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1、唐曲江园林文化活动述略 唐曲江园林文化活动述略 【摘要】 曲江是中国历史上久负盛名的风景园林,尤其是在唐代。一直以来,学界对曲江方方面面研究也比较多,但大多是仅限于某一方面。本文对唐曲江园林文化活动进行了一个梳理,主要包括以下五个方面:第一部分为引言部分,主要介绍了研究问题的背景和意义,并对相关研究现状进行了简要的评述。第二部分主要从总体上阐述曲江园林文化活动,包括曲江历史由来,曲江园林有哪些名胜,以及这些名胜在唐代的发展和规模。第三部分主要分析曲江园林文化活动的类型。唐皇帝驾幸芙蓉园,登紫云楼,观百官万民同乐胜景;百官赐宴曲江亭,乐舞百戏助兴:杏园探花、雁塔题名、曲江流饮,进士们在曲江又有怎

2、样的故事;百姓节日胜游,赏玩娱乐享受生活。第四部分为唐代文献所见曲江园林文化活动。不论是正史还是地方志,不论是唐诗还是唐文,都有大量关于曲江园林文化活动的记载。第五部分为结论。在文章的最后部分,指出了研究的结论与不足。【Abstract】 In Chinese history, Qujiang is a landscape architecture with a long standing reputation, especially in Tang dynasty. All along the academic circle have done a lot of studies on Quj

3、iang from different angles. But they often placed their emphases on one specific perspective. This paper will sort out the cultural activities of Qujiang landscape architecture in Tang dynasty, It mainly includes five following aspects.The first part is introduction. This part mainly introduces the

4、background and significance of the research and reviews the present stage of related studies briefly.The second part is a general explanation on cultural activities of Qujiang landscape architecture, including the origin and interesting places of Qujiang, the development and the scale of these histo

5、ric sites in Tang dynasty.The third part mainly analyzes types of cultural activities of Qujiang landscape architecture. For example, the emperor of Tang dynasty arrived at Tang Paradise, went upstairs of ZiYun tower and enjoyed the grand view that all the officials and people shared pleasure togeth

6、er; all the officials were bestowed banquets by the emperor in Qujiang Pavilion with music、dancing and thousands of acrobatics as entertainment; what happened on scholars who had passed the imperial examination : they enjoyed the banquet given by the emperor in XingYuan, gave their autograph as a me

7、mento at The Wild Goose Pagoda, drank and sang by Qujiang river; the average people went sightseeing in festivals, enjoyed entertainments and the life.The fourth part is the description of cultural activities of Qujiang landscape architecture in documents of Tang dynasty. Either official history and

8、 local history or poems and articles of Tang dynasty have a lot of records about cultural activities of Qujiang landscape architecture.The fifth part is the conclusion. In this part, the author proposes the results and limitations of the research. 【关键词】 曲江; 园林; 唐诗; 文化活动 【Key words】 Qujiang; landscap

9、e architecture; poems of Tang dynasty; cultural activities 唐曲江园林文化活动述略中文摘要 3-4 Abstract 4-5 引言 7-10 第一章 曲江园林文化活动概述 10-19 1.1 曲江历史由来 10-11 1.2 曲江园林名胜述略 11-19 第二章 曲江园林文化活动的类型 19-37 2.1 皇帝游幸 19-20 2.2 百官宴饮 20-25 2.3 进士庆典 25-30 2.4 百姓节俗活动 30-37 第三章 唐代文献所见唐代曲江园林文化活动 37-44 3.1 正史与地方志中所述曲江园林文化活动 37-38 3.2 唐诗中所述曲江园林文化活动 38-40 3.3 散文、小说等与曲江园林 40-44 结论 44-45 参考文献 45-47 攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果 47-48 致谢信 48


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