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1、新编大学英语第二第三册writing范文unitWriting unit 10Directions: Write a composition on The Virtues of Being Young and Being Old.Sample 1 The Virtues of Being Young and Being Old Being young is a wonderful thing. We are always trying to find ways to keep ourselves young for as long as possible. When we compliment

2、 someone on their young appearance, they will feel proud and happy. Why is youth so preferred or favored? Its because youth is the bright and colorful scenery of life. Young people have glorious ideas and are full of dreams. They have energy, time and optimism. Youth is a time for realizing dreams.

3、Looking back on ones youth will bring the finest memories. Being old is also wonderful. The aged are respected by society. They have experience so people turn to them when they are in trouble or when they need advice. Old people are a source of knowledge and experience for the young. Although they d

4、ream less than before, theyre more confident about themselves thanks to their knowledge and experience. Those who worked hard when young will be able to appreciate their achievements and keep good memories of their past. Being young, we must take every opportunity to improve ourselves so that when w

5、e are old, we will have no regrets about our youth. (194 words)Sample 2 The Virtues of Being Young and Being Old Life is strange and at different phases of your life you can do and enjoy different things. When you are young, you learn to understand the meaning of life. When you are old, you see life

6、 more clearly and enjoy what you have achieved before. There are many differences between young people and old people. Young people are equipped with a good memory and strong muscles to gain knowledge and experience. They can learn lots of things whenever they desire. Youth is the most important par

7、t of a persons life. Young people are vigorous and energetic, though they tend to be impulsive. They face challenges with passion and are open to new things. They are unwilling to stay in the same place and always want to keep moving. It wont take long for them to recover from disappointing failures

8、, especially when they can get encouragement and advice from people around them. It seems natural for them to make great progress in their studies and work. The advantage of being old is that your strength lies in your knowledge and experience. Old people can do things quickly without too much energ

9、y or vigor and it wont take them too long to come up with a reasonable decision. Their most important virtue is that they can teach the young how to do things well or how to be successful, and how to avoid unnecessary loss or failure. Those who are concerned with young people are always respected by

10、 others. Young people hope theyll be able to know the world as the old do sooner or later. So if we are positive, we can always feel good about ourselves whether young or old. (227 words)Writing unit 9Directions:Read the quotations again. Then write a composition about The Power of Music. You may fi

11、nd the sentences in Translation Practice useful and you may use any expressions you like from them.Sample Music is the universal language of mankind. Music is everywhere. We can hear it in restaurants, airports, railway stations, supermarkets, department stores, banks, hospitals, and many other publ

12、ic places. Music of all kinds is now available, and tapes and CDs are not very expensive.Music plays an important role in our everyday lives. Music can express emotions that are beyond speech and give us a better feeling about ourselves and about everything around us. It can change our attitudes tow

13、ards many things. When we feel sad, music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life which can cheer us up; when we are tired and bored, music can make us relaxed. It has charms to soothe the savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. When we are working or studying, music can provide us w

14、ith a pleasant environment so that we can work or study more efficiently. Music can make people work faster and with more energy. The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music. Music can also lull the babies to sleep and c

15、an even make cows produce more milk. In a word, music is irresistible and life without music would be boring and monotonous.(215 words)Writing unit 8Directions: Write a composition on the topic: Which Has Had More Influence on You, Heredity or Environment? You can take advantage of the activities yo

16、u did in Part Three while writing.Sample 1 I both benefit and suffer much from heredity. A short stout figure, an introverted personality, and unimaginative but rational mind: all of these traits come from the genes passed on to me from my parents. But family, schools, and society work together to s

17、hape what I am today.My parents are both sport lovers, which makes me fond of physical exercises and turns my frame into a strong body. My honest parents punish me severely whenever I lie or make empty promises, thus Ive learned the importance of personal integrity. At school Ive learned to help oth

18、ers, to care for others and also to improve my reasoning and understanding skills. Learning about various positive and negative examples of behavior from the media and other sources of information, I have set my own moral standards regarding what to do and what not to do, what to like and what to ha

19、te.Environment can change a person completely no matter where he was born and what he genetically inherited from his parents. I always believe that a person can succeed in doing anything he feels interested in. Your environment provides all sorts of opportunities and the things necessary for your pe

20、rsonal pursuit and achievement. (202 words)Sample 2 Which has had more influence on you, heredity or environment? This is a difficult question to answer.First, let us examine the influence of heredity. All my classmates call me Fat Yu because I am fat. My father is also fat, so I cant help connectin

21、g my fatness with his! Although I cant be absolutely sure that it comes from my father, I do think that I probably have a gene which he passed on to me and which determines my body build or shape. Aside from that gene, my father gave me many excellent qualities. For example, I think I am good at abs

22、tract thinking. My father is an engineer and he often tells me that he was very good at Math and Physics at middle school and college. So thanks to these genes of his I got into this university.However, I have many other characteristics, which may come from the environment I grew up in. For example,

23、 my father and mother are conservative and traditional. They lack a spirit of adventure and they have a hard time understanding many of the new things in China today. I, on the contrary, have the desire to explore and I hope I can become a pioneer of reform. I often have many original thoughts and i

24、deas. All changes taking place around me whet my appetite for exploration. In conclusion, I think both heredity and environment have influenced me greatly. Heredity created me, but environment has improved me. (247 words)Writing unit 7Directions: Write a composition on why you think it is important

25、or interesting to travel. You may base your writing on what you have learned from this unit as well as your own personal experiences. Sample 1 Traveling Is WonderfulIn school we always study hard and rarely have time for play and relaxation. During our vacation, we can do what we like. Some students

26、 go swimming, watch TV, go to the cinema, etc. But all I want to do is to travel. Traveling is interesting. You can see a lot of fascinating things and you can learn about history. Three years ago, I went to Beijing. When I was in the Summer Palace, I walked through the famous Long Corridor, admirin

27、g the beautiful pictures drawn on it. In the Imperial Palace, I saw a lot of rare treasures I had never seen before. I went to the Great Wall as well as the Ming Tombs. After visiting these famous places, I cant help feeling proud of my great motherland. I think it is important to travel to a differ

28、ent country, if possible, so that you can learn about different cultures and customs. It can widen your knowledge of the world. In addition to learning new things, you can also discover the beauty of nature by yourself. When you are on the top of a mountain, you can breathe fresh air, you can see gr

29、een scenery below and you can hear the sounds of nature. It is a very wonderful feeling. Now Id like to invite you to go on a trip with me. Can you refuse? (228 words)Sample 2 I Enjoy TravelingI enjoy traveling. I even consider it as a part of my life. When summer vacation approaches, the question f

30、or me to ask is not whether I should travel but where I shouldtravel. I find traveling can do me a lot of good when I look back on my trips. Traveling brings me knowledge and pleasure. It puts me in a good mood. When I go back to my studies, I work more happily. As for knowledge, traveling helps me

31、learn a lot about local customs and it broadens my views. Three years ago, I went to the European City in Wuxi, where there are many models of European architecture. During that trip I learned something about Europe. Sometimes, traveling can bring me unexpected pleasure, too. Last year, two friends

32、and I went to a small town near Mountain Tai.The fact that the town had beautiful scenery and low expense made us overjoyed. Traveling is uplifting because it is relaxing and we can get rid of our anxiety and stress during the trip. If we travel together with our friends, we can improve our friendsh

33、ip through the shared experiences. We can also meet new people and make new friends. In the future, I plan to do more traveling. (212 words)Writing unit 6Directions: Write a composition on Should Animals Be Trained to Help Humans? using the information from the above debate.Sample 1 Animals Should B

34、e TrainedThere are a wide variety of animals in the world. And many of them are highly intelligent. So if we train some animals to work for human beings, we can save a lot of money and manpower. First, some kinds of animals can be trained based on their capacity to do certain types of jobs better th

35、an humans. For example, since dogs have a superior ability to track down odors, we can train them to find illegal drugs, earthquake victims, or even ancient tombs. Second, some animals can even lend us their hands. The monkey is a good example. Monkeys can be trained to learn to open doors, fetch to

36、ols, bring books, etc. So they can help those who cannot move about freely because of some physical problems. Monkeys make the lives of these people happier and more comfortable. Finally, in some cases, using animals not only saves money but also trouble. Using dolphins as underwater guards can be b

37、etter and cheaper than any man-made tracking devices. In a word, animals should be trained to help humans. If we train animals in the proper way, both humans and animals can get along very well. (194 words)Sample 2 Give Animals Their FreedomHumans and animals are both creatures of nature, so we are

38、equals. We have no right to take advantage of them. However, many animals are now being trained to work for us. Monkeys are trained as servants, dogs as hunters and sniffers, and dolphins as soldiers. Beasts should be allowed to run freely over great distances and birds, fly freely in the blue sky.

39、When they are in nature, they are active and able to live a normal life. But when they are kept in captivity, they are bored and frustrated. If we have the right to choose our fate, so do animals. So when we force them to serve us, they have no freedom and are like slaves. Whats more, a lot of anima

40、ls lose their lives when they help humans. But most of humans dont care about their lives at all. As we know, life belongs to us only once and therefore is priceless, and it is also true with animals. But we show no mercy to animals when they have done so much for us. We are cold-blooded creatures a

41、nd we should criticize ourselves. In brief, we should treat animals in the same way we treat other people. Give animals their freedom. (205 words)Writing unit 5Directions: Write a composition on the topic Should learners aim to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation?. You can base your wr

42、iting on what you did in Activity 5, Further Development. Words and phrases you may use:there is no pointbridgeimitateaccentexpresspointlesscharacteristic aspect perfectcommunicate the more., the more. blendSample 1 In my opinion, there is no point in aiming to speak English with a native-speaker pr

43、onunciation. For most people, it is a waste of time.First, language is a tool for communication among human beings. If people we meet understand what we are saying, that is all that is necessary. We do not need to imitate native speakers pronunciation. In any case, there are many types of accents, s

44、o which one should we choose to imitate?Second, the most important thing is how well we organize what we want to express. Our ideas should be clear and easy to understand. To do so, we should be able to use right words and correct grammar.Third, given the fact that we live in China, it seems a littl

45、e bit pointless for us to try desperately hard to get rid of our national accent in order to speak BBC English.Finally, each of us has our own style when we speak. If we can give free rein to personal style, the English-speaking world will become more colorful and more interesting.In a word, I prefe

46、r to speak with my characteristic and recognizable pronunciation, so long as listeners can understand me. (198 words)Sample 2 Yes, I think it is important to aim for native-speaker pronunciation. First of all, I think perfection is always a good goal in any aspect of language-learning. We aim for pe

47、rfect grammar, so why not perfect pronunciation?Second, the purpose of learning a language is to communicate with native-speakers or people from other parts of the world. The better my pronunciation is, the more easily they will be able to understand me. And I want people to understand me without an

48、y difficulty.Third, English is now an international language and I would like to be part of that community. If my pronunciation is like a native-speakers, I will blend into the community more naturally. Ill feel pleased if I am taken for a native-speaker. Even if I cant speak so well, I dont like to

49、 spoil the language by terrible pronunciation.So learners should aim to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation.(155 words)Writing unit 4Directions: An application letter usually includes the following four parts: 1) reason for writing (including how you found out about the job); 2) relevant information about yourself; 3) how to contact you; 4


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