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1、welcome,大家好,2,Combine these two sentences using the past participle as the adverbial.,1.Sue was frighted by the noise outside.Sue dare not sleep in her bedroom.2.He was hit by the lack of fresh air.He got a bad headache.,Frighted by the noise outside,Sue dare not sleep in her bedroom.,Hit by the lac

2、k of fresh air,he got a bad headache.,Ask and answer“what would you do?”or“what do you think of?”use the v.pp as the adverbial to answer.1.What would you do if you are laughed at by your classmates when dancing?2.What would you do if you are exhausted?3.What would happen if you are given much money?

3、4.What do you think of our school if it is seen from the hill?5.What do you think the trainer was followed when he walked into the room?,大家好,4,v.pp used as the adverbial,1.Laughed at by my classmates,I continued dancing.2.Exhausted,I fell fast asleep.3.Given much money,I will buy a house and a car.4

4、.Seen from the hill,our school looks very beautiful.5.The trainer walked into the room,followed by ten dogs.,表让步,表原因,表条件,表时间,表伴随,过去分词短语作状语,可表示原因、时间、条件、伴随等,大多相当于一个状语从句。与主句主语是被动关系,表示完成或被动的动作。,大家好,5,1)_ from the top of the tower,we find our city looks more beautiful.(see)2)._ from the top of the tower,

5、our city looks more beautiful.3)._ a wonderful view of our city,we climbed to the top of the hill.,v.Pp作状语需要注意的问题,seeing,seen,To see,1.v.Pp作状语时,和句子主语是被动关系。V-ing 作状语,和句子主语是主动关系。to do 作状语,一般表示目的或结果,大家好,6,-from the hill,people on the road look like ants.(see)-from the hill,and youll get a wonderful vie

6、w of our school.,seen,see,大家好,7,当被问及为什么会迟到时,他的脸涨的通红Asked why he was late,his face went red.Asked why he was late,he went red in the face.,his face,he,2.v.Pp 的逻辑主语和句子的主语必须一致,大家好,8,_from his accent,he must be from xiaoxian.(judge)I will agree to go_(provide)that my expenses are paid.,Judging,Providing

7、/provided,Considering/supposing/suppose/given/providing/provided/assuming/seeing(that)/talking of generally/roughly/strictlyspeaking,有些分词已成为固定结构,当使用时应按固定结构对待,不必考虑它们与主语的关系。常见的有以下几种。,大家好,9,with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.A Faced B Face C Facing D To face,4由be+v.pp+介词构成的短语作状

8、语时可直接把be省去由后面的形容词短语作状语be absorbed/dressed/lost in.be worried about,大家好,10,Finished,we went home.The work/task finished,we went home.After the work was finished,we went home.,一般情况下,当过去分词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,如果其逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,则需加上自己独立的主语。否则句子意思不完整或不符合逻辑关系。这种有自己的逻辑主语的过去分词(短语)称为独立主格结构,T,T,大家好,11,Our homewor

9、k done,we went home.(时间)Too much time given,he would do it better.(条件)Time reduced,he finished the work on time.(让步)The murderer was brought in,his hands tied behind his back.(伴随),大家好,12,Spring coming on,the trees turned green.Weather permitting,well have an outing next week.John being away,Tom had

10、to do the work.,大家好,13,All flights_ because of the snowstorm,we decided to take the train.A.were canceled B.had been canceled C.having canceled D.having been canceled2._ for a long time,most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.A.Being no rain B.There was no rain C.To be no rain D.There

11、 being no rain3.Everything _ into consideration,they believed themselves more and returned to their positions.A.to take B.taken C.to be taken D.taking,D,D,B,大家好,14,4._,they stopped for a rest.A.The work finished B.The work was finished C.They had finished the work D.As the work being finished,A,5.Al

12、l the tickets _ out,they went away disappointedly.A.being sold B.to have been sold C.having been sold D.having sold,c,大家好,15,6._ the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation.(00 北京春季)A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given7.He sent me an E-mail,_ to get fur

13、ther information.(00 上海)A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope,given 作状语意为“考虑到”,意思相当于 considering。,注意 hoping 为伴随状语而非目的状语,真正的目的是后面的 to get。,B,A,大家好,16,8.-Mum,why do you always make me eat an egg every day?-_ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.(99 上海)A.Get B.Getting C.To get D.To be getting

14、9.In order to make our city green,_.(02 上海春季)A.it is necessary to have planted more trees B.many more trees need to plant C.our city needs more trees D.we must plant more trees,C,D,大家好,17,The key_,she went through her handbag carefully.A.hadnt been found B.having not been found C.not having been fou

15、nd D.wasnt found试题分析:选项A、D均为谓语形式,选择其中的任何一项 前半部分便成为一个分句,与后面的分句必须使用 连词。以表示前后分句的逻辑关系,因此全部排除。选项B是现在分词的完成被动式,凡非谓语动词的否 定形式,not必须加在最前面,因此也应排除。not having been found同其逻辑主语the key构成独立主 格结构,作原因状语。本试题中句子的主语 she不能 充当分词的逻辑主语。,C,大家好,18,_ you should have no trouble with thedifficult work.A.Knowing this B.If you are

16、 knowing this C.From knowing this D.If you have knowing this试题分析:分词作状语时一般都可以转换为状语从句。本试题的选项B、D作为条件状语从句,时态不正确,应该排除。选项 A 的knowing this 的逻辑主语同句子的主语一致,符合要求,为正确答案。,A,大家好,19,Written in a hurry,_.How can it be satisfactory?(2001年广州市综合测试一)A.they found many mistakes in the report B.Sam made lots of mistakes i

17、n the report C.there are plenty of mistakes in the report D.the report is full of mistakes试题分析:这是一道非常典型的试题。四个选项均为完整的句子,初看起来似乎不容易领悟试题的意图。其实,本题的意图仍然是考察分词作状语的知识。抓住试题意图就容易产生正确的思路哪个句子的主语能够同过去分词written的逻辑主语一致。沿着这个思路向前走,不难想到the report was written in a hurry,试题的答案不言自明。,D,大家好,20,5)_ for a long time,the instr

18、ument needs to be repaired.A.Having used B.Having been used C.Using D.Being used 6)_ different kinds of fertilizers,the workers further improved their technique.A.Having been produced B.Being produced C.Having produced D.Producing,B,C,大家好,21,1.作定语,-the sun which is rising,-ing分词和-ed分词修饰名词有前置位&后置位.,1

19、.the rising sun,2.He is a retired worker.,-He is a worker who has already retired.,e.g.,3.The problem bothering us is the lack of money.4.These are goods imported from Japan.,前置位:,后置位,-The problem(which is)bothering us is the lack of money,Whats the difference between-ed and ing participle?,-ing分词表示

20、“进行”-ed分词表示“完成”,-ing分词表示“主动”-ed分词表示“被动”,主动,进行,被动,完成,在时态上:,在语态上:,-These are goods(which were)imported from Japan.,大家好,22,Exercises:,The _(work)people have played a great role in the activity.I dont like _(can)food,I prefer something fresh.,working,canned,1.站在她妈妈旁边的那个女孩看上去很胆小。The girl_ by her mother l

21、ooked very timid.2.最近到处在议论的话题都与2008年奥运会有关。The topics _ everywhere recently is concerned about the Olympics 2008.,who was standing,standing,being discussed,which are being discussed,大家好,23,Whats the difference?,1.The topics being discussed everywhere recently is concerned about the Olympics 2008.,to

22、be discussed,discussed,进行,完成,将来,2.The topics _(discuss)at tomorrows meeting is concerned about the Olympics 2008.,3.The topics _(discuss)at yesterdays meeting was about the Olympics 2008.,大家好,24,巩固练习一,用所给动词的正确形式填空:1)The man_(question)in the police station now is a spy2)A man_(respect)others will be

23、respected3)Half of the guests _(invite)to the conference were foreigners.4)The matter _(discuss)is very important,being questioned,respecting,invited,being discussed,大家好,25,5.被汽车撞伤的小孩马上被送到了医院。The boy was sent to the hospital immediately.6.每天给我办公室送邮件的人是位退休工人.The man every day is a retired worker.,inj

24、ured by the car,delivering mails to my office,大家好,26,分词作状语,修饰谓语,大多说明动作发生的背景或情景,表示时间、条件、原因、让步、伴随情况等。一般说来,这一结构的逻辑主语是主句的主语,而句子本身可与状语从句等句型转换。,4.作状语,大家好,27,1.When we heard the news,we jumped with joy.=Hearing the news,we jumped with joy.2.When it is heated,the metal expands.Heated,the metal expands.3.Bec

25、ause he didnt know how to do it,he went to his father for help.=Not knowing how to do it,he went to his father for help.4.As they were deeply moved,the children began to cry.=Deeply moved by the story,the children began to cry.,“主动”,“被动”,表示时间,表示原因,=,大家好,28,5._(look)out of the window,you can have a f

26、ull view of the beach.=If you look out of the window,you can have a full view of the beach.6._(keep)in refrigerator,these vegetables will remain fresh.=If they are kept in refrigerator,these vegetables will remain fresh.,表示条件,Looking,Kept,大家好,29,7.The children rushed out,shouting and jumping.8.She w

27、alked out of the house,_by her little daughter.(follow)9.She walked out of the house,_ her little daughter.(follow)10.(consider)as a building material,wood is not very strong.=Although it is considered as a building material,wood is not very strong.e、表示让步,表示方式和伴随情况,followed,following,Considered,大家好,

28、30,11.The car was held up by the snowstorm,thus _(cause)the delay.12.The glass fell to the ground,_(break)to pieces.,表示结果,分词作状语时,分词前可加连词表示强调。e.g.,heated,ice can be changed into water,When,tired,I went on with the work.,walking in the street,I saw a road accident,While,Though,causing,broken,大家好,31,分词

29、的时态:,-ing/-ed+主句(不强调动作先后);Having done Having been donee.g.1.Used as a means of traffic in China,the bike is very useful.2.Having been used for many years,the bike needs repairing.,More exercises,+主句,(强调时间先后),大家好,32,1)The president promised to keep all the board members_(inform)of how the negotiation

30、s were going on2)_(be)there more than once,the old professor offered to show us around the newly-built library.3)_(invite)to go to camping,Paul ordered a new sleeping bag4)_(not know)his telephone number,she lost touch with him.,informed,Having been,Having been invited,Not knowing,大家好,33,分词的逻辑主语:分词的

31、逻辑主语一般为_,但当分词的动作执行者和句子的动作执行者不一致时,分词前必须有自己的主语,e.g.If weather permits,we will have a field trip.Weather permitting,well have a field trip tomorrow 这被称为_。时间允许,我们将在去杭州的路上顺道看一下我叔叔.Time permitting,we will visit my uncle on my way to Hangzhou.,主句的主语,分词的独立结构,大家好,34,*但有些分词作状语属习惯用法,分词的逻辑主语和句子的主语可以不一致。如:Judgin

32、g from the expression on his face,he had failed the driving test again Generally speaking,girls are more careful than boys.类似的还有:Speaking ofTalking of,大家好,35,高考题,1.The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(2004)A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.to be smelt

33、2.The disc,digitally _ in the studio,sounded fantastic at the party that night.(2004)A.recorded B.recording C.to be recorded D.having recorded3.Generally speaking,_ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.(2003)A.when taking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taken,B,B,A,大家好,36

34、,4._ a reply,he decided to write again.A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received,C,5.Before _,the machine must be checked.being used B.using it C.being used to D.using,A,6._ better attention,the vegetables could have grown better with the sun shining brightly in the

35、 sky and _ them light.A.Giving;given B.Given;given C.Giving;giving D.Given;giving,D,大家好,37,盲听跟读朗读听写英英词典分门别类阅读辅助沙场练兵,听力训练建议,1定时限量:在早上或晚自习之前,每周训练三次;高三最后一个月可安排在午休后,每天训练约2025分钟。2针对学生中存在的听读难点:语调、弱读、连读、失去爆破等适时强化训练。分解听力录音、试题及材料;3指导学生听答技巧:有针对性的根据问题听关键信息词,集中注意力,凝神静气分析推断答案;4突破难点:适当评讲学生中难听、难理解的长难句,重复听、及时讲。学生互批






41、情感的渗透性和时代性以及前瞻性。文章内容能贴近学生的生活,内容积极,集知识性、教育性和趣味性为一体。选项设置有变化 选项的设置有了微妙的变化,不像往年那样严格遵循每组选项的词性一致,而是根据上下文的需求,不同词性的单词交互在一起。,【考情报告】,命题揭秘,完形填空,大家好,45,一、纯空格试题 主要是填冠词、介词、代词、连词(含从属连词和并列连词)等词。首先,分析句子结构,根据句子所缺成分确定填哪类词;然后,根据句子的意思,确定具体填什么词;或根据两句间的逻辑关系,确定具体用哪个连词。二、给出动词试题 主要考查动词的时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词、谓语动词、主谓一致等。三、词类/句型转换题 这类


43、题思路,(三)短文改错命题趋向前瞻(口诀法)短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢。名词爱考数与格,冠在前“错多少”;动词时态和语态,非谓语搭配莫错。连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆;介词多半考搭配,多漏误用想周到。句法涉到“一致”,从句多考关联词;见到代词找指代,指代通常不合理。词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找;“127,811”规律,回读复查敲定稿。,大家好,50,【考情报告】,命题揭秘,题材方面 从题材方面看,选材注重新颖、时尚,注重知识、文化、教育与品位与写作的有机结合,符合中学生的认知水平和写作兴趣。题材广泛,重点仍是一些热门题材,如:学习(新课标I卷去英国学习英语)、习惯、诚信、为人之道、校园

44、生活、健康、人际关系关系、社会公德、环境保护、文明行为、休闲娱乐等,反映出现代英语运用与现实生活的水乳交融,文章话题考生均很熟悉、亲切、自然。体裁方面 体裁为应用性文体书信,选材你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿(新课标I卷),以半开放性的写作方式为主,此类题只给出写作框架,并未给出所有的写作细节,这给考生留有自由发挥的空间。,书面表达,书面表达语言的评估标准应该有三个维度:准确性(corre-ctness)、流利程度(fluency)和得体性(appropriateness)。准确性指语言符合语法(广义的语法,包括语音、词法、词汇)规则。


46、或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。,第三档1115分,完成了试题规定的任务。虽漏掉一两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,有些许错误主要是因尝试使用较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。达到了预期的写作目的。,第四档1620分,大家好,53,条理不清,思路紊乱。语言支离破碎或大部分句子均为错误,且多为严重错误。不知所云,完全达不到写作目的。,第一档15分,基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。基本达不到写作目的。,第二档610分,五档21-25分(精彩迭出),四档16-20分(清清楚楚),三档11-15分(马马虎虎),二档6-10分(糊里糊涂),一档1-5分(一塌糊涂)。,大家好,54,表达明、错误少,不给阅卷老师添烦恼少丢分,二、,大家好,55,词汇美、妙语多,阅卷老师心愉悦多给分,三、,大家好,56,Bye Bye,


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