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1、年级下册英语人教Unit7教案 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 新目标英语八年级Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?教学设计 一、教学内容及分析 本单元是八年级英语下册的第七单元,主题是如何更礼貌的提建议,主要功能项目是Make requests和Apologize,本单元的语法要点是Would you mind ?和Could you please等句型的运用,知识重难点为:would you mind +动名词和Could you please +动词原形等句型的正确运用,以及能够正确运用其否定形式。整个单元教材内容如下: Sectio

2、n A是语言的基本输入和呈现部分,是本单元的语言基本内容。1a、1b、1c分别是看、听、说的任务环节,均围绕1a的卡通画而展开。可先创设情景引入,呈现Would you mind +动名词向别人提出请求的语言功能项目。再呈现Would you mind not+动名词,让学生充分利用1a的卡通画内容来练习。2a、2b是任务型听力,学生独立完成。2a是排序,2b是配对。2a是通过听力,展示Would you mind ?和Would you mind not?在交际中的运用,2b是呈现如何向别人道歉。2c要求以2a、2b的听力材料来进行交际练习,体会向别人提出请求和向别人道歉的语言功能项目。在3

3、a的教学中,要求学生看图,补全图片中的请求,3b的结对对话,要求学生用Would you, Could you, have to编对话,至于第4部分的groupwork,先可让学生制定工作任务,再进行对话。 Section B是综合的语言运用和知识的扩展部分。1a、2a、2b都围绕的卡通画展开,2c是2a、2b听力材料的操练对话,3a和3b是阅读和写作的训练,通过完成3a、3b的任务,加深学生对提出请求,表达歉意的理解和运用。Self check让学生通过活动对自己遣词造句能力及语言综合能力进行了自我评价,应由学生独立完成,但第2部分教师可组织学生看图讨论,然后再完成第2部分的任务。课后所选的

4、阅读材料依然紧扣本单元的语言目标,学习掌握基本的阅读策略,即通过寻找主题句来快速获取文章大意,以获取更多信息的能力,从而帮助学生了解不同国家及文化背景下的礼仪,更好地遵守社会公德。 我将灵活运用这些活动内容,完成听,说,读,写的训练任务,并将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,以提高课堂效益。因此在教学中采用创设情景、交际表达的思路,以活动为目的和方式促进语言的输出和运用。充分利用教材中的卡通画,来对话交流,让学生在运用中体验本单元的语言功能项目。第一课时主要学习如何更礼貌的提建议,以及如何做出合适的回答以听说训练为主。第二课时主要是通过听说读写训练,进一步学习如何提出要求和表示歉意的句型,我将Se

5、ctionB1a-2c和SectionA3a-4整合在一起作为本节课的教学内容,主要考虑先把听说部分即SectionB1a-2c放在前半部分,易于调动学生学习积极性,然后再通过读写训练即SectionA3a-4,练习向别人提出请求和向别人表达歉意这一语言功能项目,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。第三课时的目标是让学生进一步通过读写训练,培养学生综合运用话题语言的能力,加深学生对提出请求,表达歉意的理解和运用。第四课时学习一篇阅读课文。第五课时,是一节复习课,通过大量练习来复习、归纳、拓展本单元语言知识,从而进一步提高学生的听说读写能力,完成本单元的目标任务。 二、学习者特征分析 本单元话题来自学生

6、的生活经历,在八年级上册Unit 11学生已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础。此外,学生已掌握了用祈使句和Can you?/could you 及Could you please提出请求, 为本单元的学习打下了一定的基础。学生具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然的与本单元的话题衔接。同时,本单元是关于礼貌性的话题,内容贴近生活,学生比较容易进入角色。 初二下学期的学生们对英语学习还有着较浓厚的兴趣,并且经过新课程理念的熏陶及实践,已有了初步的自主、合作、探究、实践的能力。因此在考虑本单元教学设计时,我把以学生为中心及 快乐学习的理念融入英语教学中,把本单元内容以多媒体课件展示,并配

7、以丰富的图片及色彩,为学生的语言学习营造良好的氛围,从而增强学生的兴趣和留意力,使学生在愉悦的课堂活动中主动学习,快乐成长。 三、单元整体目标分析 1、知识与能力: 语言知识 Be able to pronounce and master the new words and phrases. Words: mind, yard, dish, polite, perhaps, door, line, return, voice, term, Asian, Europe, impolite, allow, public, cough, break, smoke, drop, litter, cig

8、arette, criticize, behave,etc. 1 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! Phrases: turn down, not at all, right away, wait in line, cut in line, keep down, at first, put out, pick up. Master the target language: Would you mind moving your bike? Sorry, I will do it right away. Would you mind not playing baseball

9、here? Sorry, well go and play in the park. Could you please wash the dishes? Ok, I will do them in a minute. Learn to make requests and apologies, using the target language. Learn the modal verb that can express request. 语言能力 能正确运用Would you mind ?和Could you please ? 等句型来向别人提出请求或对于所犯的错误向别人道歉的能力。 能正确运

10、用will+动词原形来表达个人目的或意图的能力。 2、情感态度与价值观: 使学生在学习中学会正确向别人提出请求或向别人道歉的方法,获得交际成功的快乐。使学生体验交际中的委婉语气的使用,从而培养自己成为一个有礼貌、有道德的中学生。 四、重点、难点 1.重点:本单元的语言目的是提出请求和道歉,因此Would you mind ?和Could you please ? 以及Sorry, Ill 等句型的理解和运用,是本单元的重点。 2.难点:学生在使用Would you mind ?和Could you please ?时,应该提醒学生,would you mind +动名词,而Could you

11、please +动词原形。此外,如用否定词not,not所放的位置,学生容易犯错,Would you mind not? Could you please not ? 因此,这些内容的掌握和运用是学生学习的难点。 五、教法选择与学法指导 本单元主要运用任务型教学法,并辅助于情景交际教学法。 英语课程标准把培养学生学习英语的爱好,树立自信心,培养良好学习习惯和形成有效策略,发展自主学习和合作精神放在了首位。依据课改的精神,从以下几个方面对学生进行学法指导。 首先,是自主学习法。在本单元中主要体现在学生看图片讨论、做听力、通过对话操练句型等环节中。 其次,是合作学习法,主要体现在自编对话,表演对话

12、等环节中。 再次,是情景体验法。情景教学是本堂课自始至终的主线,如何请求别人做某事,就是让学生在相应的情景中体验出来的。 六、课时及教学内容安排 教学内容 SectionA1a- Grammar Focus (以听说训练为主,学习如何更礼貌的提建议,以及如何做出合适的回答。) SectionB1a-2c, SectionA3a-4 (进一步学习如何提出要求和表示歉意的句型) Period 2 (45分钟) 视听法,交际法,认多媒体,音响及相关观察 提问 激励 互评 SectionB3a- Selfcheck (通过读写训练,加深学生对提出请求,表达歉意的理解和运用) Reading Perio

13、d 4 (45分钟) Period 5 (45分钟) 三一三模式;阅读技巧训练。 多媒体,音响及相关教学资源 提问 互评 小组评 竞赛 Review of Unit7 (是一节复习课,通过大量讲练法,归纳法,自主学习, 多媒体,音响及相关教学资源 独立作业、激励 通过检查学生练习、板Period 3 (45分钟) 听说法,交际法,任 多媒体,音响及相关提问 激励 互评 课时安排 Period 1 (45分钟) 教法选择 听说法,交际法,认资源准备 多媒体,音响及相关观察 提问 激励 教学评价 知法,任务型教学法 教学资源 知法,任务型教学法 教学资源 务型教学法,游戏法 教学资源 2 新课标第

14、一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 练习来复习、归纳、拓展本单元语言知识) 教学内容 课时 一、教材内容分析 本课时是八年级下册第七单元的第一课时,主题学习如何更礼貌的提建议,以及如何做出合适的回答。英语课程标准明确提出:倡导任务型的教学模式,要求教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的传统教法,尽量使用任务型的教学途径。在这一理念的指引下,我确定本课教学的任务是让学生主动地学习和运用语言,使他们产生强烈的学习动机,从而使其成为自主的学习者。本课时教学目标是:向他人提礼貌请求以及做出回答,会口头运用would you mind (not)doing 这一语言结构,让学生学会使用恰当的语言与他

15、人交往。重难点就是能听懂、会说目标语言。因此这样来整合具体内容:先复习以往学过的表达礼貌的请求方式,然后过渡到本课时新的内容。就从日常生活谈起,这样不会很唐突。接着围绕着这一主题安排了听、说、读、写的活动任务让学生在这些环节中学会用更加礼貌的请求方式Would you mind doing things ?Would you mind not doing things? 以及表示歉意的回答Sorry ,Not at all / Ill do it right away 等,最后的作业又落实到学生的日常生活当中,把知识运用到实际生活中,达到学以致用的目的。 二、教学目标 知识目标: 1. Key

16、 vocabulary: not at all, right away, turn down, yard. 2. Key structures: -Would you mind turning down the music? -No, not at all. -Would you mind not playing baseball here? -Sorry. Well go and play in the park. 3. Listening practice 能力目标:1. To train students ability of listening and speaking.2. To t

17、rain students ability of spoken communication. 情感态度:To be interested in communicating in English. 三、重点、难点 1. Key Points: (1) Key vocabulary. (2) Master the structures in Grammar Focus. (3) Listening practice. 2. Teaching Difficulties: (1) How to improve students listening ability. (2)Make conversati

18、ons using the key structures. 四、教法选择与学法指导 本课时以向他人提出礼貌请求为话题,通过向他人提礼貌请求以及做出回答,来练习would you mind (not)doing 这一语言结构,让学生学会使用恰当的语言与他人交往。为了培养学生能大胆正确的口头交际和正确理解目标语言,并在学习中能更好的与他人合作探究 、学会交往、学会做人,本课可采用listening method, speaking method, cooperating method, inductive method等教学法,使学生在听、说、猜测、识记、游戏、表演、分享等活动中,动用各种感官系统

19、,全面快乐的学习。 五、资源准备 1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder. 六、教学过程 教学 任务 Step 1 warming up (3minutes) 教师活动 Lets say the chart No, not at all. Teacher says and have Ss do. 学生活动 Say and do the chart : No, not at all. Stand up, stand up, would you mind standing up? 设计意图及 资源准备 在轻松活泼的氛围中,向学生渗透

20、向别人提请求这种表达方式,极大的调动学生学习的热情。 Unit7 Section A1a.1b.1c.2a.2b.2cGrammar Focus Period1 教学对象 八年级学生 设计者 小组合作交流 演、汇报等途径对学生进行过程性评价。 3 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! Sit down, sit down, would you mind sitting down? Clap your hands, clap your hands, Would you mind clapping your hands? Touch your nose, touch your n

21、ose, Would you mind touching your nose? No, not at all. Step 2 lead in (3minutes) 1. Say, I think it is a little bit hot in our classroom and I want to ask someone to open the window. What can I say? Have Ss give some answers. 2. Write them on the board: Could you please? ? Would you mind opening th

22、e window? Explain that the last example is a very polite way of making a request. Step 3 Presentation (9minutes) 1. Have Ss look at the picture and ask a pair of students to read the dialogue in the picture. 2. Then show some other pictures. Have Ss look and say them using would you mind ?like above

23、. 3. Look at the picture and ask a pair of students to read the dialogue in the picture. 4. Then show some other pictures. Have Ss look and say them using would you mind not ? like above. 1. Look at the picture and read the dialogue in the picture. trash? No ,not at all. Ill do it right away. 2. Loo

24、k at some other pictures and say them using would you mind ?like above. 3. Look at the picture and read the dialogue in the picture. A: Would you mind not smoking? B: No, not at all. Ill stop right now. 4. Look at some other pictures and say them using would you mind not ? like above. Step 4 1a (5mi

25、nutes) 1. Point to the four requests in the box. Read each phrase to the class and get students to repeat it. Ask students to explain what each one means. They can use actions and simple explanations. 2. Then get students to write the letter of each request in the correct 1. Repeat each phrase in th

26、e box. 呈现Would you mind+动Then explain what each one means. 名词表达请求。 They can use actions and simple explanations. 2. Write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture to match the requests with the people. 3. Correct the answers. 通过口头反复练习, 以及讲解训练,使学生理解doing?这一句型结构。 Answer the teach

27、ers questions. Understand the new sentences: Could you please? ? Would you mind opening the window? 通过情景导入,在复习以前学过的表达礼貌的请求方式的过程中,自然过渡到本课时新的内容。 Would you mind taking out the would you mind (not) 4 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! place in the picture to match the requests with the people. Point out the bl

28、ank boxes in the picture. Ask students to finish the task on their own. 3. Correct the answers. Step 5 Listening 1b (5minutes) 1. Ask different students to look at the list of requests in Activity 1a and read each one to the class. 2. Then say, Please listen to the recording and number the requests(

29、14) above in the order you hear on the recording. Play the recording and have Ss write the numbers 1 through 4 on the lines after the requests. 3. Correct the answers. 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Step 6 Listening 2a and 2b (5minutes) 1.2a. Listen and number the pictures in the order you

30、hear them. 2. 2b.Listen again. Match the requests in activity 2a with the responses below. 3. Correct the answers. Step 7 Pairwork (5minutes) 1. Have Ss Look at the pictures of 1a and 2a; let a pair of students to read the words in the sample dialogue. 2. Then say, Make conversations like this about

31、 the information above. Give students a few minutes to work in pairs. When they work, walk around the room checking the progress. 3. At the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class. Step8 Grammar Focus (3minutes) Review the grammar box first. Divide the class into tw

32、o groups. One group read the statements and the other read the responses. Step 9Practice Do some exercises. Do the exercises. 通过做练习,复习巩固本Read the grammar box in groups. 总结本课所学知识。 1. Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear them in 2a. the requests in activity 2a with the responses below.

33、 3. Correct the answers. 1. Look at the pictures of 1a and 2a; and read the words in the sample dialogue: A: Would you mind moving your bike? B: Sorry. Ill do it right away. A: Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? They look terrible. B: Ok. Ill put on another pair. 2. Make conversations like

34、this about the information above. 3. Say the conversations to the class. 让学生在活动中,进一步理解巩固所学语言知识,并且培养与他人交流合作的沟通能力。 再次通过听力训练,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言,1. Look at the list of requests in 通过听力训练,呈现Would Activity 1a and read each one. 2. Listen to the recording and number the requests(14) above in the order you hear o

35、n the recording. Then write the numbers 1 through 4 on the lines after the requests. 3. Correct the answers. 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. you mind+动名词表达请求。 2. Listen again to finish 2b. Match 训练学生的听力能力。 5 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! (5minutes) Step 10 Homework (2minutes) Group A: 1. Would

36、 you mind being a polite student? Please look at the picture and Write down the conversations. 2.Find out other polite ways to make requestsin English. Group B: 1. Read and try to understand the Grammar Focus. 七、板书设计 Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? Section A1aGrammar Focus not at all,tu

37、rn down ,right away,yard -Would you mind turning down the music? -No, not at all. -Would you mind not playing baseball here? -Sorry. Well go and play in the park. 教学内容 课时 一、教材内容分析 本节课是八年级下第七单元第二课时,学生已基本掌握如何更礼貌的提建议,以及如何做出合适的回答。本课时教学目标是:通过听说读写训练,进一步学习如何提出要求和表示歉意的句型。重难点为:能自由运用目标语言来对话,并能完成任务型写作任务。根据英语课程

38、标准、教材内容和学生的学习水平,我将SectionB1a2c和SectionA3a4整合在一起作为本节课的教学内容。师生一起先从天气、衣着、饮食、购物等一些生活中曾经引起不愉快的事情谈论起,例如:My friend was late yesterday. I waited for a long time.并思考如何解决这些问题。所以先把听说部分即SectionB1a2c放在前半部分,易于调动学生学习积极性。然后再通过读写训练即SectionA3a4,练习向别人提出请求和向别人表达歉意这一语言功能项目,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。最后在活动过程中,学生们进一步熟练使用目标语言。本节课是第一课时的

39、有效延伸和拓展。 二、教学目标 知识目标: 1. Key vocabulary: waitress; brought; solution; task; poster; finish these tasks; make some posters. 2. Key structures: A: This shirt is too big. Would you mind giving me a smaller one? B: Not at all. Here you are. A: Could you make some posters? B: Sure, thats no problem. 3. L

40、istening practice. 4. Writing practice. 能力目标:1. To train students listening and writing skills.2. To train students ability of communication. 情感态度:1. To enable to make requests politely in English in our daily life. 2. To be able to help others who are in trouble. 三、重点、难点 Unit7 SectionB1a2c, Section

41、A3a4 Period2 教学对象 八年级学生 设计者 Try their best to finish the homework well. 新课标第一网 节所学内容,达到学以致用。 通过练习和作业,又把知识运用落实到学生的日常生活当中,达到学以致用的目的。新课标第一网 6 新课标第一网系列资料 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载! 1. Key Points: Master the Key structures. Listening and writing practice. 2. Teaching Difficulty Make conversation freely. 四、教法选择与学法指

42、导 经过第一课时的学习,学生对向别人提出请求和向别人表达歉意用法有了新的了解,对相关知识点也有所掌握。本节课的重点是对这一语言项目予以更好的消化,熟练运用。本课时应指导学生多说,多听,多写,以巩固目标语言项目。教法尽量多样化,组织教学要富有新意,情景创设法、交际法这些常用的方法都可能用到。 五、资源准备 1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder. 六、教学过程 设计意图及 资源准备 通过对话,检查学生的掌握情况,并对学生的表现做出适当的评价,激励学生学习的积极性。 教学任务 教师活动 1. Greet the class as u

43、sual and check the homework. 2. First ask Ss to see a piece of movie. Then show some pictures and ask a pair of students to make a conversation according to the pictures using would you mind (not) ? 1. Greeting. 学生活动 Step 1 Greet the class and review. (5minutes) 2. First see a piece of movie. Then l

44、ook at the pictures and make a conversation according to the pictures using would you mind (not) ? Step 2 New words (3minutes) Step 3 Speaking (SectionB1a&1b) (5minutes) Show the new words on the Learn the new words. screen. Read the new words to the class and ask students to repeat. 1. Section B 1a

45、. Show some 1. Look at the pictures on the screen pictures on the screen and ask and say something about them. students to say something about 2. Read each situation and think the pictures. Provide key words about the two questions. Then share as needed. Write these words on the answers with the cla

46、ss. the blackboard. 3. Look at the pictures and talk 2. Read the instructions and ask about them using students to read each situation Would you ever complain about and think about the two them? questions. Then ask some students to share their answers with the class. 3. Pairwork. Show some other pictures. Have Ss look


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