教学设计与反思Unit6 It's raining.docx

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1、教学设计与反思Unit6 Its rainingUnit 6 Its raining. 一、 教案背景 1、面向学生:七年级学生 学科:英语 2、课时:一课时 3、课前准备:预习本课时出现的目标词汇;了解一些世界知名城市。 二、 教学课题 新目标七年级下册第6单元,教材一Its raining.为讨论话题,使学生明白并会运用询问天气的表达方式,学会用构词法来记忆单词。 三、 教材分析 本节课是新目标七年级下册第6单元第一课时,主要是学习询问天气情况的表达方式,以及学习表天气特征的形容词,是一堂听说课,主要培养学生的听说能力。 教学目标、教学重难点见后面的教案书写。 四、 教学方法 我采用任务教

2、学法、情境教学法等完成本节课的目标教学。 五、 学法指导 学生通过听说、表演、小组合作学习、观察、归纳等方法来完成本节课的目标。 Teaching Plan Subject Title English Unit 6 Its raining ! (period 1) Grade Type Grade 7 New lesson 1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary: rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy, weather, Boston, Moscow (2)Target languages: Hows the weather in Beij

3、ing? (= Whats the weather like in Beijing?) Its sunny. (3) Word-making: Rain rainy, wind windy, cloud cloudy snow snowy, sun sunny 2.Ability Objects To train students ability of listening and speaking. Students can talk about the weather. 3.Emotion Objects We should try to protect the environment to

4、 improve the weather, save water, plant trees, etc. Target languages Word-making Improving the Ss ability of communicating with each other about the weather. Teaching aids Micro Power-point (PPT) Teaching Procedure Step Revision Teachers activities Show some pictures and ask questions: What are they

5、 doing? Whats she/ he doing? Step Presentation Students activities Students answer the teachers questions to revise the present continuous tense. Leaning strategies Students revise the old knowledge to prepare for learning new knowledge. Leaning strategies Students learn new items by reviewing old T

6、eachers activities For the last question: What is she doing? The teacher helps Ss answer Students activities 1. Students look at the pictures and answer. to present the new words: weather. (She is talking about the weather.) Then teach Ss to read more. Step Presentation and learning 2. Students look

7、, follow the knowledge. teacher and understand. Teachers activities 1. Show some weather signs. Then ask students Do you know them? Please discuss and answer. 2. Show the weather words and teach students to read. Students activities 1. Students discuss in groups. Then say out their ideas. (Ss can sa

8、y them in Chinese) 2. Ss read after the teacher and understand. Leaning strategies First Ss learn something by feeling, they will learn more easily. Step Presentation and practice Teachers activities The teacher says If we want to know about the weather, how do we ask? to Students activities Ss list

9、en carefully, Leaning strategies Ss use what they understand and learn. Then learned to practice the target languages. Then they can talk about their real life. present the target languages Hows the answer the teachers weather? =Whats the weather like? Then show some pictures to practice (ask and an

10、swer) questions and practice in pairs. A: Whats the weather like? B: Its Step practice (Guessing game) Teachers activities Students activities Leaning strategies Ss can practice the aims again. Show some pictures which are covered. Ss guess freely to see who Ask Ss to guess . Step Looking for the ru

11、le is right. Teachers activities The teacher shows the weather words including n. and adj. Ask Ss to find out the rules. Students activities Ss find the rules of word -making by themselves. Rain rainy wind windy Leaning strategies This is good for improving Ss ability of learning by themselves. loud

12、 cloudy snow snowy sun sunny Step Filling and listening Teachers activities 1. Ask Ss to look at 1a of their book and match the words with the pictures. 2. Play the tape and Ss finish !b to fill in the boxes with the cities. Step Practice Students activities Ss match, listen and fill. Leaning strate

13、gies Ss can improve their listening ability by this step. Teachers activities Show some pictures of some cities with weather signs. Ask Hows the weather in .? or Whats the weather like in.? Students activities Ss answer the teachers questions and then ask and Leaning strategies This part is to make

14、Ss join the answer in groups , in pairs. class more A: Whats the weather like in Beijing/ ? B: Its raining/ sunny/ actively understand the target languages better. Step Summary Teachers activities The teacher asks the Ss to summarize Students activities Ss discuss in groups and Leaning strategies Th

15、is step is to learn to co-operate and summarize by themselves. what they learn in this period including then say out their results. words, target languages and word-making. Step Exercises Teachers activities Give some exercises and ask Ss to finish quickly, then check the answers. Step I Emotion edu

16、cation Students activities Ss finish quickly. Leaning strategies This is to check how the students learn. Teachers activities Ask Ss to watch some videos(百度视Students activities Ss watch and get Leaning strategies This step is to make Ss see what 频我国的洪涝与干旱、后天)to realize something from it. Then the im

17、portance of protecting the environment. Ask Ss to try their best to do something for our earth, even very tiny things. they will have some good habits. Learn: The weather is becoming worse and worse in the world. Just because people have been destroying the nature badly. So we should protect the ear

18、th by doing any tiny things around us. Save water, plant trees and so on. they should do. Homework: Make a conversation about the weather somewhere in pairs. 教学反思: 1、本节课体现了新课程的教学理念,采用了任务教学法,通过设置一些任务,学生在老师的引导下,通过小组或个人完成这些任务,就达成了本节课的三维目标。 2、利用网络和多媒体辅助教学,使得课堂更加生动活跃,抽象的东西更加形象直观,学生掌握起来也就更容易。 3、本节课更加关注课堂的

19、主体学生,学生在课堂上有观察、讨论、对话、小组合作学习等多种学习形式,使学生自始至终保持很好的积极性,有利于提高学生的学习效率。 4、本节课的亮点在于关注学生的学习策略和情感教育,这也是符合新课程标准的要求的。 附:Exercise in class: 1、How is the weather? _ the weather _? 2、Its rainy today. It _ _. 3、Its cloudy and rainy in Chongqing. _ the _ in Chongqing? _ the weather _ in Chongqing? 4、北京的天气怎么样? _the _ _ Beijing? 5、Its _ (sun) today. Look! Tom _(play) with his dog. 6、Its _ (wind) now. What _ they _ (do) They _(watch) TV at home.


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