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1、新世纪视听说教程2答案听力原文uni 14视听说听力原文unit3 A: Lets go to the new restaurant. B: But I have brought my lunch. 1.In the morning. At noon. In the afternoon. In the evening. A: Come and taste my homemade salad. B: Id love to. But Im full. 2.She doesnt like salad in general. She doesnt like the mans salad. She wo

2、nt have the salad. She will take some salad home. A: Ann, can I use your computer and printer? B: Sure . and what are you going to print? A: The coupons for the new Italian restaurant. Youll get a 40 percent B: Oh, that sounds terrific. So are you going to that restaurant for dinner, Tony? A: Exactl

3、y. Me, Emily and John. Are you joining us? Come on, its cheap and its the weekend. B: Uh . I am not sure. What do they serve? A: Pizza, Italian pasta, steak, lamb, chicken, salad . B. All right, Tony. Ill not go. The only thing that I can eat is vegetable salad. A: Why? Hey, I dont know youre a vege

4、tarian. B: No, Im not. But Im on diet every Saturday. That means no meat or oily foods. A: Thats . strange. You are not overweight and you dont have to. Youd better join us. The more, the merrier. And they say the fried chicken there is very delicious. B: Eh . I . I dont know, but . A: Dont hesitate

5、 anymore. The coupon expires next weekend. B: All right. Okay, you win. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3.Why does Tony want to use Anns computer and printer? 4.At first, Ann refuses to go because _. she is on diet that day she is a vegetarian she doesnt like Ital

6、ian food she doesnt like junk food 5.It is _ when this conversation takes place. Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday There are lots of legends and stories when it comes to the history of coffee. One of the most popular legends is associated with a boy named Kaldi. One day, when Kaldi was with his goats

7、, he noticed a sudden change in their behavior. The goats turned energetic and Kaldi wanted to know why. Then he saw a wild coffee shrub. Probably his goats had eaten some cherries off this shrub. He was curious and had a taste of the wild cherries himself. Upon feeling energized, he spread the stor

8、y of these wild cherries in his village. Then it quickly spread between the monks and even the local people. The monks found it very useful because it helped them to stay awake during the night. The Arabs were considered to be the first to grow coffee. They even began the trade. The first coffee pla

9、nts are said to have come from the shores of the Red Sea. Coffee beans were actually considered to be a food in the past. It was only in the 11th century that coffee began to be developed into a hot drink. The Venetian merchants imported coffee to Europe and by the middle of the 17th century, a numb

10、er of coffee houses appeared all over the town. A lot of people gathered here to discuss business and to chat. After several centuries, coffee began to be drunk all over the world. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard. 6.According to a popular legend, coffee was first disco

11、vered by a _. boy monk farmer merchant 7.Kaldis goats were energetic because _. they were having fun they had drunk coffee they had eaten the leaves off a coffee shrub they had eaten the cherries off a coffee shrub 8._ were considered to be the first to grow coffee. The monks The Arabs The Africanso

12、ption The Europeans 9.What is TRUE about coffee before the 11th century? Coffee was not known by people. Europeans began to drink coffee. Coffee was treated as a food. No one knew how to grow coffee. 10.What did people do in the first coffee houses? They drank coffee only. They discussed business. T

13、hey made new friends. They ate their dinner. Harvard School of Public Health developed a guide for healthy eating called The Healthy Eating Pyramid. There are six levels in the Healthy Eating Pyramid and each level has a group of foods recommended in your daily diet. The first group includes foods l

14、ike breads and cereals. You can have at most 10 to 12 servings a day. Grains form the basis of this level. The second and third groups include vegetables and fruits. They are a source of fiber and vitamins. The healthy pyramid recommends at least 4 servings a day. The fourth group consists of dairy

15、products like cheese, milk, and yogurt. The Healthy Eating Pyramid recommends 3 servings per day. The fifth group includes foods that provide vitamins, minerals and proteins. Some of the foods recommended in the fifth level are meat, chicken, eggs and fish. You should also include dry fruits, nuts a

16、nd beans. Have at least 2 helpings a day. The sixth and last group is placed at the top in the food pyramid. These food items are high in sugar and fat. It is wise to have little of these foods. This healthy pyramid gives importance to the quality and not the quantity of food you eat. A recent updat

17、e to the Healthy Eating Pyramid is the inclusion of salt to the sixth group, and recommends adding little salt to your food. It also suggests including Vitamin D daily in your diet. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11._ form(s) the first level of the Healthy Eating Py

18、ramid. Milk Water Vegetables Grains 12.What is NOT included in the fifth group? Fish. Eggs. Dry fruits. Yogurt. 13.Most foods in the sixth group contain a lot of _. vitamins proteins sugar salt 14 _ is newly included into the sixth group of the food pyramid. Fat Coffee Salt Junk food 15.The healthy

19、pyramid gives importance to _ of food. the quality, not the quantity the quantity, not the quality neither the quality nor the quantity both the quality and the quantity In this section, you will hear several sentences. Listen carefully and then repeat. My favorite food is jiaozi, which is a traditi

20、onal Chinese food. I like spicy food and I like my vegetables really crisp. I dont want them overcooked. I think the most popular food in my hometown is rice. My favorite food is rice and beans. Rice and beans are very healthy for My favorite food is grilled chicken, because its healthy. It has less

21、 oil than other foods. There is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). You are required to read the text aloud. Your voice will be recorded into the system. Youll have 1 minute for preparation and then you are required to begin reading when hearing the beginning signal sound

22、and stop it when hearing the ending signal sound. Your reading should be limited within 1.5 minutes. Now you have 1 minute to prepare. Last month, I opened my third restaurant in twelve years. Anyone who knows anything about the restaurant business will tell you that success isnt easy to come by. I

23、started out with a small diner in a not so busy neighborhood. By offering good service and great food, I have been able to expand my business to higher traffic locations. And I made good money. The truth of the matter is, however, that I certainly couldnt have done it alone. I have a great staff at

24、all of my locations, some of the best food distributors in the area and loyal customers that recognize the value of a well cooked, well priced, timely meal. Look at the pictures below, which are all about a traditional Chinese food. As you can find in the pictures, there are different varieties of t

25、his food. You are required to talk about your favorite variety by picking one of the pictures (of course, not all of the pictures are about food). Then explain why you like that. Detailed description of the flavor or a personal story will help. Youll have 1 minute to prepare and another 2 minutes to

26、 complete your presentation. Now you have 1 minute to prepare. True or False. Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Likes and Dislikes Kumiko: For breakfast I have a piece of toast and a cup of coffee. Alejandra: For breakfast I usually have coff

27、ee with milk, fruit, yogurt, and cereal. Woo Sung: I usually dont have breakfast. Jonathan: For lunch I make a turkey sandwich. Agnes: I have rice with fish or meat. Agnes: Usually for dinner I eat pasta with vegetables. I love pasta! Calvin: I usually do not eat dinner. Dennis: I love to eat and I

28、love to cook. Denise: My son Ricardo loves hamburgers. Alejandra: I dont eat meat because I dont like it. Kumiko: I dont like beans. I dont like the taste and the texture. Kevin: My favorite food is Japanese sushi. Jonathan: . It is a Mexican dish. Quesadilla de mole is a tortilla with chicken and c

29、heese and brown sauce. Jackie: I dont really have a favorite food because I like mostly everything. Catherine: which is hot, spicy Korean cabbage. Thats all I need. Jonathan has hamburgers for lunch. T F Agnes eats pasta with vegetables for dinner. T f Denise loves hamburgers. T F Jackie likes almos

30、t no food. T F Fill in the blanks. Watch the video clip a and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Alejandra: For breakfast I usually have coffee with milk , fruit, yogurt and cereal . . Woo Sung: For lunch I eat a sandwich and have some fruit. For dinner I eat some meat with corn or rice . . Jonathan: My favorite food|favourite food is quesadilla de mole. It is a Mexican dish . . Catherine: My favorite food right now is very, very simple . I like a bowl of white rice and kimchi, which is hot, spicy Korean cabbage .


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