1、小学生英语图片描述,看图说话要点1、抽到题之后要保持镇定,并迅速从脑海中锁 定图片的类别。 2、锁定图片类别后要回顾此类图片会用到的单 词、句型。 3、梳理答题思路。 4、开始答题。 图片描述题库分类 人物 食物 动物 地点/风景 职业 运动 一、对图片的第一印象: Wow! 如:1、I like this picture. I dont like this picture. Because 2、 Do you think this is a good picture? 3、What a nice/beautiful/cute/funny/ colourful picture! 人物:答题方向
2、 *图片中有几个人?There are _people in the picture. *他们的穿着:They are wearing_. *他们的表情:They are happy/sad/smiling/. *他们正在做什么:They are playing games. *他们的对话:发挥你自己的想象力,自己编对话。 I say: daddy, mommy. Lets go to the zoo. *他们的职业:He is a driver/student. 有人物的图片最好使用第一人称,这样不涉及动词的变化。 食物: 答题方向 什么食物?There are many _in the p
3、icture. 什么颜色?The apples are _. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?I like _. 对身体有益吗? The fruits are delicious and good for our health. 地点/风景: 答题方向 在哪? Its in the_. 什么季节?Its spring/ summer/ fall/ winter. 天气如何?The weather is sunny/ windy/ snowy/ rainy/cloudy/hot/cold/cool/ warm/ 在这里可以干什么?We can_. 动物:答题方向 什么动物? There is a /are
4、 many _in the pictue. 什么颜色?Its white/brown/black/grey. 在干什么?It is sleeping/running/lying. 它长什么样? It has two big eyes/a small nose. 我们应该保护动物. We should protect the animals,because they are our friends. 职业:答题方向 什么职业?He is a doctor. 在干什么?穿戴?He is seeing a patient. 重点短语和句型: Wow!I like What a ! The is in/on/under/in front of/behind/next to the Look at the She/He is (adj) He/She is wearing .is good/bad for. I think. like to do. /like doing. There is/are in the picture. 总-分-总 1、对图片作总体评价 2、对图片中的事物具体分析 3、对图片的描述作总结