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1、广东省劳动合同英文Number: Guangdong Province LABOR CONTRACT Department of labor and social security of Guangdong Province Labor and Social Security Hotline: 12333 1 Instructions Article 1 Before signing this contract, the two parties shall read this contract carefully. This contract once signed has legal val

2、idity, two parties must strictly perform. Article 2 This contract must be signed or sealed by the employers legal representative or the principal responsible person (Party A) and the employee (Party B), and affix the official seal of the employer (or the special seal of the labor contract). Article

3、3 The empty column in this contract, should be filled in by two parties through negotiation, and shall not violate laws, provisions, and relevant regulations; empty column not need to be filled in, mark “/”. Article 4 Working hours system is divided into standard working hours, non-fix working hours

4、, and comprehensive calculation working hours. The irregular working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours, should be approved by labor administration authorities. Article 5 The unfinished matters of this contract, may sign a supplementary agreement, as the attachment of this contract,

5、and be performed with the contract together. Article 6 This contract must fill in seriously, write legibly, text be concise and accurate, and shall not alter arbitrarily. Article 7 After the signing of this contract (including attachments), each party holds one. 2 Party A(Employer): Party B(Laborer)

6、: Name: Name: Legal Representative ID No: (Principal Responsible Person): Permanent add: Address: , , Residence add: Business type: Contact No: This contract is concluded on the basis of principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith by and between the fo

7、resaid the Party A and Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China (the RPC Labor Law), the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Employment Contracts (the PRC Employment Contract Law) and other relevant laws and regulations of China and of Guangdong Province. Article

8、 1 Term of the Employment Contract A.Term of Contract The Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract pursuant to mode below: 1. Fixed Term: From / / to / / . 2. Open-ended Term: From / / to the date which stipulated ending condition occurs. 3. Term to expire upon completion of a certain jo

9、b: From to the completion of . The symbol of completion of the job shall be . B.Probation period The Parties agree to determine the term of the probation period pursuant to mode below (the probation period shall be included in the term of Contract ) : 1. Without probation period. 2. With a probation

10、 period which is from / / to / / . (If a labor contract has a term of more than three months but less than one year, the probation period may not be exceed one month; if a labor contract has a term of more than one year and less than three years, the probation period may not exceed two months; and i

11、f a labor contract has a term of more than three years or is open-ended labor contract, the probation 3 Contact No: period may not exceed six months.) Article 2 Job Description and Place of Work A. The department or group at which the Party B works is as: , The position (management and technical or

12、production operational) is as , The title (or type of work) is as . B. The task or duty of Party B is as . C. The place of work is as . D. During the term of this Contract, if the Party A has to adjust the position of the Party B due to the needs of production and business operation or other causes,

13、 or assign the Party A to work in the place or unit other than the place or unit provided in this Contract, the Parties shall reach consensus through negotiation to amend this Contract. The amendment agreement concluded shall be the appendix of this Contract. Article 3 Working Hours, and Rest and Le

14、ave A. The Parties agree to determine the term of the working hour pursuant to mode below: 1. Standard working hours system. Party B shall work for hours a day, and hours a week. Party A shall guarantee that Party B has at least one day off in a week. 2. Non-schedule working hour system. The positio

15、n of Party B practices non-schedule working hour system after the approval of the labor administration authority. 3. System of comprehensive calculation of working hour. The position of Party B practices system of comprehensive calculation of working hour after the approval of the labor administrati

16、on authority; calculation circle ; total working hours . B. Party A may extend working hours due to the requirement of its production or business after consultation with the Trade Union and the Party B, but, with the exception of the circumstances stipulated in Article 42 of the PRC Labor Law, the e

17、xtended hours for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; if such extension is called for due to special reasons, the extended working hours shall not exceed three hours a day under the condition that the health of the Party B is guaranteed. However, the total extension in a month shall not excee

18、d 36 hours. C. Party A shall provide the Party A with legal holidays, annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, home leave, maternity leave, nursing leave, etc. in accordance with relevant regulations 4 and pay vacation wages according to the wage standard provided by this contract. Article 4 Lab

19、or Remuneration A.The wage of Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to mode below and may not less than the minimum wage rate in the place where the Party A is located. 1. Hourly wage: (1) The wages of the Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to ; the beginning w

20、age amount is as RMB/month or RMB /hour. (2) The wages of the Party B is as RMB/month in the probationary period (the probational salary shall not be less than the minimum wage of same post and 80 percent of appointed salary in the contract, not less than the minimum wage standard in where Party A i

21、s located.) ; 2. Piecework wage: (1) Unit price: / ; (2) Labor quotas: / (The labor quotas determined generally shall be the amount of work that over 70% employees in the same position of the Party A can finish within legal working hours.) ; 3. Other compensations (such as the Party A practices a an

22、nual salary system or it pays wages according to an assessment term) : / . 4. Party A shall determine its wage distribution system in the light of the status quo of its production and business operation, the price level and wage increase guideline announced by the government. The specific ways and e

23、xtent of normal wage increase shall be determined in accordance with law through mutual consultation between the Parties or through collective bargaining. B. The pay for performance and bonus of the Party B shall be paid per the following method: . C. The allowance and subsidies of the Party B shall

24、 be paid per the following rate and method: . D. The wages shall be paid in currency instead of kind or portfolio. E. Party A shall pay wages of (immediately/previously) month, on of each month. If the date for wage payment happens to be a legal holiday or a non-business day, the wage payment shall

25、be made in advance on the most recent business day. F. If Party A arranges Party B to work overtime, it shall pay Party B overtime pay in accordance 5 with the PRC Labor Law and Provisions of Guangdong Province on Wage Payment, except that Party B is arranged for compensatory time-off after he/she h

26、as been arranged to work overtime on non-business day. Article 5 Social Insurance and Fringe Benefits A. During the contract period, Party A, in accordance with the relevant regulations of nation, province and district, shall pay the pension, medical, unemployment, work injury and maternity insuranc

27、e procedures for Party B, and shall pay social insurance fund based on payment base and payment ratio by rule. Party B shall undertake his own part of social insurance fund, the payable amount shall be withheld by Party A from the Party Bs monthly wages. Party A shall truthfully inform the situation

28、 of handling social insurance procedures and withholding social insurance premiums to Party B. B. In case Party B suffers sickness or non-work-related injury, Party A shall offer Party B a period of medical treatment and sick-leave treatment stipulated by national and local regulations, pay medical

29、insurance and other medical payment relating to relevant regulations, and pay sickness pay or disease relief during specified medical period, the amount may be RMB per month (no less than 80% of the local minimum wage standard). Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Condition and Protection Against Oc

30、cupational Hazards A. Party A shall provide working place conformed to the national labor health standard, in accordance with labor protection regulations of the nation and province, and effectively protect the safety and health of Party B during working production. If Party B may suffer occupationa

31、l hazard during production procedures, Party A shall truthfully inform Party B, and protect the health and related rights of Party B stipulated by “ Law of Occupational Disease Prevention”. B. According to the position of the Party B, Party A shall provide Party B with labor safety and hygiene condi

32、tions in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide free physical examination for Party B every (year /season /month) in accordance with labor protection provisions. C. Party A must carry out relevant provisions formulated by the nation, province and district for the labor protec

33、tion and health-care work of female worker. D. Party B shall have the right to refuse to carry out any dangerous operation forced upon him/her by Party A. For Party As or its managers behavior which is indifferent to the safety and 6 health of Party B, Party B may have the right to inform and report

34、 to the relevant government departments. E. If Party B suffer occupational disease, work-related injury or death due to work, Party A shall handle it in accordance with “work injury insurance regulations”. Article 7 Modification of the Employment Contract A. Either of the Parties may modify relevant

35、 terms of the Employment Contract with written notice to others. B. Party A change the name, legal representative, principal responsible person or investor, dose not affect the performance of the contract. C. If Party A occur the event of merger or division, the contracts remain in force, and shall

36、continuously perform by the unit succeeded Party As rights and obligations. D. The two parties may alter the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement, and handle change procedures in writing. After the change of labor contract, each party holds one. Article 8 Cancellation and Termina

37、tion of the Employment Contract A. Cancellation 1. The parties may terminate the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement. If Party A proposes to terminate this contract, shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule. 2. Party A may terminate the employment contract under an

38、y of the following circumstances involving Party B: (1) Party B been proven to be incompetent for the employing requirement during probational period. (2) Party B seriously breach labor disciplines or regulations stipulated by Party A. (3) Party B neglects his duty and engages in malpractices for se

39、lfish ends, thus causing significant harm to the interests of the Party A. (4) Party B build labor relationships with other units, to cause a seriously impact on the completion of the task of Party A, or refuse to correct the rules made by Party A. (5) Where Party B has concluded or modified the lab

40、or contract against the true intentions of 7 Party A through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the unfavorable position of Party A, as a result of which this agreement is deemed null and void; (6) Party B is found guilty according to the laws of P.R.C. (7) Party B is ill or injured due t

41、o non-work relation, after the completion of medical, still is incompetent for his original work, or alternative jobs arranged by Party A. (8) Party B is incompetent for work after training or adjustment of jobs. (9) If the objective situation changes significantly this contract based on, to result

42、the contract unable to perform, and mutual consent can not be reached in charge of this labor contracts. Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), (8) and (9), should notice Party B in writing before 30 days (or extra pay a month wage to Party B), and pay economic compensation to Party

43、B subject to regulations. If Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), also shall pay medical treatment allowances to Party B conforming to relevant regulations. 3. Under any of the following circumstances, Party A can make redundancies stipulated by regulations and procedures, and pay

44、economic compensation to Party B by rule: (1) Party A restructured pursuant to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law; (2) Production and business operation of Party A met serious difficulties; (3) Production, technological innovation or business method of Party A adjusted; (4) If other objective situation t

45、his contract based on, changes significantly, to result the contract unable to perform. 4. Party B may terminate the labor contract with 30 days prior written notice to Party A; during the probationary period with 3 days prior written notice to Party A. Party B may terminate his employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party A. Party A shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule: (1) Par


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