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1、新PEP小学英语四年级下册复习 四年下册期末模拟题 一、填字母补充单词。 1.老虎tig r 2.小鸟b rd 3.胳膊 rm 6.苹果app e 4.高的t ll 5.人们p ople 7.汉堡包hamb rger 8.女孩g rl 9.卡片ca d 10.球 all 11.马h rse 12.桌子ta le 二、根据汉语内容填入恰当的单词。 1.水 2.电脑 3.护士 4.妈妈的叉子moms 5.这是我的作业This is my . 6我的叔叔是农民。 isfarmer. 三、找出不同类的单词或短语,将序号填在括号里。 1.( )A. scarf 2.( )A. umbrella 3.(

2、)A. cool 4.( )A. carrots B. sheep B. skirt C. hen C. sweater C. potatoes C. windy C. go to bed B. warm B. tomatoes 5.( )A. second floor B. first floor 6.( )A. music room B. English class C. art room 7.( )A.cheap B.expensive C.hat 8.( )A. dress B.skirt C.white 9.( ) A.lunch B.breakfast C.thirty 10.(

3、)A.library B. playground C.snowy 11.( )A.cloudy B.rainy C.weather 12.( )A. eithty B.hurry C.forty 四、将正确答案的序号填在括号里。 1.( )它在一楼。 A.Its on the second floor . B Its on the first floor. 2.( )那些是西红柿。 3.( )现在七点了。 A.Its seven oclock . B. Its eight oclock . 4.( )这些是绵羊吗? A.Are they sheep? B. Are they cows? 5.(

4、 )他们太贵了。 A.Its too small. B. They are too expensive. 五、根据每题情景选择合适的句子,将序号填在括号里。 1.( )请求别人帮助说? A. Can I help you? 2.( )想知道有多少名学生? A. How many students are there? 3.( )你真滑稽! A. This way, please. A. Thank you . B. Youre funny! B. Here you are. 4.( )感谢妈妈时可以说什么? 5.( )妈妈 告诉孩子该起床了说; A. It s time to go home.

5、 B. Its time to get up. 6. 打扰别人说: A.Sorry. B.Excuse me . 六、抄写下列句子,注意首字母大写、格式及标点符号 B. How much is it? B. Can you help me? A. Theyre potatoes. B. Those are tomatoes. 2 1.They ar e too small. 2.I s that the computer room? 3What time is it? 4.Can I go out side now ? 5.These are sheep. 6.This is the teac

6、hers office. 七、问答配对 1.( )Where is the library? 2.( )What are these? 3.( )Is it cold? A.No , it isnt. B. Its 9 Oclock. C. Its on the second floor. E. No, you cant. 4.( )Can I go outside now? D. They are carrots. 5.( )What time is it ? 八、综合题 .判断下列说法是否正确。 1. ( )breakfast一词指的是早餐。 2. ( )carrot和skirt都属于cl

7、othes。 3.library和computer 都属于电器。 4. ( )Hurry up!这句话不可以用来催促同学快一点。 5. ( )How much is it?这句话是用来询问价格的? 3 2.根据每题情况选择正确答案,将序号填在括号中。 1. ( )下列单词中哪一个是big的反义词? A. small B. nice C. long C. short C. sweater 2. ( )下面哪一个是的反义词? A. A. umbrella B. big 3. ( )下面单词哪一个是表示太阳镜的? B. sunglasses 4. ( )下面哪一个句子是Is this your sh

8、irt?的肯定回答? A. Yes, it is. A. Thanks. B. No, it isnt. 5. ( )下面哪一个句子是Sure的同义句? B. Of course. 九读短文为每道题选择正确的答案将序号填在横线上。 Mike has red shirt ,The shirt is 15 yuan ,Its very cheap.Chen jies sunglasses are 60 yuan .Its very expensive. We have many gloves are cheap ,They are blue .Sarah ha s a pretty green d

9、ress.Its 50 yuan .Its very nice.Jone has a white sweater.Its89 yuan . ( 1)Mike s shirt is yuan. A. 15 B.50 C.89 (2) Chenjies sunglasses are A.cheap. B.expensive C. nice (3) Sarah has a dress. A. red B. green C.blue (4) Jone has a sweater. A.pretty B.white C.nice (5 )Is Mikes shirt cheap ? A.Yes,it is . B. No,itisnt. 4


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