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1、Unit 3 A healthy diet,sound time culture time and cartoon time,一、课时目标1、学生能熟练地用所学语言来谈论自己的饮食习惯和什么是健康的饮食。2、学生能掌握字母组合“ou”的发音规律,能举一反三。3、学生了解本单元文化知识:中西方早餐食物的差异。4、学生能在情景中自主理解故事大意,通过自主阅读,强化语言知识,训练语言技能,培养学生阅读理解能力。二、教学重难点教学目标2、3、4,What is a healthy diet?,what do you think about your diet?Do you have a healthy

2、 diet?How about your classmates?,Lets report.,some porridgesteamed buns,Lets report.,porridge 粥,糊steamed buns 馒头,Lets report.,a little ricea little meata lot of vegetables,a little ricea lot of vegetablessome fruit,Lets report.,选择学生非常喜欢熟悉的人物来引出西方人早餐吃什么。,What does she have for breakfast?,Lets report.

3、,Lets report.,cereal 麦片sausages 香肠,腊肠,Lets report.,western 西方,Whats the difference?What can you find?,Chinese people often have some porridgeand steamed buns for breakfast.,Culture time,Western people often have cereal,bread,eggs and sausages for breakfast.,What else do Chinese people eat for breakf

4、ast?,steamed stuffed bun,noodles,steamed roll,sesame seed bun,dumplings,pickles,soya bean milk,deep-fried dough,What else do Western people eat for breakfast?,fried egg,bacon,milk,black tea,coffee,juice,通过拓展中西早餐文化的对比,进一步挖掘中西文化差异。,Do you often drink milk for breakfast?,Do you often eat bread for brea

5、kfast?,Chinese breakfast is good,Western breakfast is also good,but health is the most important,and I think people from all over the world like the healthy breakfast.I hope the Western people also like Chinese breakfast.,体现中西方文化交融,?,Which one does he like?Why?,引导学生能从口感和营养的角度进行描述,Fish is good for us

6、.It can make us clever,we should eat some fish every day.,Read and answer,What do you think of the story?What do you know about the story?,让学生初步感知文本,体会文本的幽默,Read and ask,What food do they buy?What happens at last?,以自主提问,自主探索的方式激发学生阅读的主体意识,引导学生进一步走进文本,深入理解文本。,What questions can you ask to help your c

7、lassmates know this story?,What food do they buy?,Read and answer,cola,a bottle of cola,a lot of cola,much cola,Can Sam drink too much cola?Why?,引导学生能从健康饮食的角度给出建议,Read and answer,They buy so many things.Is Sam happy at last(最后)?,?,What happens at last?,Read and answer,Oh no!,Read and answer,sad,I ha

8、ve to go to the supermarket.Do you want to come with me,Sam?,Yes,Mum.Lets go.,There is not food in the fridge.,much,Listen and read,Sam sees some drinks.,Mum,can I have some cola?,Yes,but take a small bottle.You shouldnt drink too much cola.,Listen and read,Sam wants some fish too.,I want this big f

9、ish,Mum.,OK.,Listen and read,Then,Sam sees some rice.,Mum,do we need rice?,Yes,we need a lot of rice.Take the big bag.,Listen and read,Now they are going home.,The fish is too heavy.Can we have a rest,Mum?,OK.,Listen and read,Oh no!,Listen and read,Add the title,Go shopping Sams food Sam and Sam s M

10、um,Oh no!,Add the end,?,创编结尾可以培养学生的创造性思维,使学生对故事有更深入的理解和思考。,Acting time,Act with books,Act without books,Act creatively(有创意的表演),Who is in the kitchen?What is she doing?What is she shouting?Why is she shouting?,Mrs Li,“Get out!Get out!”,shouts,Theres a little mouse In her house.,ou,ou,ou,ou,ou,/a/,/,/a/,/,blouse,cloud,young,cousin,loudly,sound,country,touch,Homework,1.会四人一小组表演Cartoon time。2.巩固ou的发音,收集含有ou发音的单词。3.读听读空间第30页,积累更多词汇。,Chinese breakfast(图)Western breakfast(图),图(Sams Mum),supermarket,drinks,fish,rice,图(Sams),Unit 3 A healthy diet,板书设计:,


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