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1、新英语小学四年级下册复习资料新标准英语小学四年级下册复习资料 姓名:_ 一、重要单词: 形容词:nice clever naughty cool little cute famous great cold 名词:capital picnic robot city country hair river project watermelon 动词:laugh dance phone learn fever speak happen think agree 星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 方向:east west

2、 north south 其他:our first also because yesterday about 二、现在分词: take ( taking ) learn ( learning ) speak ( speaking ) dance ( dancing ) ride ( riding ) swim (swimming ) 三、动词的过去式:-ed buy ( bought ) go ( went ) have ( had ) do (did ) come (came ) eat ( ate ) run ( ran ) fall off ( fell off ) is ( was )

3、 are (were ) watch ( watched ) help ( helped ) cook ( cooked ) phone ( phoned ) carry ( carried ) bump ( bumped ) play ( played ) walk (walked ) talk (talked ) isnt arentdont 四、形容词的比较级:-er big ( bigger ) small (smaller ) short(shorter) tall (taller ) long (longer ) fat ( fatter ) thin ( thinner ) ol

4、d ( older ) young ( younger ) strong (stronger ) high ( higher ) good ( better ) bad (worse ) 五、反义词: big ( small ) long ( short ) young ( old ) good (bad ) fat ( thin ) tall ( short ) black ( white ) new ( old ) yes ( no ) so (because ) 六、短语: a bit shy why not ? one day the yellow river 有一点害羞 为什么不?

5、一天 黄 河 the Chang Jiang river the Great Wall the Summer Palace 长 江 长 城 颐和园 the River Thames Chinese music Pop muice great ! 泰晤士河 中国音乐 流行音乐 好极了! Please be quiet please stand up in the park 请安静 请起立 在公园里 七、重要的句子: 1、She is a nice teacher ! 她是一个好老师 ! 2、She is a bit shy ! 她有一点害羞愧 ! 3、London is the capital

6、of England . 伦敦是英国的首都 。 4、It s a book about England . 这是一本关于英国的 。 5、It s very big and very beautiful . 英国很大很美丽 。 6、On Saturday we are going to have a picnic .在星期六我们准备举行一次野餐。7、Will you take your kite tomorrow ? No , I wont . 8、Peaple speak English in America . 在美国人们说英语 。 9、One day, robots will do eve

7、rything . 将来,机器人将无所不能。 10、What will the weather be today ? 明天将要是什么天气 ? 11、The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace .长城比颐和园古老。12、Is sam stronger than Lingling ? Yes , he is . / No , he isn t . 13、I think this girl is better than the first girl . 我认识这个女孩比第一个女孩表现得好 。 14、Do you agree , sam ? Yes ,

8、 I do . / No , I don t . Sam你同意吗? 是的,我同意。 / 不,我不同意。 15、Sanya is a famous city in China . 三亚是中国著名的城市。 16、San Francisco is a famous city in America . 特殊疑问句的回答: What ?与什么有关。What time ?什么时间?与时间有关。When ?何时?与时间有关。 Where ?哪里?与地点有关。How ?怎样? How many/much?多少?与数字有关。Which ? 哪个?Who is ?是谁?与人有关。Whose ? 是谁的?与某某的东

9、西有圣弗朗西斯科是美国著名的城市。 17、Beijing / London is the capital of China / England. 北京/伦敦是中国/英国的首都。 18、Where is New York ? Its in the east of America . Where is Shanghai / Beijing ? Its in the east / north of America . 19、Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday . 昨天,Sam 和我一起去骑自行车。 20、Sam fell off his bike . S

10、am 从他的自行车上掉了下来。 八、语法: 一般现在时:主语 + 动词短语 / 第三人称单数主语 + 动词的单数形式 例如:I go to school by bike. / He / She goes to school by bike. 一般过去时:主语 + 动词过去式或动词过去式短语 例如:We were hungry and thirsty . Daming and Sam went for a bike ride yesterday. 一般将来时:主语 + be going to + 动词短语 / 主语 + will + 动词短语。 (一般有 tomorrow next week等;

11、be going to = will ) 例如:We are going to have a picnic tomorrow . I will play with my friends on Saturday. 现在进行时:主语 + be ( is am are ) + 动词ing短语 例如:Amy is .reading a book. They are flying kites. 一般疑问句的回答: Is he ? Yes , he is ./ No, he isnt. Is it? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Is there ? Yes, there is .

12、/ No, there isnt . Can you ? Yes, I can ./ No, I cant. Are you ? Yes, I am ./ No, I am not. Have you ?Yes, I have ./No, I hevent. Do you? Yes, I do ./ No, I dont. Did they? Yes, they did./ No, they dont . 关。 九、天气图示。 rian windy snow cold sunny 十、其他: had lots of stomachache 吃了许多 食物 胃疼 had a old headache fiever 患了感冒 头疼 发烧 hot warm


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