/季节和一天中上午、下午、晚上用in 4. D 根据答语,he can t,说明是cant 引导的疑问句5B 本题考查play the 只有B项符合题意演乐某种乐器其乐器前加the:而浆类前不加the 下棋短语中,也不加the 6. C 本题考查单词意思。在晚上7:00数只能是dinner7. B 本题需要形容词性物主代词故A、D不合 根据答语 my 故选B 8. C9. D 元音开头的词之前用an 而不是元音字母、m/em/u /ju:/10. B11. C 根据谓语动词 a

25、re, 故A、B不合题意。D项节字母应大写。12D Have got 因为固定搭配,当主语为第三人称单用has got 13. C 本题考查主谓一致。14B 提问价钱用how much 15. B weather 为不可数多词故A、D不合意,而感叹句what中名词前不用the 二1sixty 2. pandas 3. teacher 4. presents 5. giraffe 6. vegetables 7. Internet 8. kangaroo 9. pat 10. habits 三1My 2. Chinese 3. play 4. Li Mings 5. to eat would l

26、ike 后接动词时要加不式。6. does go 7. likes 主语为第三人称单数时语动词用第三人称单数。 8Doesnt do 9. writing be good at 后接动词要用动词的动名词形式。10. like 注意:姓的复数前加 He,谓语动词严用复数形式。11. Does ploy 12. fruits 13. us 动词之后要用人称代词宾格,教某人某称,teach 后接双空语。 四1Does read 2. dont like 3. what tine does get 4. favorite color 5. are apples 单数句子改为复数,主语单数变复数,谓语动

27、词变为复数,名词改为复数。 6. No, she cant 7. half past nine 时间表达法有两种一种是先说小时数再说分钟数,另一种先说分钟再说小时,中间past 或to 8. He watches. 主语由第一人称变成等三人称,谓语动词也相应变成第三人称单数。 五1There are 2. next to 3. vide a horse 4. years old 5. come from 6. favorite animal 7. healthy food 五1B 未勿于come from 或be from 主语为 Jim, 谓语应用 comes 或is 2. A 3. B 4

28、. D say goodbye to s b 向某人告别5B 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 六A 1. C由文中I want to buy twelve exercise-books of 10 cents and nine pencils of 15 cents, four pieces of rubbers of 20 cents可知 2. D由文中One day,a little boy came to a shop and said to the shop assistant,可知 3. A由文中相关数字可推断出 4. A由文中I dont buy anythin

29、g the boy looked at the piece of paper and said politely.可知 5. A由文中可知 B 1. B由文中A man loses a needle (针) in the room可知 2. C由文中it is dark in the room可知 3. D由文中可知 4. A由文中可知 5. A由文中it is dark in my room. I cant find it there. But here in the street it is bright可知 七 My favorite things My name is Wang Dong and Im thirteen years old .My favorite food is hamburger I eat it every day. My favorite fruit is apple At school, English and Music are my favorite subjects. Red is my favorite Color. I like it very much .Tuesday is my Favorite day because I have English and music On that day 5


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