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1、电影加勒比海盗3的英文台词Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End scriptman In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of His Majesty, the king.

2、By decree, according to martial law, the following statutes are temporarily amended: Right to assembly, suspended. Right to habeas corpus, suspended. Right to legal counsel, suspended. Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended. By decree, all persons found guilty of piracy, or aiding a person c

3、onvicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy. .shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. The king and his men Stole the queen from her bed And bound her in her bones The seas be ours And by the powers Where we will, well roam Yo ho All hands Hoist the colors high all

4、 Heave-ho Thieves and beggars Never shall we die Yo ho Haul together Hoist the colors high Lord Beckett! Theyve started to sing, sir. - Finally. - Thieves and beggars Never shall we die woman Some have died and some are alive Others sail on the sea With the keys to the cage And the devil to pay We l

5、ay to Fiddlers Green The bell has been raised from its watery grave Hear its sepulchral tone A call to all Pay heed the squall fireworks ignite Turn your sails to home Yo ho Haul together Hoist the colors high Heave-ho - Thieve. - Thief and beggar. Never shall we die A dangerous song to be singing.

6、.for any who are ignorant of its meaning. Particularly a woman. Particularly a woman alone. man What makes you think shes alone? You protect her? And what makes you think I need protecting? Your masters expecting us. And an unexpected deathd cast a slight pall on our meeting. man 2 Pick those feet u

7、p! On the double! Eyes front! man 2 No, no, no. None. footsteps marching man It always takes me about a week to get my sea legs. I was throwing up horribly the last time. - squawk Steady as she goes. - hurdy-gurdy music plays All right. Have you heard anything from Will? I trust young Turner to acqu

8、ire the charts and you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng. Is he that terrifying? Hes much like myself, but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play. speaks in Chinese - metal cracks - Were through. Make ready. creaking Hurry now. Do you think because she is a woman w

9、e would not suspect her of treachery? Well, when you put it that way. Remove. Please. Remove. Please. Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore. sniffles More steam. - hissing - men shouting in Chinese grunting None of that. If things dont go the way we want, then were the only chance theyve got. I und

10、erstand that you have a request to make of me. More of a proposal to put to ye. Ive a venture underway and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew. Hmm. Its an odd coincidence. Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you dont need? No. Because earlier this day, not far from here, a thief bro

11、ke into my most revered uncles temple and tried to make off with these. The navigational charts. The route to the Farthest Gate. Wouldnt it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one? It would strain credulity at that. splashing gasping This is the thief. Is his face f

12、amiliar to you? Then I guess he has no further need for it. No, no! You come into my city and you betray my hospitality. - I assure you I had no idea. - That he would get caught! You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones Locker. But I cannot help but wonder. Why? The song has been sung. The tim

13、e is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court. As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call. More steam. More steam! groans - There is a price on all our heads. - Aye. It is true. It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore. .is by betraying other pirates. Barbossa We mus

14、t put our differences aside. Wait for the signal. Barbossa The First Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas. But now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett. Sao Feng Against East India Trading Company, what value is the Brethren Court? What can any of us do? You can fight! Get off me!

15、 You are Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore. You command in an age of piracy where bold captains sail free waters. Where waves arent measured in feet, but as increments of fear, and those who pass the test become legend. Would you have that era come to an end on your watch? The most notorious pi

16、rates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater! Elizabeth Swann. There is more to you than meets the eye, isnt there? And the eye does not go wanting. But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question. What is it you seek i

17、n Davy Jones Locker? Jack Sparrow. giggling Hes one of the pirate lords. Sao Feng The only reason. .I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead. .is so I can send him back myself! Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight. He failed to pass it along to a successor before he

18、 died. So we must go and get him back. So you admit. .you have deceived me. Weapons! yelling Weapons. Sao Feng, I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable. Drop your weapons or I kill the man! Kill him. Hes not our man. If hes not with you, and hes not with us. .whos he with? - door opens -

19、 Charge! Will! gasps man Look out! Look behind you! clamoring Ready! Fire. shouts Chart! Boo! Company! Make ready. Set. Fire! Company! Make ready. Set. hurdy-gurdy music playing - Fire! - explosion shouting and gunfire continues metal clanging on floor Its an odd coincidence, isnt it? The East India

20、 Trading Company finds me the day you show up in Singapore. It is coincidence only. gun cocks If you want to make a deal with Beckett, you need what I offer. You cross Barbossa. You are willing to cross Jack Sparrow. Why should I expect any better? I need the Black Pearl to free my father. Youre hel

21、ping me to get it. squawks Uh-oh. Fire in the hole. popping and exploding man screaming Thank you, Jack. - screeches - squawk Thank you, Jack. - You have the charts? - And better yet. - A ship and a crew. - Wheres Sao Feng? Hell cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove. This way. Be quick. Gib

22、bs Haul the snotters with a will! Pintel Keep it taut. Gibbs Secure provisions and stow the cargo. Theres no place left for Sao Feng to cower. Do you think he will honor the call? I cannot say. Theres an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. cannon

23、 fire booming A piece of eight. Nine of them, you say. Our new friend in Singapore was very specific, sir. Nine pieces of eight. Whats the significance of that, I wonder. Nothing can hold against the armada. Not with the Flying Dutchman at the lead. Nothing we know of. Did your friend mention where

24、the Brethren Court are meeting? He was mum on that, sir. Hmm. Then he knows the value of information. Better keep this between ourselves. We dont want anyone running off to Singapore, do we? - Ah, admiral. - You summoned me, Lord Beckett. Yes. Something for you there. Your new station deserves an ol

25、d friend. - Not more requisition orders. - No, sir. Execution. sword unsheathed The Brethren know they face extinction. All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand. No one said anything about cold. Im sure there must be a good reason for our suffering. Why dont that obea

26、h woman bring Jack back the same way - she brought back Barbossa? - Because Barbossa was only dead. Jack Sparrow is taken, body and soul, to a place not of death, but punishment. The worst fate a person can bring upon himself. .stretching on forever. Thats what awaits at Davy Jones Locker. Yeah. I k

27、new there was a good reason. groaning shudders Nothing here is set. These cant be as accurate as modern charts. No. But it leads to more places. Over the edge. Over again. Sunrise sets. Flash of green. Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa? Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs? I recko

28、n I seen my fair share. Happens on rare occasion. The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky. Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it. Some claim to have seen it who aint. And some say. It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead. - Sorry. - Trust me,

29、 young Master Turner. Its not getting to the land of the dead thats the problem. Its getting back. man Bosun! Head to wind! Lift the sail! man Bosun! Head to wind! Lift the sail! man 2 Aye, aye, sir! Bloody hell. Theres nothing left. Jones is a loose cannon, sir. Fetch the chest. And the governor? H

30、es been asking questions about the heart. Does he know? Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course. - organ playing - sighing music box playing music box stops man Step lively, men. Step lively! Stand fast! Steady, men. Go. All of you. And take that infernal thing with you. I will not have it on

31、 my ship! Oh, Im sorry to hear that. because I will. Because it seems to be the only way to ensure that this ship do as directed by the company. We need prisoners to interrogate, which tends to work best when theyre alive. The Dutchman sails as its captain commands. And its captain is to sail it as

32、commanded. I would have thought youd learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet. This is no longer your world, Jones. The immaterial has become. .immaterial. Norrington Charge your bayonets. heartbeat How long do we continue not talking? Once we rescue Jack, everythingll be fine. Then we rescu

33、e Jack. For what we want most. .there is a cost must be paid in the end. - Barbossa, ahead! - Aye, were good and lost now. - Lost? - For certain you have to be lost to find a place as cant be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was. - Were gaining speed. - Aye. To stations! All hands to st

34、ations! - men shouting - Huh? Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way. Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true! Blimey. - Youve doomed us all. - Dont be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again, and these be the last friendly words youll hear. Tie her off. muttering Hard aport. men s

35、houting Hold on! - music playing - cannons firing man laughs Strike your colors, you blooming cockroaches. man 2 Dead men tell no tales. echoing man sniffing gunshot My peanut. Haul the halyard. Slacken braces. Aye, captain. Slacken braces. Step lively with a will. - Aye, aye. - Right away, sir. I w

36、ant a fire down below! - Help. - Man the yards, you filthy toads. muffled groaning clucking all Haul! Haul! Haul the sheets handsomely. Scandalize the lateens. - Aye, sir. - Right away, sir. - Mr. Sparrow? - Aye, capn. What say you about the condition of this tack line? - It be proper to my eyes, si

37、r. - Proper? It is neither proper nor suitable, sir. It is not acceptable nor adequate. It is, in obvious fact, an abomination. Begging your pardon, sir, but if you gave a man another chance. - Shall I? - unsheathes sword Its that sort of thinking got us into this mess. We have lost speed and, there

38、fore, time. Precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost. Do you understand? - all Aye, aye, captain. - Do you now? It will all have to be redone. All of it. And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you. Doldrums, sir, has the entire crew on edge. I have no sympathy for any of you feculent

39、 maggots, and no more patience to pretend otherwise. Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness. No wind. Of course, theres no bloody wind. My soul I do swear for a breeze. Gust. Whisper. A tiny, miniature lick. Yes, sir, I know, but why? Why would he do that? Because hes a lummox, isnt he? We sha

40、ll have a magnificent garden party and youre not invited. Shoo. A rock. Now were being followed by rocks. Never had that before. Oh. A rope. grunting panting rumbling coughing and gagging This truly is a godforsaken place. I dont see Jack. I dont see anyone. Hes here. Davy Jones never once gave up t

41、hat what he took. And does it matter? Were trapped here by your doing. No different than Jack. Witty Jack is closer than you think. Impossible. Boat. Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. Its Jack. - Its the captain! - A sight for sore eyes. parrot Hide the rum. - Mr. Gibbs. - Aye, capn. I thought

42、so. I expect youre able to account for your actions, then. Sir? Theres been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? - Why is that, sir? - Sir, youre. Youre in Davy Jones Locker, capn. I know that. I know where I am. - And dont think I dont. - Jack Sparrow. Oh, Hector. Its be

43、en too long. Hasnt it? Aye. Isla de Muerta, remember? You shot me. No, I didnt. Tia Dalma, out and about, eh? You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium. He thinks were a hallucination. William, tell me something: Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing da

44、msel, or rather, damsel in distress? Either one. No. Well, then, you wouldnt be here, would you? So you cant be here. Q.E.D., youre not really here. Elizabeth Jack. This is real. Were here. - The Locker, you say? - Aye. Weve come to rescue you. Have you, now? Thats very kind of you. But it would see

45、m that as I possess a ship and you dont, youre the ones in need of rescuing, and Im not sure as Im in the mood. I see my ship. Right there. Cant spot it. Must be a tiny little thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl. Jack, Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones. - He controls the Flying Dutchman

46、. - Hes taking over the seas. The song has been sung. The Brethren Court is called. Leave you alone for a minute, look what happens. Everythings gone to pot. Aye. The world needs you back something fierce. And you need a crew. Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past. One of you succeeded. O


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