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1、期中复习翻译句子及答案完成句子M7U19 L1 Language Learning 1*. 早在18世纪人们就语言英语有一天会成为全球性语言,而这一语言业已得到证实。 1. It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades. 2*. 跨国公司的增多和通讯技术的巨大进步带来了学习英语的新潮流。 The growth of international co

2、mpanies and the great advances in communications have started the trend for learning English as a foreign language. 3*. 当今世界,要想取得令人瞩目的成就,就要会将至少两种语言,特别是英语。 In todays world, being able to speak more than one language, including English, is how you stand out and get ahead 4*. 这些建议是很容易实施的,而且值得你为之付出额外的努力

3、。 These recommendations are easily achieved and are well worth the extra effort. 5*. 为了保持这种热诚,你需要牢记学习英语的重要性。 To stay dedicated, you need to keep in mind why you are learning English. 6.* 简而言之,在当今的世界,英语是有一个光明的前途和实现可能的关键。 Quite simply, in todays world, English hold the key to a brighter future and a w

4、orld of possibilities. 完成句子M7U19 L-3 Body Language 1*. 身体语言每天都被全世界不同国家的人使用。 Body language is used every single day by people of different nationalities all over the world. 2*. 身体语言是一种没有字词,但由手势、面部表情和身体动作组成的语言,它极大地丰富了口头语言,有时甚至取代了口头语言。 Body language is a language without words that consists of gestures

5、, facial expressions, and body movements that greatly add to- and sometimes even replace - spoken language. 3*. 就像其他任何语言一样,身体语言被用来交流喜怒哀乐等各种态度和情感,但是与口头语言不同的是,身体语言并非总是明确清楚的。 Body language is used to communicate both attitudes and feelings from affection to anger just like any other language, but it di

6、ffers from spoken language as it is not always explicit. 4*. (实践中) 一个人高兴地跳跃是容易看到的,而挑起眉毛表示怀疑却容易被人忽视。 Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss. 5*. 尽管有这些不同点,但专家们一致认为,有一种语言在全世界都得到认可,即微笑。 Regardless of these differences, experts agree that across t

7、he globe there 1 is one form of body language that receives universal approvalthe smile. 6*. 微笑传递信息的成功率很高,所以可以大胆地使用即使当你害怕的时候尤其在国外! Smiling has a high success rate so never be afraid to use it-even when youre nervous -and especially in foreign countries. 完成句子M7U20 L-3 Pioneer of Science 1*. 如果要让你选择20

8、世纪最重要的发现,也许你会面临一个真正的难题,因为仅仅一百年,世界发生了根本性的变化了。 If you had to choose the single most important discovery of the 20th century, you would have a real dilemma on your hand as/because in just 100 years, the world changed completely. 2*. 人们在医药、通讯和运输领域的发现令人为之震惊,更不必说我们人类对世界的了解和太空的发现。 Amazing advances were mad

9、e in medicine, communications and transport, not to mention our knowledge of the world and space. 3*. 医学的发展包括从显微镜下发现疾病的起因到用器官移植(即捐赠器官替代病变器官)这样的外科手术过程。 Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with donated ones.

10、 4*. 通讯手段随着移动电话的引入而发生变化,我们通讯的方式从写信演变成发电子邮件。 Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phones and the way we correspond went from writing letters to emailing. 5*. 我们开始飞遍全世界,同时,科学家们发现如何分裂原子,而原子以前被认为是宇宙中最小的物质微粒。 We started to fly around the world and meanwhile, scientists figured out how t

11、o split the atom, previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe. 6*. 这一点是毫无疑问的,没有这些科学先驱者们的重大发现,无论是幸运还是刻意计划,我们今天所熟悉的这个世界将会是完全不同的世界。 There is no doubt about it. Without the breakthroughs of these pioneers in science and technology, whether lucky or planned, the world as we k

12、now it today would have been a completely different place. 完成句子M7U21 L-3 Super Athletes 1. 不幸的是,查出运动员是否服用了兴奋剂并不是很容易。对于获胜者,可以2 强迫其进行检测,而对其他参赛选手,则可随意抽检。 Unfortunately, it is not easy to catch athletes using illegal drugs. It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested

13、 at random. 2. 而且,新药一直在研制中,而对运动项目的药物检测则常常滞后一步。 New drugs are developed all the time and drug tests for sporting events are often one step behind. 3. 但是,服用兴奋剂并不是我们需要担心的唯一问题。如果我们不多加谨慎,基因治疗将会成为下一个重大威胁。 However, doping is not the only thing we need to worry about. Unless we are careful, “gene-therapy” w

14、ill be the next threat. 4. 为了医学目的,科学家们已经发现了通过改变基因来增加肌肉、增加力量的办法。 For medical purposes, scientists have already found ways to build muscle and increase strength by changing peoples genes. 5. 基因治疗是很有争议的。很多人反对进一步研究,因为一旦使用了基因治疗,它几乎不可能被发现。 Gene-therapy is very controversial and many people oppose further

15、research. If gene-therapy were used now, it would be almost impossible to find out. 6. 将来,改变了基因的运动员有可能创下8秒百米纪录或不到两个小时的马拉松纪录。然而,如果一旦有强化基因的运动明星诞生了,这将有悖于整个运动精神。 In the future, athletes who have their genes changed might be able to do the 100 metres dash in just 8 seconds or the marathon in less than tw

16、o hours. 7. 奥林匹克精神强调参与而不是取胜的竞技精神已经被为获得成功而不惜代价的愿望所亵渎。 The Olympic spirit-the spirit of competition which emphasizes taking part rather than winninghas been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs. 8. 在当今世界,人们祝贺获胜者,并把他们视为英雄。但是如果服用兴奋剂和基因治疗继续影响着主要体育项目的成绩的话,“英雄”就失去了它的全部意义。 In todays world, winners are celebrated and treated as heroes, but if doping and gene-therapy continue to affect the outcomes of major sporting events, the word “hero” will have lost all meaning. 3


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