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1、物流专业英语翻译unit one transportation systemtext A the role of transportation 1.the common element in various definitions of transportation is movement-the change of the physical location of goods or psssengers,products must be moved from the location where they were produced to the location where they ar

2、e consumed.people must move from the lication where they live to the location where they want to take part in a certain activity.transportation affects our economic,social,and political development.交通运输的各种定义中的一个共同要素是移动,即货物或乘客的物理位置的改变.产品必须从生产它们的地点移动到消费它们的地点.人们必须从他们居住的地点移动到他们要参与的某种活动所在的地点.交通运输影响我们的经济,

3、社会和政治的发展.2.it is necessary to point out that as transportantion efficiency increases,it has a direct and positive effect on the individuals ability of survival,even under very primitive conditions.it is also worthwhile to point out that people in our modern society seek much more than mere survival

4、.they strive for a better standard of living and life-style with less time and efforts.必须指出,随着其效率的增加,交通运输对于人的生存能力,甚至在非常原始条件下的生存能力,有着直接的,积极的影响。此外还值得指出,在我们现代社会的人们寻求的远不仅仅是生存。他们努力用较少的时间和精力得到更好的生活水平和生活方式。3.the role of transportation in economies of scale and geographic specialization is complex,and the l

5、evel of transportation efficiency directly affects the degree to which we can gain the benefits of specialization.交通运输在规模经济和区域专业化中的作用是复杂的,而且交通运输效率的高低直接影响我们从专业化中获益的程度。4.the demand for the product at the producing location typically does not equal maximum economies of scale.there are two ways to solve

6、 the problem:one is to reduce the production of the product,and the economies of scale are lost;the other is to ship the excess product units to other places where there is a demand for the product if the economies of scale are desired.thus,transpotation must be available.在产地对该产品的需求一般不等于最大规模经济。有两种方法

7、可以解决这个问题:一种方法是减少该产品的产量,但丧失了规模经济;另一种方法是,如果想获得规模经济的话,把多余产品运送到对该产品有需求的其他地方。因此,必须利用交通运输。5.one area may have more favorable climatic condition,different natural resources,and more efficient human resources and so on.therefore,the area that is best situated should be the source of production.again,the ava

8、ilability of efficient transportation is necessary to capitalize on these advantages.一个地区可能具有更有利的气候条件,各种不同自然资源,更能干的人力资源等等。因此,这一最适宜的地区应该作为生产源。此外,为利用这些优势,必须要有高效率的交通运输。text B definition of transportation1.fixed facilities are the physical components of the system that are fixed in space and consisted o

9、f the network(e.g.,transit treminals,harbors,or airports as the nodes and routes,channels,or lines as link in the network)of the transportation system.固定设施是固定在空间的系统的物理构成,并且由交通运输系统的网络组成。2.flow entities are the units that traverse the fixed facilities.they include vehicles ,container units,railroad ca

10、rs,and so on.流动实体是指那些往返移动于固定设施的单元.它们包括车辆,集装箱,铁路客车等.3.the control system consists of vehicular control and flow control.vehicular control refers to the technological way in which individual vehicles are guided on the fixed facilities.the flow control system consists of the means that permit the effic

11、ient and smooth operation of streams of vehicles and the reduction of conflicts between vehicles.控制系统由车辆控制和车流控制组成.车辆控制是指在固定设施中操纵单个车辆的技术方法.车流控制系统由使车流高效,流畅运转,并且减少车辆之间冲突的手段组成.4.although in some cultures,demand for transportation is considered as one of four necessities of human being :clothing,food,she

12、lter,andtransportation,in the jargon of the economist,the demand for transporation is derived,or indirect,meaning that people do not normally travel or move their possessions for the sake of movement but to fulfill certain needs,for example ,to go to school,to work,to shop,or to visit friends.尽管在某些文

13、化中,交通需求被认为是人类衣食住行的四个基本需要之一,但是用经济学家的行话来说,交通需求是派生的,或间接的.就是说,正常情况下,人们不会出于择运动的兴趣而不是为满足某些需要去出行或者移动他们的财产.5.transportation engineers are concerned with accommodating these societal activities by providing efficient ways to satisfy the populations needs for mobility.运输工程师提供满足人们流动需要的有效方法以适应这些社会活动。1.the syste

14、m can be defined by three basic variables:T,the transportation system;A,the activity system;and F,the pattern of flows in the transportation system.该系统可以用这三个基本参数来定义:T,运输系统;A,活动系统;F,运输系统中的交通流的形式。2.options involving networks inlcude their general configurations and the approximate geographical locatio

15、ns of the links.网络的选择包括它们的总体结构和各连线大致的地理位置。?3.system operation policies options include all the decisions about how the transportation system is to operate.系统运行政策的选择包括有关运输系统如何运行的所有决策。4.travel options are open to every potential user of the transportation system:whether to make a trip,where to make it

16、 ,when,and how-by what mode and route.出行选择对运输系统的每一个潜在用户都是待定的:是否出行,去哪里,什么时间出行,和如何出行,即使用什么交通方式和走什么路线。unit two transportation modestext A major transportation modes 1.at first there was mobility required for individuals,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers ,and

17、in search for the best place to settle.首先,个人,家庭,动物需要迁移以抵御,避开危险,寻求最好的地方定居.2.during this gradual development toward an organized human society,transportation as a physical process of moving people and goods,promoting such development,continuously underwent technological and oranizational changes.在朝着有组

18、织的人类社会逐步发展过程中,交通运输作为促进这一发展的运送人员和货物的物理过程不断地经历了技术的和组织的改变.3.the evolution of increasingly sophisticated means of transportation is manifested by todays transportation sysrtems,which include surface,air,and water transportation.special industy needs have led to the development of other transportation mo

19、des,such as pipelines,cables,and belts.现今的交通运输系统,包括地面运输,空中运输和水上运输,清楚地表明日益复杂的运输手段的演变。特殊行业的需求导致另外一些运输方式,譬如管道运输,索道运输和输送带运输的发展。4.aircraft,trucks,trains,computers,and offices cost a fixed amount of money no matter what the degree of utilization(i.e.,from idle to around-the-clock utilization,the fixed cos

20、t remains the same).不管其利用程度如何,飞机,载重汽车,铁路列车,计算机和办公室要花费固定数量的钱。就是说,从空闲互一天24小时使用,固定费用仍然相同。?5.variable costs tend to be proportional to the degree of utilization.the more the equipment is utilized,the more labor that is necessaty to operate them,the more fuel that is mecessaty to produce propulsion,and t

21、he more mainrenance that is required,due to the increased wear and tear.变动费用往往与利用程度成正比。设备利用得越多,操纵设备所必须的劳动力就越多,所必须的燃料就越多,由于磨损所需要的维护就越多。6.the absolute magnitude of the fixed cost and the mangnitude of the variable cost relative to the fixed cost determine the existence of economics of scale.econmies o

22、f scale exist when first ,the fixed cost is high(thus the more the units over which it is spread,the lower the cost per unit),and second,the variable cost is small compared with the fixed cost.固定费用的绝对数量和变动费用相对固定费用的数量决定规模经济的存在。首先,当固定费用高的时候,其次,当变动费用同固定费用相比较小的时候,规模经济存在。text B choice of mode1.advance pu

23、rchase of supersaver fares may reduce the air transpotation cost substantially.提前购买特惠机票可以大量地减少乘心机出行的费用。2.the destination point may restrict the mode choice set,or it may require the use of more than one long-distance transportation moed.目的地可能限制出行方式的选择,它可能需要利用一种以上的长距离交通方式。3.in terms of fast service ,

24、the competitiveness of modes can be judged by their ability to provide minimum overall travel time from origin to destination on a door-to-door basis.就快速服务而言,各种交通方式的竞争力可以用它们的以门到门为基础,从起点到终点的最小出行总时间来判断。4.considering the door-to-door time frame,it is likely that several modes may offer competitive serv

25、ice.考虑门到门时间的原则,很可能有几种交通方式可以提供有竞争力的服务。5.regular rail and bus possess competition advantage in terms of travel monetaty expenses.常规的铁路和公共汽车在出行费用方面占有竞争优势。6.the major objective of advanced transportation technoologies is the substantial reduction of travel time and the reduction of fuel consumption,poll

26、ution,and noise.先进的交通运输技术的主要目的是极大地减少出行时间,并且减少燃料消耗,污染和噪声。?reading materials1.Motor caiiiers constitute the most ubiquitous mode of freight transportation. The extensive high-way network is the major cause of the popularity and efficiency of this mode.汽车运输是货物运输中最为普遍存在的交通方式。广泛的公路网络是这种交通方式普及和高效率的主要原因。2.

27、Themajor advantages of this mode of transportation are high speed ang high accessibility. Limi-tations in volume and weight are the principal disadvantages,and the rates charged are less competitive compared with the railroads.这种交通方式的主要优点高速度和高通达性。容积和载重量有限是其主要缺点;而且与铁路相比,其收取的费率也缺乏竞争力。3.Trucking indust

28、ry is characterized by low fixed and high variable costs.汽车运输业的特点是低固定成本和高变动成本。4.The large geographic coverage and carrying capacity as well as the low cost of transportation charged are the major advantages of the railroad mode. Another advantage of railroad is that they are more energy efficient an

29、d friendlier to the environment compared with their archrival,the motor carriers.覆盖面广.运载能力大.以及收费的运费低是铁路运输方式的主要优点。同他的主要竞争对手相比,铁路运输方式的另一个优点是节约能源和对环境有利。5.The railroad industry is characterized by high fixed costs since they own and maintain theie R/W,terminals,and rolling stock.Their variable costs are

30、 relativelty low.由于需要拥有并且维护它的通行道路.客货枢纽.运输车辆,铁路运输业的特点是固定成本高。它的变动成本相对要低。6.Historically,air travel is the latest developed mode of transportantion. The advantages of this mode are fast terminal-to-terminal transportation,reliable service,and attention to the customer.Limited frequency of flights,capaci

31、ty restrictions,ang poor service of small cities are disadvantages.从历史上看,航空客运是最晚发展的运输方式。这种运输方式的优点是枢纽间的运送快.服务可靠和对顾客的关注。航班频率有限.运载能力受限以及对小城市的服务差是其缺点。7.The airline industry is characterized by low fixed and high variable costs.航空业的特点是固定成本低而变动成本高。8.Pipelines have certian unique characteristics.First they

32、 transport a very limited variety of commodities, which must be in liquid form; second, they have a limited geographic coverage; and third, they have no backhaul movement(i.e.,one-way transportation only).?管道运输具有一些独特的特点。首先,它运送的货物种类有限,即货物必须是液态的;其次,它的覆盖面有限;最后,它没有回程运输,即单方向的运输。9.Pipelines have high capi

33、tal costs required for establishing a pipeline service.On the other hand variable costs are relatively low.为建立管道运输服务,需要很高的资本。而另一方面,它的变动成本相对要低。Unit three transportation planning Texe A definition of transportation planning 1.The fundamental obiective of transportation is to provide the efficient and

34、safe mobility needed to support a wide spectrum of other human needs for a heterogeneous society.交通运输的根本目的是满足一个成分复杂的社会的人们广泛的其他需求而提高效率.安全的移动性。2.The merging and interaction of three disparate planning perspectives(the intercity highway planning,the traffic engineering,and the urban planning)produced t

35、he basic elements of the contemporary transportation planning process,incorporating technical analyses,citizen participation, and a concern for a large variety of social, economic,and environmental impacts in addition to connectivity and accessibility.三种完全不同的规划远景(城间公路规划.交通工程和城市规划)的结合和相互作用产生现代交通规划过程的

36、基本要素,包括技术分析.公民参与和在考虑连通性、通达性基础上的对社会、经济、环境的各种影响的关注。3.The fundamental purpose of transportation is to provide efficient access to various activities that satisfy human needs. The general goal of transportation planning is to accommodate this need for mobility. 交通运输的根本目的是提供满足人类需求的各种活动的高效率通路。因此,交通规划的总目标是

37、适应这一对移动性的需求。Text B transportation and land use There exists an intimate relationship between transportation and land development . The need for understanding of this interaction is also evident . The city form preferred by certain planners was closely related to the transportation technology of the

38、day . The radiahy expanding urban development exists along heavily traveled fixed-route streetcar and heavy rail lines . The subsequent proliferation of the ubiquitous automobile eliminated the search for ideal city forms and facilitated a wider range of unban structure possibilities . Gradually , t

39、he prescriptive nature of early master planning gave way to an adaptive approach that aimed at providing guidance for an orderly development of the region . To this day , zoning maps accompanied by zoning ordinances and other land-use policies remain the major tools of this approach . The zoning map

40、 specifies the tape ( e.g. , residential , manufacturing , mixed , open space ) and intensity ( e.g. , high-rise , low-density ) of the land uses permitted at designated locations within the region . However , if develop to the limits permitted by the zoning map , the population and land-based activ

41、ities in the region would far exceed the growth that is typically anticipated within normal planning horizons . The land-use policy expresses the communitys principles and procedures that are intended to guide land development in desirable directions . Among these rules are provision for the issuanc

42、e of zoning variances ( special permission to private or pubic-sector developers to deviate from the specifications of the current zoning map ) . In addition to zoning-map revisions , major changes in land-development policies take place in response to changing economic , social , and political cond

43、itions .在运输和土地开发之间,存在着一种潜在的关系。了解这种内在关系的必要性也是明显的。由指定的计划着提出的城市结构紧紧地联系着当时的运输技术。城市的辐射式扩张是沿着大量旅游固定路线和重轨铁路线路进行的。无所不在的汽车的随后增殖淘汰了对理想的城市结构的探索,并且使一个更大范围的城市结构形成的可能性增大。逐渐地,早期规划的规定的特色让位于一个合适的方案,这是由于此方案能够为该区域的有序发展提供指引。今天,区域地图、区域法规以及其他的土地使用政策是该方法的主要工具。区域地图详细的说明了该区域的指定位置被允许的类型和强度,然而,如果朝着区域地图允许的极限发展,那么此区域的人口以及基于土地的活

44、动将远远超过预期增长的正常计划范围。土地使用政策说明了集体的原则和程序,目的是指引着土地朝着期望的方向发展。在这些规则当中有些是提供了区域变动的出现。对于区域地图的校正,对经济的、社会的以及政治状况的改变,一些主要的土地发展变化就会出台。Since the basis of long-term regional-transportation prediction models is the future land-use pattern and since the zoning map provides room for a variety of future patterns , there

45、 exists a need to forecast the most likely pattern subject to zoning constraints and current land-use policy . This is precisely the purpose of the land-use prediction phase . However , the accumulated effect of zoning variance , the sequence in which major projects are implemented , and possible re

46、visions of the underlying land-use policies introduce a significant degree of uncertainty to a single land-use forecast . Moreover , if implemented major recommended modifications in the regional transportation system that are partly based on these forecasts would have an effect on the future land u

47、se by making certain areas within the region more accessible than others . This gives rise to the problem of model consistency on the grand scale : The predicted transportation demand may not be consistent with the assumptions of the land-use projection . Conceptually , the modeling of thisdynamic e

48、ffect may be rectified by introducing a feedbake link between the output of the travel-forecasting procedure and the land-use prediction phase to facilitate an iterative equilibrium solution . If such an approach were to be taken , the transportationforecasting models used would most probably need t

49、o be simplified . at least for the large urban areas . Specifically , the number of traffic-analysis zones would have to be kept at a minimum , whereas the transportation network would be specified at a corridor level rather than at the individual-facility link level . Planning analysis at a relatively high level of aggregation is known as sketch , or strategic , planning .由于长期的区域运输预测模


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