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1、开心英语五年级上册专项练习阅读理解七、阅读理解,判断正误,对的写T,错的写F。 A Last Monday was Tree Planting Day. It was cloudy and rainy. Lisa, Ben, and Peter planted trees in the park. Ben dug(挖) holes.(洞) Lisa put the tree into the holes. Peter carried water. They planted twenty trees. They were very tired(累) but very happy. They ha

2、d a very good Tree Planting Day. ( ) 1. Last Sunday was Tree Planting Day. ( ) 2. It was windy and rainy on Tree Planting Day. ( ) 3. Peter, Ben and Lisa went(去) to the beach last Monday. ( ) 4. Peter carried water and Ben dug holes. ( ) 5. Lisa put the water into the holes. ( ) 6. They planted twel

3、ve trees. B Good morning. Here is the weather report(天气预报). Today is Saturday. Spring is coming. (到来) So its warm and sunny in Hainan today. But its cloudy in Guangzhou. Its cool and sunny in Beijing. In Hangzhou its rainy and cloudy. What about Harbin? Its cold and cloudy there. Thats all for today

4、. Thank you very much. ( ) 1. Its October. ( ) 2. Its sunny and hot in Guangzhou in spring. ( ) 3. Its cold in Beijing and Harbin. ( ) 4. Its warm and sunny in Harbin. C This is a supermarket(超市). Its new and big. We can buy many things(东西) here. We can buy sugar, juice, fruit, scissors, tape, ect.(

5、等等) Peter is going to buy some paper, stamps, envelopes and glue. Hes going to write to his English friend Tony. Peters mother is over there. Shes hungry. Shes going to cook. She has some rice, but she doesnt have any meat and vegetables. Shes going to buy them. She needs some salt, too. ( ) 1. The

6、supermarket is small and new. ( ) 2. There isnt any tape in the supermarket. ( ) 3. Peter and his mother are in the supermarket. ( ) 4. Peter is going to write to his English teacher. ( ) 5. Peters mother needs some meat, vegetables and salt. D Mr.Brown is a farmer. He lives in a farm with Mrs.Brown

7、 and his son,Jim. Jim is ten years old. He studies at school yesterday. Mr.Brown and Mrs.Brown were busy. They went to the fields. They worked hard. They washed their clothes. They were dirty, but they are clean now. Jim is a good child. He did his homework himself yesterday. 1.Jim is a farmer. ( )2. They live in a farm. ( ) 3. Jim is ten years old. ( )4. Their clothes are dirty now. ( )5.Jim didnt do his homework yesterday.


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