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1、大学英语新风尚 第二册 综合教程 答案新风尚大学实用英语综合教程2期末考试 翻译 Unit 1 1.按照他所拥有的知识来衡量,他非常富有。 He is quite rich in terms of knowledge he has with himself. 2.无论做任何事情都要遵守法律,这是文明社会的基础。 Laws must be complied with no matter what is done, which is the basis of a civilized society. 3.童年艰难生活给他的磨练对于他的成功有很大的影响。 The hardship he experi

2、enced in his childhood had a great effect on his success. 4.发言人拒绝对这件事情给出官方的评论。 The spokesperson refused to make an official comment on the affair. 5.这份表格只能由你来签字。 The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. 6.和平对于一个饱经战火的国家是多么地重要。 How important peace is to a country that has gone through

3、so many wars. Unit 2 1.任何事情都不能阻止他们去获取胜利。 Nothing can hold them back from success. 2.他们的研究使人们对生命的奥秘有了新的了解。 Their research has thrown some new light on the mystery of life. 3.我决定全力以赴找个地方住。 I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. 4.他趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。 She took advantage of c

4、hildrens absence to clean their rooms. 5.随着世界人口的增加,我们面临着对粮食需求的增加。 With the growth of the world population, we are faced with the increase in the demand for food. 6.人们似乎没有考虑到这一事实,毕业并不意味着教育的结束。 People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. Unit 4 1.人们选择

5、乘坐私家车出行,是由于他们并不满足于享受公共交通所提供的服务。 People choose to drive private cars because they are not content to enjoy what public transport offers to them. 2. 每当春节来临,中国人纷纷赶往家里,无论离家多远。 When Spring Festival comes,Chinese head for their own home no matter how far they are. 3.传统的中国文化吸引着全世界的人民,超越了肤色,种族和语言。 Tradition

6、al Chinese culture appeals to people all over the world without preference for skin color, race or language. 4.众多的想法充溢在他的脑海,他一时不知如何决定。 A multitude of thoughts filled his mind, and he was at a loss at the time. 5.一个决策者必须擅长在复杂的情况中挑选出首要解决的问题。 As a decision maker, one must be good at seeking out the pri

7、orities in a complex situation. 6.成功的一方面靠机遇,另一方面还要靠不懈的努力。 Success, for one thing, depends on opportunities. For another, it depends on continuous effort. Unit 5 1.我们的信念与行动得到了公众及整个社会的肯定。 Our beliefs and actions have been approved by the general public and the society at large. 2.在我们的努力之下落后地区已经发生了巨大变化

8、。 Our efforts have brought about a great change for the better in backward areas. 3.我喜欢这栋房子的风格,可是烟囱太大,不成比例。 I like the general style of this building, but the chimneys are out of proportiontheyre too big. 4.就自然资源而言,该国是南美洲最贫穷的国家之一。 In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in

9、South American. 5.爬山之前最好有周密的准备,以防发生灾难事件。 It is best to be properly prepared before climbing in case of any disaster. 6.请你模仿老师的样子,读出这个单词。 Please pronounce the word the way the teacher does. Unit 6 1.人们发现,疲劳驾驶者更有可能忽视警示标志。 It is found that tired drivers are more likely to ignore warning signs. 2.被批评了很多

10、次以后,你最终会变得不在乎了。 Being criticized time and time again, youll eventually become immune to it. 3.如果情况果真如此,我们就需要跟多的员工了。 If this is the case, we need more staff. 4.说到能源安全,我们的政策不针对任何一个国家。 When it comes to energy security, our policy is not directed against any single country. 5.我们的祖先必须应付寒冷、饥饿以及野兽的袭击。 Our

11、ancestors have to cope with cold, hunger as well as attack from wild animal. 6.你可以控制自己如何感知事物,即如何判断事物。 You can have control over how you perceive things, that is, how you judge things. 填空 Unit 1 These rules best illustrate my parents beliefs about children. Children could not be trusted to learn natu

12、rally without a great deal of direction and criticism .They needed parents to teach them right and wrong. So we learned the “correct” way to do any task, which I think of as “the Fabian way,” and were not encouraged to discover alternative methods on our own. When we asked why we had to do something

13、 “the Fabian way” or why some request had to be followed, the most frequent response was, “Because I said so.” Sometimes we would get an answer, but I was seldom satisfied. Yet absolute respect is required when there is absolute authority, so we didnt question more than once and obediently complied

14、with their rules. Love, I came to see, was another matter. Unit 2 Why do parents choose to homeschool their children? They homeschool their children for diverse reasons. Sometimes there is a precipitating event or a series of incidents at school that causes parents to take their child away from the

15、public school system. Some common reasons that are cited in a National Center for Education Statistics study are as follows. Parents believe that they can give their child a better education at home .Parents have religious reasons. Parents think that their child has a poor learning environment at sc

16、hool. Parents have family reasons .Parents want to cultivate their childs character and morality. Parents object to what school teach. Parents think that their school isnt challenging their child. Other common reasons are that their child has special needs or that he or she was having behavior probl

17、ems at school. Unless you have some training though, these last two reasons might not be a good reason to homeschool. Children with special needs or with behavior problems might be able to get help at school. From specially trained professionals. Unit 4 Besides their habit of changing addresses, Ame

18、ricans are used to traveling. Some people make long-distance commutes to work daily. They are even required to take frequent business trips for the sake of their jobs. Most companies provide an annual vacation for their employees, and people often use that time to travel. Some people just visit frie

19、nds or relatives in distant states, and other go on low-budget weekend excursions and stay in economy motels. Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types. Some travel in recreational vehicles(RVs) to camp out in

20、 comfort, while others “rough it” by sleeping in tents. Unit 5 Mass media enjoys a very prominent role in our lives. There are various effects of mass media on the society at large. Media tends to influence and its obvious. There are positive as well as negative influences of mass media. However, it

21、 also depends upon the way audiences perceive things. The power of mass media is by far recognized in terms of advertising, marketing and as a medium to broadcast information to people. Mass media is used to communicate with people from various walks of life. It can often result in a conflict of opt

22、ions. Print media(magazines, newspapers, etc.), electronic media(television, radio, etc.) and the Internet are all part of mass media. Today, mass media can give a person remarkable exposure. This can result in various effects of the mass media on the society. However, have you paused to think about

23、 the pros and cons of mass media? Well, one cannot blame a particular medium because of outside influences. Here, we shall take a look at such advantages and disadvantages of mass media. Unit 6 Higher income and social status are linked to better health. There is strong evidence to support this. Eve

24、n more notably, peoples health is affected by how wide the difference in income is between the richest and poorest members of the society. So while people with lower income and social status have less control and fewer choices in their lives, this is even more the case when the income gap in the soc

25、iety is very wide. For a long time we have heard people talk about the connection between peoples living conditions and their health. However, until recently there was little hard evidence to support these assumptions. Now, there are research findings demonstrating not only that economic conditions

26、influence health, but also how this happens. 完形填空 Unit 1 We all have weaknesses and strengths no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes its the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some peopl

27、e are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships. Many people leave it or accept it as just bad luck but not everyone. Some people facing huge limitations still manage to achieve tremendous things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow them to limit their possibilities. Its y

28、our choice. I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. No only did he

29、become successful, but also he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly where his weakness is front and center for all to see. If he hadnt worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects. You can find similar people o

30、n New Zealand News channels, and I suspect the same in other countries. There are a number of presenters and reporters who have a noticeably unusual manner of speaking. Perhaps they have a lisp, or they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice .These people have succeeded in spite of what would be a

31、ppeared to be a weakness in their profession . Lots of people face far more significant limitations than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation, you will always find people who have overcome it. Unit 2 I was raised speaking English, but

32、I also spoke Spanish at home. When I went to school for the first time, I was enrolled in ESL classes classes of English as a Second Language. I was also put in the Limited Proficiency Program. In all these class, I always got the highest grades. I was the best reader and speaker. There was no reaso

33、n for me to be in any of those classes. When my parents discovered that I was in those classes instead of in regular classes with other Engshis-speaking student, they went to the school administration to complain about the discrimination. The school had nothing to say. My parents tried to get me out

34、 of the ESL classes, but the school fought very hard to keep me there. And then we fond out why for every student the school had in the ESL and Limited English Proficiency Program, they would receive 400. This was pretty devastating. The schools only excuse for keeping me there was because I lived i

35、n a Spanish-speaking family, and that I was influenced by the way my parents spoke. My parents were indignant, but I remained in the ESL and Limited English Proficiency Program until I was in the fifth grade. Then my parents transferred me to another school where they had friends. The school gave me

36、 an English proficiency test. I aced it. So I didnt have to attend those programs for non-native English speakers. I was finally on the right track and back at the head of the class. The first school I had attended would have never let me out of those programs or even let me take the test. I was too

37、 “Spanish” for them. Unit 4 At least three times a week, instead of sitting through endless business lunch or dinner meetings, Ferrazzi, the chief executive of Ferrazzi Greenlight, invites clients and employees to join him for workouts. Its a winning situation, it develops relationship with clients

38、and uncovers “found” work time. And like other time strapped but health-conscious people, he is often glad to avoid going out for another cocktail. “In my 20s, when I was working at Deloitte Consulting, the normal mode for conducting business was Lets go get some drinks, which led to dinner, which l

39、ed to cigars, which led to Cognacs,” he said. “I never felt so unhealthy in my life.” Mr. Ferrazzi is not alone. As free time has become a precious commodity and exercise has come to be more valued by executives, business people are choosing to conduct meeting at the gym, on the hiking trail or on a

40、 bike. “Instead of hashing out business over lunch, you do it on the treadmill, said Correia, the spokeswomen for the International Health, Racquet and Sports club Association, “People are really struggling to find the time to get their exercise so its an idea kind of place for that kind of meeting

41、to happen.” Some workout-meetings are aimed at solidifying relationships. Others are meant to negotiate deals or accomplish actual work in a casual setting. All kinds have value beyond the health benefits of exercise. Joint workouts can be a way to get to know each other or to create impression that

42、 is more favorable and lasting than an office meeting might be. “What better way to start or continue a relationship with an existing client than to work out?” said Miller, an associate with CB Richard Ellis. Mixing exercising with business also gives people a chance to focus on one another and the

43、task at hand without being Interrupted by e-mail, faxes or cell phones which many gyms ban. “On a bike you really listen and you also hear. Youre present,” said Holgate, the vice president for marketing at the EasyAsk division of Progress Software. Some people even use workouts as a way to determine

44、 a clients or colleagues work habits. Bennett, a corporate communications consultant, said that by watching people exercise, she learns “how people deal with sometimes stressful situation, or how aggressive they are.” Mr. Ferrazzi said. He, too, can tell a lot of about people from watching them exer

45、cise. “I generally find that the way people treat their body is an interesting proxy for how they treat their relationships and their work.” Rok, a fashion publicist, said, “Our society has become so used to doing business at a meal that I feel it has contributed to the obesity issueI say Lets go fo

46、r a workout and have a smoothie after. You get a lot accomplished both for work and for yourself.” Unit 5 Media is an inseparable part of life for most of the teenagers. There are different types of mass media that are inherently a part of the routine life of teenagers for example television, comput

47、er, mobile phone or a music player. Considering the current influence of media, we need to agree on the fact that media plays an important role in shaping up opinions of teenagers. Media is a double-edged sword and hence there are positive effects of media as long as negative influences of media. On

48、e of the most positive effects of media today is the ease with which teenagers have learned to accept teenagers have no phobia for technology. Media has also contributed to increasing the overall awareness of teenagers about their surroundings. In addition to in overall knowledge and understanding o

49、f subjects owing to the vast information resulted that the media has to offer. If managed properly, media can be effectively used to generate awareness amongst teenagers about issues like sex, pregnancy, drugs, alcohol and smoking. There are several negative media effects on teenagers as well. Media is responsible for creating


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