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1、毕业设计(论文)专业翻译 专 业 名 称 工 商 管 理 班 级 学 号 08092107 学 生 姓 名 罗 芬 指 导 教 师 杜 驰 Employment agencyAn employment agency is an organization which matches employers to employees. In all developed countries there is a publicly funded employment agency and multiple private businesses which also act as employment ag

2、encies.Public employment agenciesOne of the oldest references to a public employment agency was in 1650, when Henry Robinson proposed an Office of Addresses and Encounters that would link employers to workers. The British Parliament rejected the proposal, but he himself opened such a business, altho

3、ugh it was short-lived. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every developed country has created a public employment agency as a way to combat unemployment and help people find work.In the United Kingdom the first agency began in London, through the Labour Bureau (London) Act 1902, and subs

4、equently nationwide by the Liberal government through the Labour Exchanges Act 1909. The present public provider of job search help is called Jobcentre plus.In the United States, a federal programme of employment services was rolled out in the New Deal. The initial legislation was called the Wagner-

5、Peyser Act of 1933 and more recently job services happen through one-stop centres established by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.Private employment agenciesThe first private employment agency in the United States was opened by Fred Winslow who opened Engineering Agency in 1893.citation needed I

6、t later became part of General Employment Enterprises who also owned Businessmens Clearing House (est. 1902). Another of the oldest agencies was developed by Katharine Felton as a response to the problems brought on by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire.Many temporary agencies specialize in

7、a particular profession or field of business, such as accounting, health care, technical, or secretarial.Legal statusFor most of the twentieth century, private employment agencies were considered quasi illegal entities under international lawcitation needed. The International Labour Organization ins

8、tead called for the establishment of public employment agencies. To prevent the abusive practices of private agencies, they were either to be fully abolished, or tightly regulated. In most countries they are legal but regulated.Probably inspired by the dissenting judgments in a US Supreme Court case

9、 called Adams v. Tanner, the International Labour Organizations first ever Recommendation was targeted at fee charging agencies. The Unemployment Recommendation, 1919 (No.1), Art. 1 called for each member to,take measures to prohibit the establishment of employment agencies which charge fees or whic

10、h carry on their business for profit. Where such agencies already exist, it is further recommended that they be permitted to operate only under government licenses, and that all practicable measures be taken to abolish such agencies as soon as possible.The Unemployment Convention, 1919, Art. 2 inste

11、ad required the alternative of,a system of free public employment agencies under the control of a central authority. Committees, which shall include representatives of employers and workers, shall be appointed to advise on matters concerning the carrying on of these agencies.In 1933 the Fee-Charging

12、 Employment Agencies Convention (No.34) formally called for abolition. The exception was if the agencies were licensed and a fee scale was agreed in advance. In 1949 a new revised Convention (No.96) was produced. This kept the same scheme, but secured an opt out (Art.2) for members that did not wish

13、 to sign up. Agencies were an increasingly entrenched part of the labor market. The United States did not sign up to the Conventions. The latest Convention, the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No.181) takes a much softer stance and calls merely for regulation.In most countries, agencie

14、s are regulated, for instance in the UK under the Employment Agencies Act 1973, or in Germany under the Arbeitnehmerberlassungsgesetz (Employee Hiring Law of 1972).Executive recruitmentAn executive-search firm is a type of employment agency that specializes in recruiting executive personnel for comp

15、anies in various industries. This term may apply to job-search-consulting firms who charge job candidates a fee and who specialize in mid-to-upper-level executives. In the United States, some states require job-search-consulting firms to be licensed as employment agencies.Some third-party recruiters

16、 work on their own, while others operate through an agency, acting as direct contacts between client companies and the job candidates they recruit. They can specialize in client relationships only (sales or business development), in finding candidates (recruiting or sourcing), or in both areas. Most

17、 recruiters tend to specialize in either permanent, full-time, direct-hire positions, or in contract positions, but occasionally in both. In an executive-search assignment, the employee-gaining client company not the person being hired pays the search firm its fee. Executive AgentAn executive agent

18、is a type of agency that represents executives seeking senior executive positions which are often unadvertised. In the United Kingdom, almost all positions up to 125,000 ($199,000) a year are advertised and 50% of vacancies paying 125,000 150,000 are advertised. However 5% of positions which pay mor

19、e than 150,000 (with the exception of the public sector) are advertised and are often in the domain of around 4,000 executive recruiters in the United Kingdom. Often such roles are unadvertised to maintain stakeholder confidence and to overcome internal uncertainties. The executive agent would ident

20、ify the various head-hunters or recruiters who have been given the brief in seeking a candidate. A senior executive would typically pay the agent a fee in a similar fashion to an actor paying a talent agent. Whilst the Employment Agencies Act 1973 prohibited employment agencies charging in the UK, i

21、n November 2008, there was a European amendment to (c. 35), in section 9 (inspection), subsection (4), of the act.职业介绍所职业介绍所是专为雇主介绍求职者的机构。在发达国家,有一种职业介绍所是受公共机构支助的,同时许多私有企业也充当着职业介绍所的角色。公益职业介绍所最古老的公益职业所之一可追溯到17世纪50年代。那时候。亨利.罗宾森提出了“办公室的地址和遭遇”这样一个能将雇主与求职者联系在一起的理念。英国国会否决了这个提案。然而他自己却秉着这个理念,开了这样一家公司,尽管公司存在的

22、时间并不长久。二十一世纪伊始,每个发达国家都创立了这么一种公益职业介绍所,以此作为解决失业问题及帮助人们寻找工作的方式。在英联邦,第一家职业介绍所成立于伦敦。1902年通过劳工局伦敦法案,接着因通过工党1909劳工交换法案而家喻户晓。目前提供寻找工作机遇的机构称为“工作中心”。在美国,联邦式的职业服务起源于New Deal。 第一项立法称为1933 Wagner-Peyser 法案,而近期更多的职业服务都是通过1998劳工投资法案的建立而得以实施的。私有职业介绍所美国第一家私有职业介绍所由Fred Winslow 创立,他在1893年成立工程技能介绍所。这家介绍所后来成为求职企业的一部分。另外

23、一家资历最深的介绍所由Katharine Felton成立,其创立介绍所的原因是缘自1906旧金山的地震及火灾。许多临时性的介绍所往往只专长于某个领域,如财务,保健,技术 或文职类。法律地位二十一世纪的大半时间里,私有职业介绍所被认为在国际法里是不合法的。因此国际劳工组织呼吁公益职业介绍所的成立。为防止私有介绍所的肆意泛滥,这些机构不是被取消就是被严密的监管。在大部分国家,如今这些私有机构是合法的,但却是被严格规范着的。或许美国高级法院对于案件Adams V. Tanner 的分歧审判激发了国家劳工组织针对收费性介绍所拟定建议法的灵感。1919 的失业建议法呼吁每个成员国采取措施防止收费性或以

24、介绍职业谋取私利的组织。若此种介绍所已存在,建议法还建议其可在获得政府许可后继续营业,并在最短的时间内采取一切可行措施进行取缔。1919 失业公约2 要求,“在中央政府或委员会控制下的公益职业介绍所体系应该包含雇主及求职双方的代表,选举的代表应就如何运行这些机构提供建议。”1933年收费性职业介绍所通过第34项公约正式取缔。获得许可证可运行的或在一定收费规模内被提前批准运行的介绍所得以幸免。1949 新修改公约第96项诞生,该项公约延续原有体制,但对于不愿参与的成员国保留了退出的权利。介绍所越来越成为劳动力市场中坚不可摧的一部分。美国并没有加入该公约。私有职业介绍所公约,最新的一份公约,定于1

25、997年,第181项,则采取了更为柔和的姿态,仅仅呼吁私有介绍所遵守规章。在大多数国家,介绍所均得到规范,如在英国,介绍所在1973就业介绍所法案的规范下运行,在德国,法案为1972 雇佣法。行政录用行政招聘公司是专为各企业公司寻找行政管理人才的职业介绍所。这一术语适用于各种求职咨询公司,这种公司对于求职者将收取费用,且擅长挖掘中高层管理人才。在美国,一些州要求这种咨询公司需获得许可才能成为职业介绍所。一些第三方招聘公司自行其道,而其他则是介绍所形式,充当客户公司及求职者之间的直接联系人。他们可以只专长于客户关系维护(销售或企业发展),或寻找求职者(招聘及搜索资源)或两者皆攻。大部分招聘公司倾



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