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7、。他们共同点有很多,第一:“他们两人都是爱酒如命,而且酒风不正。”张飞醉酒后喜欢鞭打士卒,而李逵呢则是“酒性不好,多人惧他”。第二:“他们都有着惊人的武艺。”李逵是一把板斧,几乎天下无敌。张飞的武艺按照关羽的说法是:“百万军中取上将首级如探囊取物。”第三:“这两人都很鲁莽。”李逵的鲁莽常在言行举止中流露出来。张飞则在他那火辣辣的性格上。当然张飞在有些时候还是有点细心的。我觉得水浒传中虽然有一些血腥的场面在里面,但它绝对是一本很有价值的读物。水浒传读后感600字 水浒传英文读后感In the process of growing up, countless books nourish me, w

8、ith me for a long long distance. I of the book, such as fish and water, tightly tied together not separately. Zang Kejia said, read a good book, like cross a helpful friend when a book really live in your heart, you will have this feeling.Hours influenced by his fathers very interested in the book.

9、Dad would buy a few the famous to mold my Recommenting. But I was too young, just casually looking through.After school hours dad bought the book was actually four masterpieces, they have come to the spirits, readily took a Outlaws of the Marsh to look at, but what attracted. Hours of fragmented mem

10、ory be reproduced in a sheet of paper, and also will be profoundly up memory. When closed the last page, I long sigh of relief, mind a long time to be a hero shocked and touched.In this dim pedantic, Guanguanxianghu age of countless heroes everywhere oppressed. But the start of both, in the case of

11、intolerable them justice poly Liangshanpo, come together to form an even court also can not ignore the forces. Again and again campaign, they order the righteous rescued brother, removal of corrupt officials, but also rushed the order to the court in the eyes of the biggest thief. The twists and tur

12、ns, the court strokes Ann, let them run around Swinger other forces, but the result was 100 through the battlefield scattered scattered, dead, like the the bleak closing curtain after the end of a play.A distinctive role printed in my mind, lingering. Lu Zhisheng Jigonghaoyi Song Jiang wisdom resour

13、ceful Wu with heroic vigorously, physical prowess Lin Chong, lifelike, vivid.They sky 108 stars, came to earth punish you. They heroic spirit, for the brothers through fire and water in without any hesitation. Song Jiang led them to overthrow the corrupt officials, serve our country and people, to s

14、ubvert our hearts so-called justice. What is true of the righteous, who can not tell. But they illustrate a little good, is that justice, the people want that righteous. They use their own righteousness, against court corruption.When their strength peaked, Song Jiang in spite of opposition to be hea

15、ding Tingzhao An even righteous, but still have to take into loyalty. Not all the righteous are outrageous, not all loyalty and justice can not coexist. Their four expeditions, wiped out that their fellow thief. From that moment, the story took a dramatic twist. Even so, the court is still the court

16、, and it never will be for you a little exploits, rather naively thought you were obedient. So, when they a victory, abruptly dismantled them.Until now, I am still their outcome sigh. But then I thought, to think what can it? Perhaps that is the best outcome. That era of their achievements, but also

17、 to destroy them. But in the end, their love still exists, I think Wu the Huarong suicide with Song Jiang, my eyes filled with tears.In the world of books, I forget the time just lamented that story, I forgot the space in the world of books, I sink deeply fascinated with those heroes heart.Book, take my soul is sublimation in bit by bit!水浒传读后感600字


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