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1、聘用外国人就业许可申请表Permit Application for Recruiting Foreign Worker in China组织机构代码证号: 就业证号:Organization Code No.: Employment Permit No.: 聘用单位全称(盖章):Full name of the employing organization (seal):此处贴近期2寸免冠彩照A recent bareheaded colour photo of 2 inches聘用单位地址:Address of the employing organization:姓名(中文):Name

2、(in Chinese):姓名(英文):Name (in English):性 别:Sex:男 女M F出生日期:Date of Birth:申 请 事 项:Items of application新办就业许可证书First Application for Employment License持就业许可证书及职业(Z)签证办理就业证Application for Employment Permit by holders of Employment License and Z-type vocational visa代表处人员持职业(Z)签证办理就业证Application for Employ

3、ment Permit by staff of Representative Offices with Z-type vocational visa持有效的就业居留许可办理就业证Application for Employment Permit by holders of valid Employment Residence Permit就业证延期Application for extension of Employment Permit就业证补发 Application for reissuance of Employment Permit就业证变更Application for chang

4、e of Employment Permit聘用人员类别:Category of workers一般申请General application投资者Investor行政、管理人员 Administration staff技术人员Technical staff首席代表 Chief representative一般代表 General representative医生 Doctor球员Player教练 Coach特殊申请Special application行政、管理人员 Administration staff技术人员 Technical staff聘用岗位:Intended position健

5、康状况证明:Health Condition健康检查证明书Certificate of Health Examination外籍、港、澳、台人员体格检查记录 Physical ExaminationRecordfor Foreigners and Personnel From Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan文化程度:Education:国 籍:Nationality:证件种类:Type of Identification:护照 其他国际旅行证件 Passport Other international travel documents证件号码:Identificati

6、on No.:签发日期:Date of Issue:有效日期:Valid until:签证种类:Visa type:签证号码:Visa No.:签发日期:Date of Issue:有效日期:Valid until:是否有中国住址:Any Residential Address in China:有 无Yes No联系电话:Contact No.:申请人在中国住址:Residential Address in China of Applicant:劳动合同期限:Labour Contract Duration:由 年 月 日至 年 月 日From (y) (m) (d) to (y) (m)

7、(d)工作简历(新办的为必填项,延期的为非必填项。内容应包括:起始时间、单位名称、所在国家或地区、担任的职务、取得的业绩及各类执业资格、技术认证)。Work Experience (Required for First Application. Optional for Extension. The content should include: Starting and Ending Dates, Name of the Employing Organization, Country or Region of Employment, Position, Achievements, Quali

8、fications and Skills Acquired.)申请人声明:本人所填写的内容及提供的资料均属真实,如有隐瞒或虚构,由本人承担一切法律责任。Declaration of the Applicant: All the content I have filled in and all the information I have provided here is true. I shall take the legal responsibility in case of concealed or false information.申请人签名:Signature of the Appl

9、icant:年 月 日(y) (m) (d)镇(街)人力资源部门意见Suggestion by HR Dept. of the Town or Community经办人: Handled by: 年 月 日 (y) (m) (d)镇(街)人力资源部门盖章(Seal of the HR Dept of the Town or Community)审核人: Approved by:年 月 日 (y) (m) (d)市人力资源部门意见Suggestion by Municipal HR Dept.经办人: 审核人:Handled by: Approved by:年 月 日 年 月 日(y) (m) (d) (y) (m) (d)


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