年级英语上册 Unit How do you make a banana milk shake单元写作练习 人教新目.docx

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1、年级英语上册 Unit How do you make a banana milk shake单元写作练习 人教新目Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 单元写作小专题 & Section B 能简单介绍某种事物的制作过程。 1. 能用步骤连接词“first, next, then, (after that), finally”等表示做某事情的先后顺序; 2. 能用本单元的动词短语表示做某件事情的指令; 3. 能正确使用可数名词和不可数名词; 4. 写作微技能:利用wh-questions充实写作内容。 一、语言积累 1. 剥香蕉_ 2. 把牛奶

2、倒入搅拌机_ 3. 切碎苹果_ 4. 把火鸡放入烤箱_ 5. 打开搅拌机_ 6. 煮15分钟_ 7. 还有一件事_8. 别忘记加盐_ 9. 主菜_ 10. 传统食物_ 11. 用覆盖_ 12. 用填充_ 二、句子积累 用“how many/ how much”填空。 1. _ rice do we need? Four cups. 2. _ meat do you want to buy? I just need three kilos. 3. _ chicken is enough? We need four slices of chicken. 4. _ orange would you

3、like? A little. 5. _ orange would you like? May I ask for five? 写作微技能:利用wh-questions充实写作内容。根据上下文,将下列内容补充完整。 Anna, an American girl is asking Daming about how to make zongzi. They are in the kitchen. Anna: Daming, the Chinese zongzi is so delicious. Can you tell me _ to make it? Daming: Sure. We need

4、 to have rice, leaf and some meat. Anna: How _ rice do we need? And how _ meat do we need? Daming: Two kilos of rice and one kilo of meat are enough. _, wash all the things. Remember to keep the rice in the water for at least a few hours. Anna: Then? Daming: _, you need to cut up the meat, _, mix to

5、gether all the ingredients and add some salt. Anna: Whats next? Can I put something delicious into the rice? What about eggs or beans? Daming: Either is OK. Its up to you. _, put the rice and meat together into leaf. _, fold the leaf. Dont let the rice out of it. You must be careful. Anna: OK, I see

6、. Thats it? Daming: Yes. Just put zongzi into the hot pot and cook for about an hour. _, you can enjoy the special food zongzi. Anna: Special food? Why do you say so? Daming: Zongzi is the m_ dish on the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of Chinese _(传统的) festivals. Now it is the

7、 legal(法定的) holiday. Anna: Do you _ (纪念) anything or anyone on this day? Daming: Yes. It brings to remembrance of Qu Yuan, an ancient Chinese poet. On this day, people all over China, including some overseas Chinese _ (庆祝) the festival. 佳句欣赏与模仿 1. In most countries, people usually eat traditional fo

8、od on special holidays. 在特殊的日子里吃传统的食物是一个传统。 _ 2. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November, and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 端午节在农历五月初五,是全家团结的时刻。 _3. At this time, people also remember the 1 first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. 人们在端午

9、节这天纪念屈原。 _ 4. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. 人们通过吃粽子、观看龙舟的方式欢度端午。 _5. Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. 这是端午节制作粽子的一种方式。 _ 三、篇章训练 假如你上周末做了一种美食,而且做得很成功。你想把这一件快乐的事情在口语课上与你的老师和同学分享。请用英语写一篇短文为你的

10、发言做准备。80词左右,可适当发挥。 要求:描述食物的制作过程时注意使用表示顺序的副词。 单元写作小专题 & Section B 、词汇积累 1. peel the bananas 2. pour the milk into the blender 3. cut up the apples 4. put the turkey into the oven 5. turn on the blender6. cook for 15 minutes 7. one more thing 8. dont forget to add some salt9. main dish 10. traditional

11、 food 11. cover. with . 12. fill. with . 二、句子积累 (一) 1. How much 2. How much 3. How much 4. How much 5. How many (二)how, much, much, First, Then, Next,Next,After that,Finally, main, traditional, remember, celebrate (三)1. Its a tradition that people eat traditional food on special days. 2. Dragon Boat

12、 Festival is on the fifth day in the fifth month of Chinese calendar. Its also a time for family to get together. 3. People remember Qu Yuan on the Dragon Boat Festival. 4. People celebrate Dragon Boat Festival by eating zongzi and watching the Dragon Boat races. 5. Here is one way to make zongzi fo

13、r the Dragon Boat Festival. 三、篇章训练 One possible version: Hi, everybody! I have something great to share with you! I successfully made a chicken hamburger last weekend. Here I want to tell you how 1 made it. First, I put some tomato sauce on a piece of bread. Next, I cut up some lettuce and put the lettuce onto the bread. Then, I put some pieces of chicken on the bread. Finally, I put another piece of bread on the top. Well, a chicken hamburger was ready. It tasted very delicious. 2


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