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1、新概念英语2第89课教案Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue New words and expressions Slip 1) n. 小错误,失策,失误 Make a slip A slip of the tongue 口误 2)v. 滑,滑倒 Eg,The hammer slipped,and he hurt his finger.锤子偏了一下,他砸到他的手指。 I slipped on the icy road and broke my right leg.我在结了冰的路上滑倒了,摔断了自己的右腿 The glass slipped out of his hand

2、玻璃杯从他手上滑掉了 3)v. 遗忘,忽略 Slip ones mind/memory 4)v. 悄悄移动,溜进去,溜出来 Eg,It is impossible to slip into the conference room unnoticed.想溜进会议室而不被注意到是不可能的 Slip out of溜出 She slipped away from the party to make a phone call Comedy n. 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧 Shakespear comedian 喜剧演员 Charles Champion , London wear a hat, a w

3、alking stick in his hand, wear a pair of boots, walk like a duck Present v.1)演出 Present a show 进行一场演出 2)提出,引起 Present ones views present problems Adj. 出席的,到现场的 反义词 absent / absent -minded 心不在焉的 Who else was present on that occasion? 那次谁还在场? Present n . 礼物 at present =at the moment presentation 颁奖典礼

4、Queue n. (按顺序等待的人,车等) 美语用line Join the queue jump the queue V. queue up for the bus 排队等车 Dull adj. 1) 枯燥的 a dull book 2) 头脑迟钝的,愚钝的 a dull child 3) 隐约的 I have a dull pain in my stomach. 4) 钝的 a dull knife Artiste n. 艺人,职业表演者 Artist n. 艺人,艺术家,美术家 Advertiser n. 报幕员;刊登广告者 Advertisement 广告 Put an adverti

5、sement in the paper 在报纸上登一则广告 An advertisement of a new car on TV 电视上一则新车广告 Advertisement column 广告栏 V. 为做广告,做宣传 Eg I advertise my car for sale 我登广告买车子 Jobs are advertised in the papers 在报纸上有招聘广告 课文 题目 a slip of tongue 与mistake 相比,slip 更侧重于由于不经意或疏忽而造成的错误。 为了避免说错话,最好bite your tongue, 所以是保持沉默的意思。 Bite

6、 ones tongue off 加off 有后悔失言的意思。 When I saw how she was hurt by my inadvertent remark, I could have bitten my tongue off. ( advent adj. 注意的,留意的) 当我看到因我失言说的话伤害了她,我恨不得咬断自己的舌头。 第一句 a free show 一场免费的演出。Go to a show 看演出,看表演 steal the show 走红, 配角比主角抢镜头。 Even if = though 第二句 Get round 不径而走,传遍。Get the round

7、of 在哪里传遍 The news got round of the school. 消息传遍了学校。 Rush to/ rush into 仓促行动,冲,冒冒失失做某事 Dont rush to conclusions. 请勿轻易做结论。 It is wrong to rush into marriage. 冒失结婚是不对的。 She rushed upstairs. She rushed into the room. They rushed out towards the pavilion. 他们冲出去,奔向亭子。 同位语从句: I had a firm believe that I wo

8、uld surely find my true love 第三句 must have been 表示对过去的肯定猜测。否定推测cant /couldnt 如: That cant be Tracy, for she is in Australia now. 第五句 呢 need not have done sth. 过去本没有必要做某事却做了。 Should have done sth. 过去本应该做却没做。 Fail to 不能,未能,忘记 The car failed to stop at the red light. Never fail to write to me. 别忘了给我写信。

9、 第七句 He was obvious very nervous. 和It was obvious that he was very nervous 可以互换。 类似的表达有: It is clear that It is evident that 明白的,明显的 It is apparent that 明显的,表面上的 Awkward, clumsy 1) 两者都是强调缺少身体的灵活性,如:an awkward dancer; clumsy fingers 2) 两者都暗示窘迫或不自在,如:several awkward moments in the discussion; offered

10、a clumsy apology Awkward movements 笨拙的动作 an awkward child 一个笨手笨脚的孩子 an awkward silence 尴尬的沉默 第八句 burst out 指一件事情的突然爆发,和break out 可以互换,如 Bird flue is likely to burst out again, experts predicted on Monday. 禽流感可能再次爆发,专家在星期一预测说。 Burst out doing 通常表示感情的突然发作,如burst out crying/ applauding ( 拍手喝彩,称赞)/ chee

11、ring/laughing burst into laughter/burst into tears/ burst into cheers 虚拟语气: As if / as though 从句中 It seems as if you were my father. As if not a single day had gone by. 好像没有分离一天。 若从句中的情形是根据现在迹象做出推测,有可能发生,则用陈述语气。 It is becoming dark. It looks as if its gong to rain. It seems as if he has been to America. 他好像去过美国。


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