广州小学英语四年级上册Unit10can i help you教案.docx

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1、广州小学英语四年级上册Unit10can i help you教案:Unit 10 Can I help you? Unit 10的学习内容是Unit9内容的延续,学生对Unit9中关于衣物的单词易混淆,因此需要让学生重温单词T-shirt, blouse, cap, jacket, coat, shirt, dress, skirt, sweater。通过重温这些学过的单词让学生想想自己身上还有什么别的衣物,进而引入Unit10的重点单词与重要对话内容。 : 1、Vocabulary:会理解并准确认读以下单词: help, shoe, pair, a pair of, Ill = I wil

2、l, them, jeans, anything, else, all, sock, trouser, shorts. 2、Sentences:能理解并准确认读购物用语: Can I help you? Yes, please. How much are ? They are yuan. Do you want anything else? No, thanks. : 1、认读单词以及购物用语; 2、课文的整体理解和准确朗读。 : 1、shoes, shorts, socks的辨读; 2、课文长句的流利朗读:We have these black shoes and those brown o

3、nes. I want a pair of those blue jeans. 150 and 200 is 350 yuan, please. : 1、演示法:通过学生自己身上穿的鞋子、裤子、袜子引出新单词的学习shoe, jeans, sock, trouse, shorts; 2、小组合作:通过小组合作练习在商场购物时用到的句子:Can I help you? How much are ? Do you want anything else? 教学过程: 一: 1、Show the pictures of clothes on the PPT quickly and ask the Ss

4、 to answer : T: Look at the pictures. Which clothes do you know? Ss: No. 1 is a . (Review the clothes learnt in Unit 9: T-shirt, blouse, jacket, coat, shirt, sweater, skirt, dress, cap, hat. ) 2、And check some new words of clothes: sock, jeans, trousers, shorts, shoe 二: 1:Create a situation 在这里就开始创设

5、情景,说MissZeng准备开一个时装店,有很多衣物在里面,你能说出他们的名字吗? T:Whats it? Ss:Its 2: Make price 这里是第一个教学活动时所创设情景的延续,说请大家帮新衣服来定价钱。 T: Look!Miss Zeng has many beautiful clothes here. I want to open a clothes shop. Lets see how much they are. Ss:The sock( jeans, trousers, shorts, shoe)isyuan. 3: Buy or sell clothes(小组合作) L

6、earn how to buy or sell clothes politely.在Miss Zeng的时装店里模拟购物活动,学习新的购物用语: Can I help you? How much are ? Do you want anything else? 三: 1、Review the words.(PPt出示) 2、Read the dialogue after the video. 3、Read the dialogue in groups. 四: 1、More new words of clothes:sock, jeans, trousers, shorts, shoe 2、师生

7、双方共同归纳这节课的重点句型: Can I help you? How much are ? Do you want anything else? 板书设计: Unit 10 Can I help you? sock, jeans, trousers, shorts, shoe Can I help you? Yes,please. How much are ? Theyre Yuan. Do you want anything else? No, thanks. 教学反馈: 这节课主要是通过有趣的图片让学生从Unit 9 的学习内容延续到Unit10的学习,趁热打铁,归纳整理Unit9和Unit10的相关性内容。但是对于shirt, skirt,shorts这三个单词,学生还未能熟练掌握,因此在下节课须换个方式帮助学生分辨这些易混淆的单词。


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