大学散伙饭 不只是一场狂欢.docx

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1、大学散伙饭 不只是一场狂欢大学散伙饭 不只是一场狂欢 Grads say farewell to college life Xie Xiangyang still remembers his farewell party on the verge of graduating last year. “There were a lot of tears, ” recalls the 23-year-old law major from Sun Yat-sen University. 毕业于中山大学法律系的谢向阳仍然记得去年毕业前夕的那顿散伙饭。“大家哭成一团。”这位23岁的的小伙子回忆道。 “Gr

2、aduating is a very emotional experience as youre about to leave your comfort zone and say goodbye to everything youre familiar with, ” says Xie. 谢向阳说:“毕业是件特别伤感的事情,因为你就要离开你的舒适区,并对你所熟悉的一切说再见。” Just like signing up for campus clubs, failing a course, or being rejected by a secret crush, attending a far

3、ewell party has long been a campus ritual that marks the end of ones college life. For most, its not about the dinner, but about holding on to the most cherished memories of ones student life. 就如同参加校园社团、挂科、或是惨遭暗恋对象拒绝一样,吃散伙饭一直是一种标志着大学生活结束的校园仪式。对于大多数人而言,这不仅仅是一顿饭那么简单,而是对学生时代珍贵记忆的一种回顾。 Drinking 酒逢知己 For

4、 Li Zhenhua, an emergency room doctor at a hospital in Xian, this time of year is the peak season for alcohol poisoning. 对于西安某医院的急诊室医生李振华来说,每年的这个时候是收治酒精中毒病例的高峰期。 “Recently, six students were brought here, all from the same farewell party, ” Li says. “最近,有六名学生被送到这里,且都来自于同一场散伙饭。”李振华说道。 For partygoers,

5、 drinking usually serves as an indicator of their sentiments and emotions. But drinking is not always a pleasant experience. 对于参加聚会的人而言,喝酒通常是饭桌上表达情感的一种方式。但酒逢知己并不总是一件愉快的经历。 “I think drinking can spoil the fun, ” says Xin Jialin, 22, a management major at the University of International Business and E

6、conomics. “我觉得喝酒可能会破坏兴致。”来自对外经贸大学管理专业、22岁的辛佳琳说道。 Xin remembers her recent farewell party, where heavy drinkers gathered in a group and ignored the others. 辛佳琳回忆起在前不久她参加的一场散伙饭中,喝高了的人聚到一起喝酒,完全不理会其他人。 “A farewell partys intention is to look back on the fun times and enjoy karaoke together, but they rui

7、ned it, ” says Xin. 辛佳琳说:“吃散伙饭的目的是为了追忆以前的快乐时光,一起唱唱K,但是这些人大煞风景。” Making up 重修旧好 Although drinking can be ugly, it sometimes encourages people to say things they usually wouldnt. 尽管喝酒有些不雅,但有时,它会让人有勇气说出一些平常不会说的话。 Xu Shengjun, 22, a senior majoring in flight vehicle design and engineering at Beijing Uni

8、versity of Aeronautics &Astronautics, organized the farewell party for his class. 22岁的徐胜军是来自北京航空航天大学飞行器设计与工程专业的大四学生。他也是班里散伙饭的组织者。 Everyone drank a lot, as most of his classmates were men. “I once argued with a classmate during a basketball game. Another time a student complained about his roommates

9、playing computer games all night. We all cleared the air at the party with beer and wine, ” says Xu. 因为班里男生居多,大家喝了不少酒。“我曾经和一位同学在一场篮球赛中吵了起来。还有一次,一位同学抱怨室友整晚都在打游戏。但在散伙饭上,在啤酒和红酒的作用下,大家冰释前嫌了。”徐胜军说。 Later, Xu wanted to give a speech summing up the past four years, but he became too emotional to speak. His

10、 tears told the story instead. 此后,徐胜军想对过去四年时光做个总结,但因为太激动他没有说话,泪水代表了一切。 Confessing love 表白爱意 While making up with his buddies is an expression of Xus friendship, feelings toward a secret crush are more complicated. Chen Juan, 22, a senior majoring in civil engineering at Southeast University, got a s

11、pecial moment at the farewell party a student professed his love for her. At the end of the party, a male classmate suddenly brought out a bunch of roses, saying he had had a crush on her for four years. 与兄弟重修旧好是徐胜军对待哥们情谊的一种表现,而暗恋的感觉则更为复杂。22岁的陈娟是东南大学土木工程系的大四学生。她在散伙饭上迎来了一个特殊时刻一位同学向她表白。在散伙饭接近尾声时,一位男生突

12、然拿出一束玫瑰花并告诉陈娟他已经暗恋她整整四年了。 “I was very touched and burst into tears, ” says Chen. “Hes my good friend. We will work in different cities after graduating, so we might not have a relationship in future, but I still cherish this feeling.” “我被感动得泪流满面,”陈娟说,“他是我的好朋友。我们毕业后将在不同的城市工作,所以我们以后可能不会在一起。但我仍然很珍惜这段感情

13、。” Giving guidance 给予引导 Besides students sad feelings of departure, many teachers show their caring side at farewell parties. 除了同学间离别的感伤,很多老师还在散伙饭上表达出自己的关切之情。 “We were all given a lit candle along with a rose by our counselor. He told us that the candle would guide us through the darkness of life an

14、d that the rose would remind us that before reaching the beauty of a rose we have to deal with the thorns first, ” says Chen Binlun, 22, a senior majoring in English at Yunnan University. “我们的辅导员送给我们每人一支点燃的蜡烛和一朵玫瑰花。他告诉我们,蜡烛会指引我们穿越生活的低谷;玫瑰则会提醒我们在触摸到玫瑰的美丽之前,要先留意它的刺。”云南大学英语系大四学生、22岁的陈斌伦说道。 “He told us

15、that in order to succeed in life, you have to cross many hurdles and never give up. When you start to lose hope, look at the candle, ” Chen says. 陈斌伦说:“他告诉我们,为了在人生的舞台上取得成功,你们必须要克服许多困难且永不放弃。当你们开始感到绝望的时候,就看看这支蜡烛吧。” ritual ritjul, -tu-video n. 仪式;惯例;礼制adj. 仪式的;例行的;礼节性的 emotion imunvideo n. 情感;情绪 sentim

16、ent sentimntvideo n. 感情,情绪;情操;观点;多愁善感 emotional imunlvideo adj. 情绪的;易激动的;感动人的 buddy bdivideo n. 伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩vi. 做好朋友,交朋友 karaoke kr,uki, krukivideo n. 卡拉OK;卡拉OK录音,自动伴奏录音 indicator indikeitvideo n. 指示器;试剂 指示剂;计 指示符;压力计 complicate kmplikeitvideo vt. 使复杂化;使恶化;使卷入 verge v:dvideo vi. 濒临,接近;处在边缘n. 边缘 intention intennvideo n. 意图;目的;意向;愈合 推荐学习


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