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1、新世纪大学英语综合教程2课 I Forgive You 1) Marriage isnt the only relationship that needs forgiveness. Its required with our children, friends, workmates, neighbours and even strangers. In fact, no human relationship can survive without the oxygen of forgiveness. Its not the kind of quality that only good-tempe

2、red people choose to have; its a universal necessity for relationships and for your own physical and mental health. 2) Some of us may think that weve been hurt too deeply, or too often, to forgive. But ironically, its those of us whove been most hurt that really need to forgive, for one simple reaso

3、n: like cancer, bitterness can destroy its host. Unless its swiftly rooted out, it takes hold and grows, crippling and eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it. 3) For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never recover. Our wounds will continue to grow worse

4、 and never heal. As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it, Whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves. 4) For some people forgiveness seems impossible because they have no idea how to go about it. The first and most important thing you need to accept is that the act of forgiveness is not going to be

5、easy. In fact, it will probably be the hardest thing most of us ever have to do. 5) It seems totally unfair that we should forgive when were the ones who have been hurt. And thats the core of forgiveness. 6) The saying Forgive and forget may roll off the tongue, but its as shallow as it is short. Fo

6、r one thing, its totally impossible. For another, it misses the whole point of forgiveness. The things we most need to forgive in life are the things we cant forget. Rather than sweeping them under the carpet, we need to draw a line under them, deliberately choosing not tocount them against the pers

7、on who did them, and moving on. 7) Thats why, sometimes, the initial act of forgiveness may seem relativelyeasy, but dealing with the emotions that follow every time you see that person, or speak to or just think about him or her, can be harder. True forgiveness is not a one-off act; its a constant

8、emotional confrontation. 8) And the longer you wait to forgive someone, the harder it becomes. Time really doesnt heal; it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside. If you wait for the right time, you may never do it. 9) A question you should ask yourself before

9、 you begin to tackle the art of forgiveness is this: How many of us are ever completely innocent in any given situation? 10) Some years ago, my wife and I bought a piece of cheap furniture. For the first few months, it fooled everyone it was smart, functional and impressive, and we felt it fitted ou

10、r home perfectly. But as time rolled by, the thin covering slowly began to peel at the edges. It didnt create the same impression any more, but at least it was being honest!The fact is that, like it or not, behind our smart covering, were all just chipboard. So before we become other peoples judge a

11、nd jury, wed be wise to take a long, hard look at ourselves in the mirror. And the more we see ourselves, warts and all, the more well want to and be able to forgive others for their flaws, and the more we forgive, the more well know true contentment. 11) Forgiving others can get a satisfying reacti

12、on. Ive found that saying sorry to my kids has not only healed broken relationships but has helped ease the situation, making it easier for my kids to ask for forgiveness themselves. So if you think youre right and cant find it in yourself to forgive, ask yourself this question: would you rather be

13、right or happy? 12) One of the hardest things about forgiveness is making that first move especially when you havent spoken to the person who hurt you for a while. But remember theyll probably be happy to hear from you. They might even be impressed that youve done what theyve wanted to do for years.

14、 But keep in mind youre doing this for you just as much as for them, so dont be upset if they dont react as you hoped. 13) Of course, some people dont believe theyve done anything wrong, or dont care, so telling them you forgive them would only frustrate them and you. But that doesnt mean you cant f

15、ind forgiveness in your heart. In fact, thats what true forgiveness is: letting go ofyour anger and hurt, becoming at peace with what happened and moving on. 14) The more you nurture your resentment, the more unhappy youll become. Unless you learn to develop the lost art of forgiving, youll always r

16、emain a victim, not just of people whove done you wrong, but also of your own emotions. 15) Forgiving puts you in control. However tough it is, the alternative is far worse. The phrase Forgive us our sins, though we refuse to forgive those who sin against us doesnt exist in the Bible. And theres a reason for that.


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