牛津英语5B Reading isfun教案.docx

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1、牛津英语5B Reading is fun教案Module 2 Work and play Unit 4 Reading is fun (第一课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 1、通过Listen and say中的关于购书意愿的情景对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心句型。 2、通过Write and say栏目,帮助学生从口头和写作两方面巩固运用所学词汇和句型。 教学重、难点 1、能掌握单词storybook, buy, story, over there 2、会运用句型 I am going to read a story every day. 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:

2、第一次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、和学生随意对话,可以用前一单元学过的句型引入本单元话题。 T:What will you do at the weekend? S1:I will go to the park with my parents. S2:I will go to visit my grandfather and grandmother. S3:I will do my homework. T:I will go to the bookshop to buy some books. I am going to the bookshop on Saturda

3、y. While-task procedures 1、先完整播放Listen and say的动画,再分段教学。出示Listen and say的第一张图片,就图片与学生问答,引入第一段对话的内容。 T:(point to the picture) Where are Kitty and Alice? 第二次备课 S1:They are in the bookshop. T: Are there any books in the bookshop? S2: Yes. T: What are they talking about? Lets find out. 播放第一段对话的录音,并出示以下问

4、题,学生听录音后回答问题。. 1) What is Kitty going to buy? 2) What is Alice going to do? 出示Listen and say的第二张图片,就图片与学生问答,引入第二段对话的内容。 T: (point to the picture) What book is in Alices hand? S1: Picture stories of China. T: What book is in Kittys hand? S2: Stories for children. T: What are they talking about now? L

5、ets find out. 播放第二段对话的录音,并出示以下问题,学生听录音后回答问题。 1) Does Alice like the picture book? 2) What are the pictures about? 3) What is Kitty going to do? 然后,让学生独立完成课本第25页的练习。 2、完整播放对话录音,学生听录音并逐句跟读对话,提醒学生注意模仿录音中的语音语调。待跟读完毕,将全班学生分成两组,分角色朗读对话。 3、出示课本第27页Write and say的问题,让学生两人一组,一人扮演Kitty,另一人扮演Alice,根据listen and

6、say 的对话,猜测Kitty 和 Alice 最喜欢的书籍分别是什么,其大致内容以及喜欢的原因,然后根据Write and say 中的问题,向对方做介绍。 S1: (act as Kitty) My favourite book is Stories for children. Its a book of interesting stories with pictures for children. I like it because I can get a lot of fun from it. S2: (act as Alice) My favourite book is Pictur

7、e stories of China. Its a book of pictures of different places in China. I like it because the pictures are very beautiful. I am going to visit these places in the future. 4、学生将自己最喜欢的书籍、其大致内容以及喜欢的原因写在一张小纸条上,但不要写上名字。写完后交给教师,教师请一名学生从中抽取一张纸条,仿照write and say 中的句式,向全班同学做汇报,并寻找纸条的主人。然后,纸条的主人站出来,从剩下的纸条中抽取一

8、张,进行同样的活动。可允许学生用中文表达书的名字。 Post-task activities 1、学生两人一组,根据Write and say 栏目的问题续写listen and say 的对话,然后进行角色扮演,扮演完整的对话。 Module 2 Work and play Unit 4 Reading is fun (第二课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 1、通过Ask and answer的问答练习,帮助学生巩固新学的核心句型。 2、通过look and learn栏目,帮助学生学习词汇。 3、通过Culture corner栏目,帮助学生了解楼层在英国和美国的不同表达。 教学重、难点 词

9、汇:dictionary, magazine, newspaper 句型:Is he/ she going to buy? 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程: 第一次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、就上一课时Listen and say 的内容与学生问答,以复习本单元的核心句型。 T: Where are Kitty and Alice? S1: They are in the bookshop. T: Whats Kitty going to buy? S2: Shes going to buy a storybook. T: Whats Alice go

10、ing to do in the future? S3: Shes going to visit different places in China in the future. T: Whats Kitty going to do every day? S4: Shes going to read a story every day. 2、继续与学生问答,引入本课时的学习内容。 T: A big bookshop has more than two floors. Do you know which floor to go to and buy your books? While-task

11、procedures 1、出示Ask and answer 栏目的书店楼层图以及Look and learn栏目的单词卡片,在真实语境中教授新单词。 T: (show the flashcard for dictionary) Whats this? Ss: Its a dictionary. T: Yes, Its a dictionary. Ss: Dictionary, dictionary. T: (point to the floor plan of the bookshop) I am going to buy a dictionary. Which floor am I goin

12、g to? S1: You are going to the third floor. 第二次备课 继续用同样的方法教授magazine, newspaper和storybook. 2、出示culture corner中的建筑图,告诉学生:在英国,一栋建筑地面以上的第一层叫做the ground floor, 而the ground floor上面的一层,也就是第二层才叫the first floor;在美国,the first floor是从地面以上第一层开始算起的,与英国的the ground floor相对应。 3、教师可以介绍书店的楼层,以总结本单元的核心句型和单词,并为学生操练对话做

13、准备。 T:(point to the floor plan of the bookshop) Look. This is a bookshop. It is not very big, but it is nice. It has five floors. On the ground floor, there are. 在介绍楼层图和对话提示的基础上,与个别学生对话,作为示范。 T:(point to the picture of Kittys Mum) Wheres kittys mum? S1: She is on the fourth floor. T: Is she going to

14、 buy an art book? S1: No, she isnt. She is going to buy a music book. 然后,学生两人一组,仿照示范进行对话,进一步操练本单元的核心句型。 Post-task activities 学生写一张购书清单,然后两人一组,对照课本上的书店楼层图,自编对话。 然后,根据教学实际,请两至四组学生上台表演对话。 Module 2 Work and play Unit 4 Reading is fun (第三课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 1、帮助学生通过阅读故事读书周,帮助学生进一步巩固新学语言知识,并培养阅读技能,培养爱读书的好习惯。

15、2、了解字母i及字母组合ie在单词中的发音。 3、通过学习任务(task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能,介绍自己和同学喜欢看的书并说明理由。 教学重、难点 1、语音:i(five), ie(pie) 2、词汇:week, student, do a survey, actout 3、句型:They are going to write about the writers and the stories. 教学方法: 情景教学法。 教学过程: 第一次备课 Pre-task preparation 1、出示一些儿童故事书和绘本,和学生问答,然后要求学生相互问答。 T: (poin

16、t to the books) look at these books. Are they picture books or storybooks? S1: They are picture books/storybooks. T: Are these books for children? S1: Yes, they are. T: Which one do you like? S1: I like the three little pigs. While-task procedures 1、与学生开展问答,引入Look and read栏目的教学。 T: Just now we read

17、a story together. Do you know any other stories for children? S1: Yes, I know the Ugly Duckling. T: Do you like it? 第二次备课 S1: Yes, I like it very much. . 2、播放Look and read 的录音,学生听录音并跟读课文。然后,出示以下句子,学生听录音,判断正误并改错。 1) The students are going to about the posters. (F; The students are going to write abou

18、t the writers and stories.) 2) The students are going to draw pictures of the books. (T; The students are going to take some photos of the books.) 3) The girls are going to do a survey. (F; The boys are going to do a survey.) 4) The girls are going to act out a play. (T; The girls are going to act o

19、ut a play.) 然后,让学生独立完成课本第27页的练习。待完成后,教师请五位学生分别读出正确的句子。 3、再次播放录音,学生听录音逐句跟读,提醒学生注意模仿录音的语音语调,跟读完后,全班同学集体朗读,给学生更多练习语音语调的机会。 4、出示Learn the sounds的语言单词卡片i(five), ie(pie),请学生跟读并感知字母i和字母组合ie在单词中的发音。 教师播放录音,学生跟着录音朗读。 播放录音,学生按照录音节拍诵读儿歌。 教师朗读单词,学生在多个单词中找出教师所读单词。 Post-task activities 1、 学生两人一组,完成练习册中task第一部分的问题互相回答,了解同学喜欢的书籍。


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