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1、工作职责范文英语对话英语对话范文 免费外教在线一对一英语口语课程,太平洋英语,三个月与老外畅谈无阻! dialoge 1making cookies laurance-would you like some cookies? i just made them. soomy-thank you. yes, i would. laurance-these are chocolate,and those are almond- flavored. soony-i guess ill try a chocolate one fu-st. mmmm. this is delicious.are they

2、 hard to make? laurance-no, theyre really quite easy. wait a minute, ive got the recipe right here. see.these are the ingredients, and then you just follow the directions. soony-that does look easy. i think ill make some tonight. 注解: almond-flavored:有杏仁味的 recipe:制作菜肴的用料及烹饪方法 dialogue 2 inviting a fr

3、iend to dinner. soony- that sounds fine. laurance- good. shall we say seven oclock? soony- ill be there! youre still a fabulous cook, arent you? laurance- thatll be for you to decide. ive got a new dish that i want to try out on you. soony- im ready. i think ill fast all day friday! 注解: fabulous=won

4、derful try out on you:原意是以你做试验. fast:动词,作禁食解. dialogue 3 car insurance laurance-i need to get car insurance.ya got any ideas? fair rates. laurance-do they insure older cars? soony- as far as i know,they insure all kinds of vehicles. laurance-how long have you had a policy with them? soony- oh,i dont

5、 know.maybe five years. laurance-and you say their rates are low? soony- not low reasonable.ive always gotten good service from them.let me give you their phone number and you can call them. 注解: rates:费用.这里指应交的保险费. vehicle:车辆,运载工具. dialogue 4buying a second-hand car laurance- what kind of a car do y

6、ou have? soony- an old one. laurance- i know its old, but what make is it? soony- - its a chevrolet. why do you ask? you going into the car business? laurance -nothing like that. my cousin is going to take a job overseas and he cant take his car with him, so hes going to sell it - cheap. its practic

7、ally new. soony- well i have been thinking about getting a newer car. i cant afford a brand new one. laurance- would you like to look at my cousins car? soony- is it a four-door or a two-door? laurance- its a coupe with a vinyl roof. soony- does it have automatic transmission?. laurance- yes, and it

8、 also has power steering, power brakes, and air conditioning. soony- i guess i might take a look at it. how much is he asking? laurnace- i dont know for sure, but hell make you a good deal. soony- okay. set it up for me to see it, if you can. 注解: make(名词):指机械产品的类型,特别是厂家. a four-door or a two-door=a

9、four-door car or a two-door car, 前者指宽敞的大篷车,后者指轻便的小型车. vinyl roof:乙烯基塑料顶棚. automatic transmission:自动变速器. power steering,power brakes:指有液动或气动装置使方向盘与刹车操纵非常轻便. set it up=arrange it. dialogue 5 getting something fixed (between customer and repairman) laurance- how long do you think itll take to fix it? s

10、oony- hard to tell. sometimes we can find the problem right away and sometimes it may take an hour or two. back later. soony- i dont see any problem. we should have it ready for you by three at the latest. but, better call laurance- okay. thanks a lot. 注解: suit yourself=do as you please by three at

11、the latest=not later than three oclock,类似的短语还有: at the most/at the earliest/at the least/at the best/at the worst 等. dialogue 6expecting a phone call laurance-was i hat the telephone ringing? soony- i didnt hear anything. laurance-i thought i heard it ring two or three times. soony- sometimes when t

12、he windows are open, you can hear the neighbors phone. laurance-well, im expecting an important phone call, and i dont want to miss it. soony- is it anything i should know about? laurance-not really. it has something to do with work and doesnt really affect us here at home. soony- well, why dont you

13、 go ahead and do what you wanted to do outside. ill call you if the phone rings for you. laurance-thanks. i think i will. ive been waiting so long now im getting nervous. i need to relax outdoors. 注解: 1. not really.= it is not really anything you should know about. 2. have something to do with work:

14、与工作有关.这是个常用句型. have 动词之后可用nothing,something,anything也可用a lot,agreat deal, little等词替换. 3. waiting so long now(that)im getting nervous:口语中so.that结构 中的that常省略. dialogue 7 why didnt call us? laurance-when did you get here? soony- just a few minutes ago. ikea- weve been waiting for almost an hour. soony-

15、 im sorry, but i had car trouble-a flat tire. laurance-oh. thats too bad. couldnt you have telephoned? soony- i was going to, but i didnt have any change for a pay phone. ikea- you could have gotten some change in a store. soony- not really. the tire went flat out on the edge of town. there wasnt an

16、y place to call from. ikea- well at least youre here now. no need to wait any longer. so lets get started! 注解: a flat tire:轮胎瘪了 could you have telephoned?此句用虚拟语气,有你该做而没有做的责备之意. change:零钱.这里指硬币. a pay phone:公用电话.公用电话是收费的,所以也称a pay phone. went flat=became flat,went 在这里是系动词. get started(口语)=begin work

17、dialogue 8where are we? laurance-where on earth are we? soony- judging by all the traffic, id say were near the heart of the downtown area. laurance-what did i do wrong? did i take a wrong turn? soony- im not sure, but i think that you turned left when you should have turned right. laurance-well, no

18、w the,problem is how to get back onto the main highway. soony- well, if i may offer a suggestion . why dont you stop and ask a policeman? laurance-yeah, yeah, yeah, i think i see one up there in the next block. 注解: on earth:(口语中用于疑问句加强语气)究竟,到底,全然. heart of the downtown area:heart=center;downtown are

19、a指繁华的商业区. if i may offer a suggestion:直译为如果我可以提个建议的话. dialogue 9catching a bus laurance- is this where i catch the bus for the zoo? soony- you can take a t-30 from here, but then you have to walk about six blocks. laurance- that doesnt sound too bad. soony- actually, if you go to the bus stop in the

20、 next block, you can take a z-8 which will let you right off in front of the zoo. laurance- maybe thats what ill do. thanks a lot. 注解: 1. t-30,z-8:都是公共汽车的编号 2. which will let you right off.:是定语从句, 其先行词是z-8bus,意思是这趟车正好把你拉到动物园门口. dialogue 10 airport bus laurance-what time doesd the bus leave for the a

21、irport? soony-i dont know.it used to leave every half hour,but i think the schedules been changed. laurance-do you know the telephone number to call? soony-its enterprise 7-4700.at least thats what it used to be. laurance-yeah,ill try it.(pause)they dont seem to answer. soony-i expect that its a lit

22、tle too-early.i dont think they open until nine oclock.篇二:英语口语对话范文 英语口语对话范文 a:is there anything i can do?id like to help in some way if i can. b:i cant think of anything at the moment. a:well,maybe i could run errands or something. b:you could if i needed something. a:i feel so useless just hanging

23、around with nothing to do. b:dont worry.in a couple of days therell be too much to do.then youll want to be back in these lazy days. a:i guess im just a workaholic.i never was very good at doing nothing. b:maybe you should learn how to relax and enjoy yourself more. 注解: 1)run errands:指送信、采购、接送客人等跑腿的

24、差事。 2)feel useless:感到无聊,无所事事。 3)hang around:闲荡无事。与hang about同义。 4)workaholic:过分卖力的工作,不知休息的人。 5)be good at.:擅长于做某事。 6)relax:休息,娱乐。如:have a break and let your mind relax. 7)enjoy yourself:过快活日子。娱乐一番。 范文(2) 问路 excuse me, officer. 对不起 警官。 can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗 sure. 当然可以。 can you tell me 你能告诉我 how to

25、get to linden street, in riverdale? 怎麽去riverdale的亮值墙致? richard stewart, 46 linden street, “richard stewart 林登街46号 riverdale, new york. riverdale 纽约” you should take the number 1 subway. 应当搭一路地铁。 is there a station near here? 附近有地铁站吗 yes. the stations that way. 有。地铁站在那边。 you should take the number 1

26、train 搭一路车 to van cortlandt park. 到van cortlandt公栽 下车。 number 1 train to van cortlandt park. thank you. 一路车到van cortlaandt公园。谢谢。 anytime. good luck. 不用谢。祝 好运。 remember, the number 1 train. the uptown platform. 记住 搭一路车 在在北 月 thank you. 谢谢。 范文(3) 喜欢或不喜欢工作 a: hi,lily. what are you doing there? b: i am

27、making a kite. c: are you going to fly the kite? b: yes, i like flying kites when it is sunny but windy like today. what about you , kate? c: i dont really like flying kites. i prefer taking a walk in the hill. a: so do i. lets take a trip to the west hill this saturday. c: thats great! shall we hav

28、e a picnic on the top of the hill, tom? d: isnt that interesting! peter,you like picnics very much,dont you? e: yes, you know me very well. jimmy, i think you can go with us, too. then you can fly your kite in the park at the top of the hill. b: mm, that sounds nice! a: but what should we take there

29、? should we take some fruit? b: yes, of course. my favourite food is fruit and i will take my favourite fruit-strawberries! dont you think it is very delicious, tom? a: but i think hamburgers are more delicious. c: yes, i like hamburgers, too. lets take some drinks with us, too. what drinks do you l

30、ike, peter? e: i always drink water . my mother says it is the most healthy drink.but i am afraid we must take a camera there. you know, it is very beautiful on the hill at this time of year and jimmy likes to take photoes very much. d: yeah! that sounds exciting. i will be the best photogragher for

31、 you all! but when and where shall we meet? a: lets meet at my home. i can ask my father to take us there in his car. b: and lets meet at 9:00 then. d: thats too late for a hike! b: but can peter get up so early? he always likes to stay in bed till late in the morning,haha! 1.a:have you ever experie

32、nced an unforgettable event? b:yes,i have,thats one of the most wonderful memories in my life. a:what did you experience? b:i witnessed that chinese national football team got the qualification for the 2002 world cup on october 13,2001. a:what did you see? b:because my home is very close to the tian

33、anmen square.i saw everybody was celebrating happily and excitedly.there were cheers and shouts in the streets. a:did you join the crowds? b:of course.i walked on the streets with my family for a while.the traffic was terrible.the streets looked like a parking alot and cant move at all.but it seemed

34、 that nobody care it at all because they were all losing themselves in the excitement and enjoyment that our football team brought us. a:sounds really awesome. b:yes,it definitely is. a:i hope chinese football team could give us that feeling again in the future. b:i hope so,too. 2. in your opinion,i

35、s part-time job good for university students?why? yes,i think so because university students can practise their practical ablility and social experience through working with other people and they can learn how to get on well with their workmates in their workplace.moreover,they can possibly earn a c

36、ertain amount of money to afford some things they want to buy instead of getting money from their parents all the time.even they can buy some stuff for their family members to show their love for their families.but,they should control the working time in order to not let it have a bad influence on t

37、heir study and university life.so,if university students can allocate their time well,to find a part-time job is very good and beneficial to them篇三:英语情景对话 recruitment we decide to recruit an administrative assistant. this is administrative director mr wen. lets begin! 我:can you sell yourself in one

38、minute? go for it. 应聘者1: with my qualifications and experience, i feel i am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project i undertake. your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。) 我: why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?) 应聘者1: well, i am hoping to get an offer of a better position. if opportunity knocks, i will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。


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